5 Calls 2018 Midterm Challenge Week 7: All Hands On Deck!

5 Calls 🇺🇸
It’s Your Call
2 min readOct 29, 2018

Welcome back! In our first six weeks, you laid the foundation for you and your friends to successfully vote and helped swing a key race. (If this is your first visit, catch up via our Midterm Challenge Introduction and previous challenges here.)

And if you’re looking for a little extra encouragement and motivation, make sure to sign up for MoveOn’s Sunday evening calls from now until the Midterms. Next Sunday (November 4) will feature Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, MoveOn’s Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman, and more.

We are in the homestretch now. Only one more full week before Election Day — now is the time to really lean into your GOTV efforts.

1.REVIEW YOUR VOTING PLAN— If you haven’t already voted by mail or early voting, take a minute to sit down and make sure you know when, where, and how (ID requirements, etc) you are going to vote on Nov 6.

2. REMIND YOUR FRIENDS TO VOTE — You know your friends best so pick the best way to contact them (text, phone call, invite reminder to the calendar invite you set up). Make sure they are planning to vote, and ask them to check in with their friends and family too!

3. DOUBLE-DOWN ON VOLUNTEERING — Whatever you are already doing (or haven’t quite got around to yet), do more of it! See our previous challenges here and here for info on how to get involved.

4. SPREAD THE WORD — Take a minute to write down why you are so committed to GOTV for the midterms, then post it to social media with a call to action to your friends — for them to get involved and to vote too. Also, tell at least 5 people in person (or via text) about what you are doing for GOTV this week, and why.

5. SHARE YOUR SUCCESS — Make sure you are logged into your 5 Calls account and then click “I did it” to record your success in this week’s challenge. Then, follow the prompts to tell everyone on social media what you accomplished, using the hashtags #MidtermChallenge and #AllHandsOnDeck. This will not only help build momentum for yourself but also within your network.

Alternate Option: If you cannot vote for whatever reason, skip Step #1 and begin with Step #2.

We’re so close to the finish line— hang in there and remember, you’ll never regret giving it your all this week!

Next week is Election Day…your hint is, well, it’s “VOTE”.

And our weekly reminder — 5 Calls is a volunteer-run non-profit. We appreciate your support!



5 Calls 🇺🇸
It’s Your Call

Issues, scripts and your representatives all in one place. Spend 5 minutes, make 5 calls. #MakeYourVoiceHeard