Your Soundsgood playlists are coming to Instagram! 📷✨ + New Features

Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2018


⏰ In short

  1. Publish playlist in Instagram Stories, Posts & Bios 📷✨
  2. Share playlists with a faster music player 🚀
  3. Listeners can now share your playlists from embeds 🤝
  4. Many improvements and bug fixes 💥

We love Instagram, it conveys so much with just a pic… and the captions, they are kind of new punchlines! With all your continuous requests for Instagram support, it was about time we did something about it.

Good folks, as of today, you can now publish your Soundsgood playlists in Instagram Posts & Stories!

How to share playlists natively in Instagram Stories?

If you manage a verified account or if you have a business profile with over 10,000 followers, you can access the “Insert link” feature.

Click the chain icon at the top of your Story Editor. Insert your Soundsgood playlist URL, and voilà — the playlist will be natively embedded in your Instagram Story. No more “link in bio” — amazing, right?

PRO TIP: You can also insert links in Instagram Sponsored Stories.

Make sure your Story clearly states that people should swipe up to enjoy the playlist. An up arrow or a “Swipe up” call to action should do the trick!

How to share playlists in Instagram Posts & Bio?

If you are not (yet) a the top of the “Insta Game”, we got you covered! Just add your Soundsgood playlist link in your Bio and create stunning posts and stories as usual.

In this new version, we have made sure that Instagram followers clicking on your Bio will land on a 100% responsive optimized Soundsgood player to enjoy your playlist on the go.

You can also insert a short-link in your post caption. You can get a shortlink by clicking SHARE on your Soundsgood playlist page, or customize yours on services such as

Is that all?

We have also brought many improvements here and there on Soundsgood:


We have optimized the loading-time of the Soundsgood player. It is now faster and more consistent: the whole player now appears at once, and before that, your listeners on slower connections won’t scroll past the loading player since it now features your custom color.


At the top of your embedded players, you will notice a new SHARE button allowing listeners to make your playlist go viral on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


Since our new core technology release, we have dramatically reduced the number of errors you can encounter while sync-ing your playlists across all streaming services from Soundsgood.

We have also made sure you know how to react if you encounter an error that is due to a streaming service restriction. For instance, YouTube is blocking the “<” and “>” characters in your playlist titles and descriptions. Soundsgood now alerts you directly right from the playlist editor.

What’s next? 🔮

We have plenty of cool new features in the box, but are also re-thinking our existing features to make them better and more powerful. There is also an ongoing task force working on a future Premium account with professional enhancements to the service.

Thanks a lot for your continuous emails and chat conversations suggesting ideas to where Soundsgood should be headed, we could not do that without you! Clap clap! 👏😊

Louis for Soundsgood
Originaly posted on


  • New feature: Support native Instagram browser on smartphones
  • New feature: Customize playlist page with URL parameters
  • New feature: At the end of a new playlist publication, a new modal appears with options to either go to the public playlist or go back to editing
  • New feature: Allow playlist curators to have a workaround for the most common sync errors (revoked Spotify access, Deezer timeout, Youtube connect without a proper channel, “>,<” characters in YouTube title/description)
  • New feature: Add SHARE button on embedded players
  • Improvement: Faster loading time with reduced time between click on PLAY and “PLAY WITH” modal (on desktops and smartphones)
  • Improvement: Consistent loading experience, your tracklist now appears at the same time that your playlist title and artwork, not afterwards
  • Improvement: Before the embedded player is fully loaded, the iframe background color is now tainted with the influencers’ custom color
  • Improvement: The player is reloaded after a 1st-time Deezer connect to avoid Deezer timeouts
  • Improvement: In the Soundsgood player, returning Spotify listeners do not have the weird auto-scrolling to the Spotify embedded player anymore.
  • Improvement: See more Deezer search results in the Playlist Editor
  • Improvement: Only show latest playlist in Community section since the other legacy filters where obsolete
  • Improvement: Auto redirect http to https on Soundsgood players
  • Bug fix: Since a recent update, new playlists appeared at the bottom of your playlist feed instead of at the top
  • Bug fix: Sometimes, short links ( generated just after playlist publication could point to blank pages
  • Bug fix: Since a recent SoundCloud API update, tracks and playlists could not be searched / imported in Soundsgood
  • Bug fix: In Private Tabs, it was impossible to log on Soundsgood
  • Bug fix: Due to a growing community on Soundsgood, our YouTube API quotas were not sufficient anymore
  • Bug fix: Listeners of Firefox could not click Share on Facebook and Twitter
  • Bug fix: Link to Soundsgood Terms of Use was broken
  • Bug fix: Playlist artwork crop zone in playlist editor did not match the crop zone used on the Soundsgood playlist page
  • Bug fix: In Chrome, the“Check track sources” modal untimely opened whenever playlist curators interacted with the tracklist in the Playlist Editor
  • Bug fix: “Open with” modal was stuck after selecting a streaming service added with the “Direct link” feature

