Lights, camera…action!

Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2022

My brother is an actor.

I watched him for years getting in front of his camera , recording videos…and working on his dialogue delivery. Meanwhile, I grew up a programmer. My days involved sitting in front of the computer, typing keys…and working on my code charisma.

I never cared for acting.

Until it was time for my acting debut.

And I got to perform in-front of my very first audience.

Which happens to be you :)

Welcome to the iTwin APIs — Intro Course

An iTwin API intro course | Also available on YouTube

In order to record the above acting debut — the first thing I did was steal my brother’s camera. I hooked it up to my computer, and the sound it made when it clicked in — felt like two worlds colliding.

I pulled out the script, turned on the camera…which dazzled my eyes with flashing lights.

At first, I felt completely out of my element.

I stumbled, I stuttered.

But slowly, I began tinkering with my dialogue delivery…as if it was lines of code. And the next thing I knew:

I hope you enjoy this course — half as much — as I enjoyed recording it.

Because I had a ball 🎉

And if you don’t like my dialogue delivery…

Wait till you see my brother’s TypeScript code.

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