10 Essential Tips to Have a Revitalizing Christmas Break

Kirsten Amor
iTech Grow and Tell
3 min readDec 29, 2020

We’re ready to say goodbye to 2020, but how do we feel when we look to the New Year ahead? After months of us all saying, ‘Let’s just get through this year,’ 2021 offers a fresh start. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on our wellbeing, and how we can look towards the New Year with a positive outlook.

The period between Christmas and New Year is the perfect time to start. At some point, you will run out of Christmas chocolate and booze to binge on, as well as things to watch on Netflix (if you didn’t already “finish” it back in lockdown). If you’re keen to leave your slothful ways on the sofa but don’t know where to start, then give our tips a try:

1. Break up with your phone.

On average, people spend more than three hours a day on their smartphones. Swap doom-scrolling and endless notifications with activities that benefit your wellbeing. A short holiday from your small screen might help you feel more optimistic for the next year.

2. Spend time outdoors.

Everyone knows spending time in nature is good for their physical health, but it provides several mental benefits, too. The charity Mind states on its website that time outdoors can help reduce stress, increase relaxation, and even improve self-esteem. Whether it’s going for a walk or playing sports outside, any time spent outdoors will leave you feeling energized.

3. Reflect on the year’s successes.

Many of us focus so much on what we have not achieved in a year that we ignore what we accomplished. Reset your mental approach this Christmas and focus on the positives. Celebrate your hard work and drive and give your esteem the boost it needs for the New Year!

4. Spend time on hobbies.

People spend a huge amount of the year pursuing KPIs, PBs, goals, and countless other metrics of improvements. When do we take a break from this pursuit of success, and recharge the batteries? Spending time on hobbies you enjoy, regardless of whether you’re good at them, can make worried thoughts or stress fade into the background. Drawing, video games, and writing are popular options you can enjoy with others or on your own.

5. Exercise.

It can be hard to squeeze exercise into all the merriment of the Christmas holidays. When it comes to feeling restored and energized though, exercise is one of the best activities we can do. Regular workouts can help you sleep better, improve your mood, and reduce stress. Perhaps give Couch to 5k a try or organize regular walks with friends.

6. Prioritize self-care.

2020 saw a huge number of people work from home or care for others. The pressure to always be available can sometimes cause us to forget to care for ourselves. This Christmas take time each day to do activities necessary to your wellbeing. Whether it’s meditating or eating a nourishing meal, prioritizing self-care will help you feel balanced and happy going into the New Year.

7. Try something new.

This doesn’t mean study for a qualification or set yourself any new goals to achieve. Trying something new helps your brain learn and adapt, and aids in self-confidence. It can also help you get out of a boring routine. Whether it’s a new exercise or recipe you want to try, get yourself out of the festive doldrums this year and give a new activity a whirl.

8. Declutter.

Living in a cluttered, messy space can make our brains feel equally chaotic. Take 10 minutes to tidy your main living or working space. Clearing away all the junk and distractions can help you focus and feel more creative.

9. Express gratitude.

It’s impossible to feel angry when expressing gratitude. Spend time each day and focus on the positive aspects in your life. Show appreciation toward the people that make you feel valued. The habit of expressing gratitude can shift your mind from focusing on negative aspects and give a more positive outlook.

10. Read more.

Not only is reading good for improving knowledge, studies show it can also strengthen your brain. Swap your phone for a paperback over the Christmas period, and lose yourself in a great story or interesting topic.



Kirsten Amor
iTech Grow and Tell

Writer and editor; lover of high places 🧗🏼‍♀️ wide spaces 🗻 and steady paces🏃🏼‍♀️