8 Best Free Datacamp Courses to learn Python and Data Science in 2024

My favorite Datacamp courses to learn Python, SQL, Data Science, and other data analysis skills online. It includes both free and best courses from Datacamp

11 min readOct 29, 2021


10 Best Datacamp Courses to learn Python and Data Science

Hello guys, if you are looking for the best and free Datacamp courses to learn Python and SQL and become a Data Scientist in 2024, then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best udemy courses to learn Python and the best courses for data science.

In this article, I will share both free and best Datacamp courses for Python developers and Data Science learners. Yes, you read it write, Datacamp also offers free courses and they are quality courses which you can take to learn at the skill on your own.

If you don’t know, Datacamp is a great platform to learn Data skills, and it has the best courses to learn Data skills like SQL, Data Science, and Python. They also have data certifications which can be used to learn key skills like Data Analysis and Data Engineering.

They are like CodeCademy for Data skills. They have interactive lessons, quizzes, video lectures, and creative exercises to teach key data skills, and that’s why it’s one of the best places to learn Python and SQL for data science.

Data science is a big field where the student needs to have many programming languages like python language and R.

Also, he needs to learn math and statistics, and they are mandatory to be a data scientist and maybe need to learn machine learning and deep learning to make predictions and all of these skills can be learned from one place called DataCamp.

Is Datacamp worth it? Review

Data nowadays is the core that keeps companies running and makes decisions based on the analysis of these data. This is the role of a data scientist. The DataCamp platform helps companies and individuals deal and work with data using many different tools and apply machine learning algorithms to these data.

8 Free Datacamp Courses to Learn Python, SQL, R, and Data Science in 2024

Here is my list of best Datacamp courses people can take to learn essential tech skills like Python and SQL and become Data scientists in 2024. There is a lot of demand for Data Scientists and Backend engineers with Python and SQL, and these Datacamp courses will teach you those from scratch.

From my 20 years of experience in tech, I can say that learning Python and SQL is the best decision of your life; unlike many frameworks and programming languages, Python and SQL have been around for more than 25 years, and there is still a great demand for them. Learning them is a good investment for life.

1. Introduction to Python [Free Course]

Python programming language is the language of the future since it is used in too many different industries like web development with Flask and Django frameworks also in data visualization with matplotlib library.

It also covers artificial intelligence using Tensorflow and Pytorch frameworks and Datacamp has created a course for learning this language from the beginning by understanding first the basics of this language like variables and data types, python lists, then moving to functions and importing packages, and finally, working with arrays using NumPy.

The best thing about this Datacamp course is that it's free, all chapters are free and you can access them by creating a free account.

Here is the link to join this free Python course — Introduction to Python

free Datacamp course to learn Python

2. Introduction to SQL [Free Course]

If you are looking to be a database administrator or a data scientist, or even a web developer, then you need to learn the SQL language, which is the language that is used to communicate with the database and extract and filter the data to use it.

Datacamp has created an entire course teaching you the structure of the database and how to perform simple SQL queries, learn how to use comparison operators, use the aggregator functions, and finally, sort and group your results.

This is also one of the best free courses from Datacamp and if you are looking for free resources to learn SQL then you should check out this highly engaging SQL course on Datacamp.

Here is the link to join this course — . Introduction to SQL

free Datacamp course to learn SQL

3. Introduction to R [Free Course]

This is another free course from Datacamp to learn the R programming language for beginners.

Data scientists need to learn maths and statistics to work with data and perform analysis, so alongside learning python, they also need to learn the R language, which is considered easy to learn like python but used a lot in the statistics field and analysis and data visualization.

DataCamp offers a course in the R language, starting by learning the basics like arithmetic and variables and vectors, then learning metrics and performing computation with them, and more.

Here is the link to join this course — Introduction to R

free Course to learn R programming on Datacamp

4. Introduction to Tableau [Free Datacamp Course]

Tableau is a widely used software among companies such as Amazon to analyze their data, get insight for decision-making, and share the workbook between the team inside the company. You will learn first to import your data inside the software and its interface.

You will start the visualization process and customize them like slicing and dicing your data with filters. You will also explore how to visualize geographical data.

Finally, learn best practices to tell the story about your data and share your insight.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Introduction to Tableau

best free Datacamp course to learn Tableau

5. Data Analysis in Excel [Free Course]

Excel spreadsheet is a software developed by Microsoft.M. M. Most people think they are just used to store data and apply some easy functions. Companies are using this software to analyze big data and more.

You will start learning about the data analysis process and exploring the Excel interface. You will learn to sort the tables and nesting functions and learn about cleaning your data using a variety of functions and apply all of what you’ve learned to a real dataset.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Data Analysis in Excel

best free Datacamp course to learn Data Analysis

6. Introduction to Power BI [Free]

Another alternative for Tableau software that companies use is Power BI, which Microsoft developed and owned and can give you excellent visual analytics capabilities.

You will first discover the interface, start loading your dataset, and build a data model to understand the relationship between your tables and create some graphs.

Then you will move to create more complex visualizations and customize them. Finally, make customized calculations using DAX, which is a Microsoft formula language.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Introduction to Power BI

best free Datacamp course to learn Power BI

7. Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib [FREE]

Python is a good language to learn when you want to visualize your data. There are a dozen of the library to achieve this goal, and matplotlib is one of them.

This course will help you learn to use the matplotlib pyplot interface and create a simple visualization and customize that data appearance.

And you will learn how to visualize your time-series data, which helps you clarify the trends and discover the relationship between them. Finally, learn to visualize the quantitative visualization and share your work with others.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib

best free Datacamp course to learn Data Visualization with MatPlotLib

8. Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn [FREE]

Many available visualization libraries for python language, and another one used a lot for statistical visualization and customization is known as seaborn, which is used a lot among data analysts.

You will learn to create a scatter plot and count and plots using the most capability of seaborn, which is adding a third variable to your plot. Later, you will learn to visualize two quantitative and categorical variables and customize your seaborn plots.

Here is the link to join this free course — Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn

best free Datacamp course to learn Data Visualization with Seaborn

All these online courses are free and you can use them to learn Python, SQL, and R. Rest of them are not free because they are very specialized and high-quality courses and you would need a Datacamp subscription to access those courses, but you can always check the first chapter for free by using free Datacamp account.

how to create free Datacamp account

4 Best Paid Courses to learn Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Datacamp in 2024

So far, we have looked at the free Datacamp course to learn essential data skills like Python, SQL, R programming, Excel, Seaborn, Data Visualization and more but Datacamp also have great in-depth courses which are not free but definitely worth checking.

Here is a list of best Datacamp courses to learn Machine Learning and Deep Learning in depth in 2024:

1. Introduction to Deep Learning in Python

If you want to be an AI engineer or a data scientist, you should definitely learn deep learning used in many fields such as robots, self-driving cars, natural language processing, and more.

DataCamp has created a course that teaches you these skills using the Python language and Keras library, starting with the basics of neural networks and their concepts like the activation function.

Then, it will learn how to optimize your model. Later create a neural network with Keras and evaluate your model.

Here is the link to join this course — Introduction to Deep Learning in Python

best Datacamp course to learn AI

2. Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib

Data visualization is where you can convert the data into plots and charts to understand more about your data in one picture. This skill is mandatory if you want to be a data scientist, data analyst, or even an AI engineer.

DataCamp has created a course that teaches you this skill using Python and matplotlib. It starts by understanding the matplotlib interface, creating some plots and customizing them, plotting time-series data and bar charts, and statistical plotting.

Here is the link to join this course Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib

best Datacamp course to learn Data Visualization

3. Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

In supervised learning, you use labeled data to train your model and make a prediction, so you have to learn machine learning if you are planning to be a data scientist and this course teaches you how to perform this using the sci-kit-learn.

You will also learn how to solve classification problems then move to solve problems with regression. Later, learn how to evaluate your model and improve it.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

best Datacamp course for Scikit Learn

4. Unsupervised Learning in Python

Unsupervised learning is another type of machine learning that you need to learn. Here, the model will analyze and cluster unlabeled datasets and be used in customer segmentation and grouping your data according to its similarity.

DataCamp has created a course on unsupervised learning using the sci-kit-learn and scipy, starting by learning the clustering techniques and applying them to the stock market prices, then learning how to visualize hierarchy and learn the dimension reduction techniques more.

Here is the link to join this course Unsupervised Learning in Python

best course to learn Machine Learning

By the way, you would need a Datacamp account to access this course. Creating a Datacamp account is free for learners and you also get free access to all of their 350+ courses first chapter.

It also comes with 7 projects but for the best learning experience, I recommend their personal plan which you can get for just $25 per month. This gives access to all of their courses and projects as well as certifications.

Note — They are also offering a whopping 63% discount now, you can take advantage of that to level up and learn in-demand Data Skills in 2024

That’s all about the best and free Datacamp courses to learn Python, Data Science and other in-demand Data skills in 2024. Whether you are a university student learning Python, SQL, and Data science or just an amateur who wants to learn this field through online courses and get certified, the certificate of DataCamp is 100% worth it.

You can include them in your resume if you are looking for a job. They are also very engaging and hands-on to learn these in-demand essential skills. I highly recommend Datacamp to anyone learning Python, Data Science, or SQL.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these best Python, SQL, and Data science training courses from DataCamp useful, please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are looking for a free Datacamp course to learn Data Science, I suggest you check out Data Science for Everyone, a free course from Datacamp that provides an introduction to Data Science without any coding headache. Great for beginners and experienced people who want to learn Data Science in 2024

P. P. S. — I have one more update for you. Datacamp is also running a free, two-day virtual event, called Radar AI Edition 26th and 27th of June. This is open for all professionals, students or anyone who want to learn about AI from the leading AI and data experts.

The sessions are completely online and you will get a chance to hear industry experts on how you can use AI to become more productive and benefit your business.

If you are keen on AI, I highly recommend you to join Radar AI 2024 online conference, its FREE.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com