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Real stories and news from a serial entrepreneur
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Why investors should invest in entrepreneurs more than companies

If you read tech blogs and news sites like TechCrunch, Mashable, CNet, and the like, you most likely see new startups getting funded every day. Some of the ideas are great, some are….well, pointless. You wonder why the…

Why Running a Tech Startup is one of the Most Challenging Jobs Out There

As most of you know, I am currently running my fifth tech startup and just launched the beta site last month. To most people, my job seems glorious, fun, exciting, and full of perks. But the truth is…

FOHO: Fear of Helping out in the Philly tech scene

In Silicon Valley there is a popular term called FOMO (Fear of Missing out), meaning investors throw money at as many tech startups as they can because they’re afraid to miss the next Uber or Facebook. If only that were the case here in…

Why Investors are Getting it all Wrong When it Comes to Tech Startups

Every single day, I receive an email from a tech company who is trying to sell a service to me. Whether accounting, legal, PR, analytics, recruiting, you name it, the emails come pouring in on a daily basis…

Why Raising Money for Your Tech Startup Is a Waste of Time

Unless you live in California, New York, or another city full of investors, raising money can be a daunting challenge. Pitching to investors isn’t just standing in a room with a PowerPoint for 10 minutes explaining what your…