Go to Ixnectomy
Carbon neutral is not enough. This publication will present articles on initiatives and thinking related to conducting an “ixnectomy”, to remove an individual’s historical and future carbon impacts from the planet.
Note from the editor

While I will be starting this publication with the intent of publishing my own articles, other contributors are welcome to contact me with expressions of interest. Articles discussing initiatives and thinking on the following topics will be considered: carbon zero, carbon neutral, carbon sequestration, climate action, carbon accounting.

Go to the profile of Paul J Berkman
Paul J Berkman
Husband, father of 2, data scientist, reforming academic. All views expressed here are my own, RT does not imply endorsement.
Go to the profile of Paul J Berkman
Paul J Berkman
Husband, father of 2, data scientist, reforming academic. All views expressed here are my own, RT does not imply endorsement.