10 Best Python Courses for Beginners in 2024

A curated list of best Python courses to learn online Programming for Beginners in 2024 from Udemy, Coursera, edX, Pluralsight, and ZTM Academy

17 min readNov 1, 2021


11 Best Python Online Courses for Beginners and Experienced Developers

Hello folks, Python is one of the best programming languages in the tech world and a great tool if you want to become a Software Developer, Data Scientist, Web Developer, or Machine Learning Engineer.

Because of its ever-increasing popularity, more and more people are learning Python but at the same time, they are also struggling to find the best resources to learn Python in a guided and structured manner.

Being an author of a technical blog, I often receive queries like how do I learn Python, what is the best way to learn Python? Could you please suggest the best resource to learn Python, or should I join an online course from Udemy or Coursera to learn Python or not, etc?

After answering them individually, I found that online courses are the best way to learn Python and if you want to learn the Python programming language in 2024 and looking for the best Python courses then you have come to the right place.

In the past, I have also shared a lot of free sources like these free Python books, tutorials, courses, specialization, certification, Python projects, etc, but many of you asked for more comprehensive and advanced Python courses to master this key programming skill in 2024.

why beginner should learn python programming language

There are a lot of resources to learn Python on the internet, like these best Python books, tutorials, platforms, websites, including free and paid online courses, the only problem is finding the right course because it’s very easy to get stuck with outdated resources.

That’s why we have selected a few advanced Python online training courses from platforms like Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Pluralsight to help you learn Python from the best resources.

If you are learning python from scratch or you have some knowledge of the Python programming language but want to take your Python skills to the next level, these online training courses can help you.

These courses have been created by Python experts and trusted by more than 1 million Python developers around the world. These are simply the best of the best courses to learn Python in depth. They are equally good for beginners and experienced Python developers.

According to various websites like StackOverflow, survey Python is among the most successful coding languages of the last years. There is a high demand for Python developers or all kinds of experience because of the versatile nature of the Python programming language.

For example, simultaneously with being a high-level programming language and also used for general purposes like AI and Data visualization and building web applications. Python is also an object-oriented language and open source so it has a large community that works together to develop a beautiful programming language.

Many developers right now over the world are jumping to use Python for its simplicity like creating GUI applications, websites, and mobile apps.

I have also selected hands-on and project-based courses where you will learn Python by creating real work projects. This is probably the best method to learn any new technology including Python 3 and it works really well. You won’t realize that you have learned so many Python concepts while developing those projects.

12 Best Python Programming Courses For Beginners and Experienced Developers

Now in this article, we will see 10 of the beginner to advanced python courses that take you from a beginner to an expert and will make you a professional programmer whether in creating GUI applications a data visualization expert, or an AI specialist.

1. 100 Days of Code — The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2024

If you want to learn Python in 2024 and looking for a project-based course then this is the best course you can join on Udemy. Created by Angela Yu, instructor of the iOS Bootcamp course, this online course will teach you Python by building 100 projects in 100 days.

You will learn to build websites, games, apps, plus scraping and data science, and become a Python professional. After completing this course you will also have a portfolio of 100 Python projects to apply for developer jobs which will make you a standout candidate.

Also, this is one of the massive courses with 60+ hours of content and 229 articles but you can buy in just $9.9 on Udemy sales which happens every now and then. If you want to learn Python in 2024, I strongly recommend you to join this course on Udemy.

Here is the link to join this best Python course100 Days of Code — The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2024

Best project based Python course for beginners

2. Python for Everybody Specialization [Best Coursera Course]

Many learning platforms have recognized the power and the future of this beautiful programming language and they have created courses on how to use it and be a professional programmer and of these platforms is Coursera.

Python for Everybody is a specialization offered by one of the best universities called Michigan university and the instructor is one of the best teachers on this platform.

This course will show you how to start from the beginning and be an advanced python programmer by many projects such as web crawler and using SQL databases with Python and data visualization.

Here is the link to join this best Python course on Coursera — Python for Everybody

Best Coursera Python course for beginners

And, if you find Coursera courses useful, you should consider joining the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but it’s completely worth your money as you get unlimited certificates.

3. Complete Python Developer in 2024: Zero to Mastery

There is no doubt that Udemy is one of the best learning platforms out there and probably is the most famous among students who want to learn skills in many different things such as programming, design, and many more fields.

The platform has tens of courses about python programming language and some of them take you from beginner to advanced level but many of Udemy instructors are also opening their own academy and one of them is Andrei Negaoie who is also one of my favorite instructors.

Andrei runs his own ZTM Academy online learning portal where you can find all of his best-selling courses + few more for just $39 per month. If you love his courses then it’s probably worth getting a membership. Anyway, let’s come back to the course.

The Complete Python Course: Beginner to Advanced course has more than 30.5 hours of video content and shows you how to create programs like a web scraper, web application with Django framework, GUI application, Data visualization, Machine learning, and much more.

The best part of this course is that it starts from scratch, right from the very beginning like what is variable, why you need variable, and how to work with variables in Python etc and then it also teaches you how to build 12+ real-world Python projects to give you all the exposure you need. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn Python from scratch.

Here is the link to join this Python course — Complete Python Developer in 2024: Zero to Mastery

Best Python course for beginners

This is clearly the best Python course on Udemy. I have attended many Python courses on Udemy like The Complete Python 3 Bootcamp by Jose Portal which is really great but this course is even better with lots of exercises, quizzes, and hands-on projects.

If you love Andrei courses and looking for the best Python course on the internet, join this course, and if you like Andrei’s teaching style then you may want to consider joining his Zero To Mastery Academy where he offers unlimited access to all of his courses, including this one. If you do, use code FRIENDS10 to get the 10% discount, exclusive for you.

4. The Python Mega Course [Best Project Based Course]

Python has many libraries that you can use to create useful things like AI applications visualize some data or create web applications.

If you don’t want just to learn python and how you create just a basic program you can take The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications course.

This course will take you through the basic syntax of the python programming language like data types and the for loops then will show you how to use these libraries to create GUI applications, visualize data, create web applications, visualize data on a map, process images and videos with OpenCV, and much more exciting projects.

Here is the link to join this project-based Python course The Python Mega Course

Best Python course online

5. Introduction to Python by Datacamp [Free]

If you are looking for a free course to learn Python then you will love this free Python course for beginners from Datacamp. If you don’t know Datacamp is one of the best place to learn Data skills and this free python course shows why.

In this course, you will master the basics of data analysis with Python in just four hours. This online course will introduce the Python interface and explore popular packages.

You will cover the basics of Python and understand common, everyday functions and applications, including how to use Python as a calculator, understanding variables and types, and building Python lists.

The first half of this course prepares you to use Python interactively and teaches you how to store, access, and manipulate data using one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

The second half of the course starts with a view of how you can use functions, methods, and packages to use code that other Python developers have written.

As an open-source language, Python has plenty of existing packages and libraries that you can use to solve your problems and you will learn many of them like NumPy.

Here is the link to join this course Introduction to Python by Datacamp

After going through this course, you can also checkout Intermediate Python and Python Data Science Toolbox course to learn more advanced stuff, though you need a Datacamp plan to access those.

They have different plans like standard, professionals, and premium which allows access to all projects. I recommend the standard plan because it is right-priced and you get access to all the essentials to grow your data skills.

This is another awesome website your you can learn Python for FREE (yes, they also have a free plan). I didn’t know about this website at first and only come to know by one of the comment on this article itself.

And, if you need more Datacamp courses, you can also checkout my earlier post about best free Datacamp courses for Programmers and developers in 2024.

6. CS50’s Introduction to Python Programming [ Best edX course]

If you want to learn python programming from professional universities or big institutes you can take a look at another alternative of Coursera called Edx. The platform offers many python courses created by universities and many big companies like Microsoft and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

All you have to do is go to edx.org and search for tens of python classes but to save you some time I’m going to give you one of the best python courses out there.

Introduction to Python Programming is a course offered on this wonderful platform and created by the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Instructor David Joyner is a Senior Research Associate at the College of Computing walk you in this course from beginner to advanced and how to use the object-oriented programming method (OOP) in your python program which is an essential skill if you want to get a job in this field since it shows you how to work as a team.

Here is the link to join this best edX Python course Introduction to Python Programming

Best edX course to learn Python

7. Build a Job Board with Python & Flask [Pluralsight best course]

Many programmers and learners don’t know that Pluralsight also has projects which you can join to build real-world projects and apply all the knowledge you have learned. This project is created by Tom Bell and it will show you how to use Python & Flask to build a simple website.

In this project, you’ll use them to build a simple job board. The main page of the site will show all jobs and each job and employer will have dedicated pages. Users will also be able to review each employer.

This project-based course will first teach you how to set up your local environment for projects and then walk you through everything you need to know, including how to install and configure your environment to be able to complete all of the tasks.

This step-by-step guidance really helps you to move along swiftly and create a product that you can be proud of. The feeling of accomplishment you get will further boost your learning appetite and also help you to become a better Python developer.

This project-based Pluralsight course is good for both beginners and intermediate Python programmers.

Here is the link to join this hands-on Python courseBuild a Job Board with Python & Flask

Best Pluralsight course to learn Python

Btw, you would need a Pluralsight membership to join this course which costs around $29 per month or $299 per year (14% discount). I highly recommend this subscription plan as you not only gain access to this project but also more than 40 such projects, 7000+ online courses, and interactive exercises. Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-free-trial to access this course for FREE.

8. Learn Python in 4 hours (FreeCodeCamp)

If you are looking for a free YouTube course to learn Python Programming language in 2024 then you should look no further than this free Python course on freeCodeCamp YouTube channel.

With 39M views this is probably the most popular Python course on YouTube as well. This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in python. Follow along with the videos and you’ll be a python programmer in no time!

Here is a list of all the topics covered in this free Python course:

⭐️ Contents ⭐
⌨️ (0:00) Introduction
⌨️ (1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm
⌨️ (6:40) Setup & Hello World
⌨️ (10:23) Drawing a Shape
⌨️ (15:06) Variables & Data Types
⌨️ (27:03) Working With Strings
⌨️ (38:18) Working With Numbers
⌨️ (48:26) Getting Input From Users
⌨️ (52:37) Building a Basic Calculator
⌨️ (58:27) Mad Libs Game
⌨️ (1:03:10) Lists
⌨️ (1:10:44) List Functions
⌨️ (1:18:57) Tuples
⌨️ (1:24:15) Functions
⌨️ (1:34:11) Return Statement
⌨️ (1:40:06) If Statements
⌨️ (1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons
⌨️ (2:00:37) Building a better Calculator
⌨️ (2:07:17) Dictionaries
⌨️ (2:14:13) While Loop
⌨️ (2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game
⌨️ (2:32:44) For Loops
⌨️ (2:41:20) Exponent Function
⌨️ (2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops
⌨️ (2:52:41) Building a Translator
⌨️ (3:00:18) Comments
⌨️ (3:04:17) Try / Except
⌨️ (3:12:41) Reading Files
⌨️ (3:21:26) Writing to Files
⌨️ (3:28:13) Modules & Pip
⌨️ (3:43:56) Classes & Objects
⌨️ (3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz
⌨️ (4:08:28) Object Functions
⌨️ (4:12:37) Inheritance
⌨️ (4:20:43) Python Interpreter

You can see it covers a lot of topics and its a great course to not just learn Python but also programming and coding online in 2024. You can watch this course right here or on YouTube, but make sure you finish this course and also practice along to learn Python better and quickly.

9. Python 101 by Educative,

If you like to learn from an interactive course then Educative.io is a great platform and this is one of the most amazing interactive course to learn Python 3 on Educative.

This course will be split into five parts:

  1. Part-I covers Python’s basics.
  2. Part-II is a small subset of Python’s Standard Library.
  3. Part-III is intermediate material.
  4. Part-IV is a series of small tutorials.
  5. Part-V covers Python packaging and distribution.

It suitable for beginners with no programming experience as well programming coming from Java and C++. With interactive playgrounds to help you learn right away, you will not only get up to speed on the basics, but also to show you how to create useful programs.

10. Learn Python 3 by CodeCademy

CodeCademy is an another great place to learn Python and this is one course which has taught more than one million people to learn Python and become a Python developer in 2024. This is an interactive Python course for beginners.

Here are things you will learn in this course:

  • Write Python 3 programs
  • Simplify the code you write
  • Take your skills off-platform

Here is the link to join this course Learn Python 3

If you need more choices, you can also checkout my list of best free CodeCademy courses to learn programming and software development in 2024.

11. Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate

If you want to learn a programming language used almost in any industry, I recommend learning python. This programming language is used in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence.

This course, Google IT Automation with Python is well recommended to start learning python.

This professional certificate will help you learn the python language and how to use it for automating your daily tasks, which could be very helpful in some situations. You will also discover the power and capability of this language.

You will start with a crash course on learning the python language then use it to interact with your operating system. Then you will learn how to use Git & Github and some of the debugging techniques. Finally, learn how to use python automation with the cloud and real-world tasks.

Here is the link to join this Google Certification on Coursera — Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate

12. Learn Python Programming Masterclass — Udemy

This is another great course to learn Python in depth from Udemy. While the first course is great for beginners this course covers some advanced concepts which make it useful for experienced Python developers.

Getting the best program to learn such a beautiful language like python can be a difficulty sometimes with that many courses available online. In Udemy, you can get the right Python course for you bypassing a short test but I’m going to suggest one of the best Python courses you can join on Udemy.

Learn Python Programming Masterclass course is designed to take you from the beginning stage to be an advanced python developer with more than 50 hours of video content and 24 coding exercises that will enhance your coding skills by practice and also you can show these projects on your LinkedIn portfolio to attract job offers.

Here is the link to join this Python coding courseLearn Python Programming Masterclass

Best Udemy course to learn Python

13. Programming in Python by Meta

Python is one of the leading programming language for backend development and if you need a course to learn Python from Meta experts then this programming in Python course on Coursera is the best course for you.

This 44-hour course is also part of popular Meta’s Backend Developer Professional certificate and it has an excellent rating of 4.6 from 829 learners. In this course, you’ll learn foundational programming skills using basic Python syntax, which is a great starting point for beginners.

You’ll also discover how to work with objects, classes, and methods, which are essential concepts in Python programming.

Duration — 44 hours
Ratings — 4.6 (816 ratings)

Throughout the course, you’ll gain valuable skills in Linux, Web Development, Bash (Unix Shell), Github, and Version Control, providing you with a well-rounded understanding of Python and its applications. Let’s dive into the world of Python programming together!

Here is the link to join this course — Programming in Python

That’s all about some of the best online courses to learn Python for beginners and experienced developers in 2024. If you are new you can also join these courses, learn Python and become an Python Developer in 2024. As I said, Python skills are in great demand and there is always a shortage of people who know Python really well.

As an experienced Python developer you are expected to be familiar with not only essential Python concepts but also have good hands-on knowledge of them so that you can use the right tools at the right place and deliver better software quicker.

Other Python Programming Articles you may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these best Python coding courses useful in 2024 then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you want to learn Python programming but can’t afford these online training courses or looking for a free resource to start with Python programming then I also suggest you take a look at Introduction To Python Programming from Udemy. It’s completely free and all you need is a free Udemy account to enroll in this course. More than 1 million students have already learned Python from this course.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com