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Jane’s Happy Endings
Chasing Eden ch.1.3 (Camilla is in charge)
Chasing Eden ch.1.3 (Camilla is in charge)
This is a spinoff story of my previous series, “Jane in New York.” This story follows what happens to Camilla after the series ended. She…
Amy Ocean
Nov 13
Chasing Eden ch.1.2 (The mole?)
Chasing Eden ch.1.2 (The mole?)
This is a spinoff story of my previous series, “Jane in New York.” This story follows what happens to Camilla after the series ended. She…
Amy Ocean
Nov 12
Chasing Eden ch.1.1 (The team of three)
Chasing Eden ch.1.1 (The team of three)
This is a spinoff story of my previous series, “Jane in New York.” This story follows what happens to Camilla after the series ended. She…
Amy Ocean
Nov 8
Chasing Eden Prologue
Chasing Eden Prologue
Amy Ocean
Nov 7
Jane in New York (Epilogue)
Jane in New York (Epilogue)
This is the epilogue of a slow burn lesbian erotica romance story. To go back to the very beginning of this series, click the link below!
Amy Ocean
Aug 9
Jane in New York ch.14.13 (Jane and Veronica’s finale)
Jane in New York ch.14.13 (Jane and Veronica’s finale)
This is a slow burn lesbian erotica romance story. This is actually the finale, split into multiple parts. There will also be an epilogue…
Amy Ocean
Aug 9
Jane in New York ch.14.12 (She is mine, and I am hers)
Jane in New York ch.14.12 (She is mine, and I am hers)
This is a slow burn lesbian erotica romance story. This is actually the finale, split into multiple parts. There will also be an epilogue…
Amy Ocean
Aug 7
Jane in New York ch.14.11 (Veronica and Jane’s love)
Jane in New York ch.14.11 (Veronica and Jane’s love)
This is a slow burn lesbian erotica romance story. This is actually the finale, split into multiple parts. There will also be an epilogue…
Amy Ocean
Aug 6
Jane in New York ch.14.10 (I’m still in love with you)
Jane in New York ch.14.10 (I’m still in love with you)
This is a slow burn lesbian erotica romance story. This is actually the finale, split into multiple parts. There will also be an epilogue…
Amy Ocean
Aug 5
Jane in New York ch.14.9 (Jane and Veronica turn up the temperature)
Jane in New York ch.14.9 (Jane and Veronica turn up the temperature)
This is a slow burn lesbian erotica romance story. This is actually the finale, split into multiple parts. There will also be an epilogue…
Amy Ocean
Aug 3
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