14 Best JavaScript Online Courses for Beginners to Learn in 2024

Best JavaScript online courses for both beginners and experienced web developers that are worthy of your time. Also, include free courses.

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14 min readJul 12, 2020


best JavaScript online courses for beginners

Hello folks, if you want to learn JavaScript and looking for best resources like books, online courses, tutorials, training classes, platforms etc then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared best platforms to learn JavaScript and best JavaScript books for beginners and in this article, I will share best online courses to learn JavaScript in 2024.

There is no doubt that JavaScript is the most popular programming language at this moment, and it’s also confirmed by StackOverFlow’s Survey. You can build static websites, web applications, native mobile applications (yes, you can do that too), desktop applications, and even server-side applications in JavaScript.

It also makes you a hundred times more employer as there are tons of web development jobs out there. Because of that, more and more developers are learning JavaScript to become web developers.

Another reason for learning JavaScript is that it powers some of the most popular and powerful web development frameworks, like Angular, React, Node JS, and jQuery. To use those tools and frameworks, good knowledge of JavaScript is required. So that you can understand what’s going on underneath.

Now that we know how vital JavaScript is and why you should learn it let me share some of the best online courses you can take to start your JavaScript journey and eventually become a master of it.

I was a big fan of books, and In the past, even share some of my favorite JavaScript books, but in the last couple of years, I found online training courses best to learn a new technology or programming language.

The main reason is active learning while learning from a book is still high, sometimes you may feel bored and stuck while trying to do things but with online courses, you can see how exactly it’s done.

I have also found that Instructors are also more reachable than authors of popular books, another reason I am suggesting developers start with courses first and then read books to get a more comprehensive knowledge.

Top 14 JavaScript Courses for Beginners to Learn Online 2024

If you decide to learn JavaScript in 2024, then here is my list of 10 courses, which includes both free and paid courses (not too expensive) to start your journey into the beautiful world of JavaScript and Web Development.

1. The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects (Udemy)

This is my personal favorite, and probably the best JavaScript course on Udemy. I have attended many Udemy courses on JavaScript but I can say that this is truly the best and a complete hands-on project-based course to learn JavaScript. This course is also very comprehensive and covers modern JavaScript syntax.

It also Includes projects, challenges, final exams, ES6, and an awesome instructor, which makes it an ideal course for both beginners who are just starting with JavaScript as well as intermediate developers who have worked in JavaScript before.

More than 300K students have joined this course and it has on average 4.6 ratings from close to 77K participants which is remarkable and speaks a lot about the quality of this course.

Instructor — Jonas Schmedtmann

And, here is the link to join this courseThe Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects

best udemy course to learn JavaScript

2. JavaScript — The Complete Guide 2024 (Beginner + Advanced)

This is another comprehensive course to learn JavaScript on Udemy. This course is created by my favorite Udemy instructor Maximilian Schwarzmuller, who is also the author of The React Complete Guide and The Angular guide course, two of the most useful resources for web developers.

This course is s also the most up-to-date course to learn JavaScript in 2024 and one of the highest-rated courses on Udemy with on average 4.6 ratings from close to 7K participants.

Instructor — Maximilian Schwarzmüller

And, here is the link to join this courseThe Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects

best javascript course on Udemy

3. Modern JavaScript: ES6 Basics (Guided Project — Coursera)

You might know that Coursera just launched guided projects where you can learn new skills like JavaScript in a quick time like 2 to 3 hours. While these guided projects are not as comprehensive as courses mentioned in this list but they provide a good launchpad for beginners.

You learn the basics of JavaScript very quickly by following a guided project. For example, In this project, you’ll learn the most fundamental ES6 features and practice them with live hands-on examples.

You’ll start writing modern JavaScript and really understand why we need ES6. Mastering modern JavaScript starts with understanding the reasoning behind the main ES6 features — arrow functions, variables, template literals. Doing so will help you grasp the concepts behind Node, React, and Angular.

In a guided project, you work in a cloud desktop right in your browser, no download required and your instructor guides you step-by-step in a split-screen video. You will enjoy a hands-on learning experience.

Instructor — Stanimira Vlaeva

And, here is the link to join this courseModern JavaScript: ES6 Basics

Best Coursera Project to learn JavaScript

Apart from this HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers course by Johns Hopkins University and JavaScript for Beginners Specialization by UCDavis are another two worth looking JavaScript courses on Coursera.

And, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies like Google, IBM, Amazon, and best universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus, an annual subscription plan from Coursera.

This single subscription gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth of your money as you get unlimited certificates.

4. The Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript (Educative)

This is another JavaScript course that I really like and it’s a bit different than other courses on this list because its a text-based, interactive online course from Educative.

In this course, you will learn by doing and you can execute JavaScript code right from your browser, without any setup which makes learning really easy and accelerated.

This is also one of the most detailed JavaScript course and whether you are a complete beginner or you have some knowledge of JavaScript, this course will guide you from the basics of the language to all the new features introduced up until last year.

At the end of the course, you will be able to understand and use all of the new additions to JavaScript in the last 5 years.

Instructor — Alberto Montalesi

And, here is the link to join this courseThe Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript

Best Interactive course to learn JavaScript

5. JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts (Udemy)

This is another advanced JavaScript course for people who already know JavaScript. In this course you will learn about scope, closures, prototypes, ‘this,’ and things like how to build your own framework and more.

You will not only learn how JavaScript works and it’s fundamental concepts but also learn how to write solid, good JavaScript code. The course also touches advanced JavaScript concepts such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and much more.

Instructor — Anthony Alicea

And, here is the link to join this courseJavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

best javascript course for experienced developers

6. JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts by ZTM Academy

This is an advanced course for JavaScript and Web developers and aims to teach you advanced JavaScript practices and be in the top 10% of JavaScript developers

This course is created by Andrei Negaoie, another great Udemy instructor and author of The Complete Web Developer in 2024: Zero to Mastery courses, which is trusted by thousands of web developers.

This Advanced JavaScript course has on average 4.8 ratings and more than 30K students have joined this course, which makes it the highest-rated advanced JavaScript course on Udemy.

He also wrote a course on Deno, a typescript based runtime and Node alternative created by Node’s creator himself. You can see his course Deno: The Complete Guide Zero to Mastery to learn more.

Instructor — Andrei Neagoie

And, here is the link to join this courseJavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

best course to learn JavaScript in depth

Btw, Andrei Neagoie has also launched his own online portal, ZTM Academy, where you can get all of his Python, JavaScript, Deno, and other technical courses with just one subscription. They are also offering a 24% discount to Javarevisited readers, click here to avail the discount.

7. JavaScript: Getting Started (Pluralsight)

If you have a Pluralsight membership and looking for an awesome JavaScript course on Pluralsight to start with then you should check out this JAvaScript: Getting Started course by Mark Zamoyta.

Here are the key skills you will learn in this course:

  • The types of applications that can be built with JavaScript, and the platforms they’ll run on.
  • Next, you’ll explore the basics of the language, learning from plenty of JavaScript examples.
  • Lastly, you’ll put your JavaScript knowledge to work and modify a modern, responsive web page.

After completing this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge in JavaScript to create simple programs, create simple web applications, and modify web pages!

Instructor — Mark Zamoyta

And, here is the link to join this courseJavaScript: Getting Started

best Pluralsight course to learn JavaScript in depth

Btw, you would need a Pluralsight membership to get access to this course, which costs around $29 per month or $299 annually (14% discount).

If you don’t have Pluralsight membership, I encourage you to get one because it allows you to access their 7000+ online courses on all the latest topics like front-end and back-end development, JavaScript, Angular, React, Node.js, etc.

Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-free-trial to access this course for FREE.

8. Javascript30 — FREE

A free 30-day vanilla js coding challenge. Learn to build Build 30 things in 30 days with 30 tutorials. No Frameworks, No Compilers, No Libraries, No Boilerplate.

This is also one of the highest recommended course and very useful if you prefer time-based learning. While JavaScript is very vast this course provides a nice structure to learn JavaScript at your own speed but in a timely manner.

Instructor — Wes Bos

9. Learn JavaScript — Full Course for Beginners (YouTube)

If you want to learn JavaScript online in 2024 and looking for a free online training course then you will love this free JavaScript course from freeCodeCamp.

This complete 134-part JavaScript tutorial for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language. The font-size in this tutorial is large, making it perfect for viewing on small screens.

If you are thinking YouTube courses is not worth your time, here is one comment from this course:

It’s insane to think that I spent 5000 bucks in a private school over the course of half a year to learn what this guy has taught me in 3 h 26 m and 42 s. YouTube has truly revolutionized learning.

It’s a great course and you can watch it for free on YouTube or here using this link:

10. Build 15 JavaScript Projects — Vanilla JavaScript Course

This is a massive 8-hour, project-based course to learn JavaScript online and the best thing about this course is that it's completely free.

In this completely free and awesome course, you will sharpen your JavaScript skills by building 15 projects using plain JavaScript without frameworks. In this tutorial course, you will be taught step-by-step how to build JavaScript projects.

Here is the list of 15 projects you will build in this course:

  1. Color Flipper
  2. Counter
  3. Reviews
  4. Navbar
  5. Sidebar etc

This course is created by John Smilga and you can watch it on FreeCodecamp Youtube channel for free.

11. Learn JavaScript by Building 7 Games — Full Course

I have often said that building games are a great way to learn programming, coding, and any new framework. So, if you want to learn Javascript and make it fun then this free online course from freeCodeCamp will provide you a great start.

In this tutorial course, you will learn JavaScript by coding 7 retro grid-based games. Learn by doing and have 7 great projects for your career portfolio by the end of the course. Each game is done with minimal styling for you to take and make your own.

You can watch this course for free on FreeCodecamp’s Youtube Channel or here itself, here is the link:

12. Learn JavaScript (CodeCademy)

This is probably the best website to learn JavaScript online for FREE. You will learn JavaScript by coding on the browser, online, and following step by step instructions in an interactive way.

In other words, this is a good website to learn many technologies online but probably the best website to learn JavaScript online.

Even though currently CodeCademy offers Java, Git, Linux command line, and several other courses, it made its name by an interactive JavaScript course to learn online at your own pace.

You can gauge the popularity of this course by looking at the number of students enrolled, currently, 5M+, which is a very high number for any online FREE course. In short, CodeCademy is the best website to learn JavaScript online, and you should take advantage of this.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Learn JavaScript

Best free course to learn JavaScript on Codecademy

13. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp by Andrew Mead

If you like project-based learning and looking for a modern online course on JavaScript then you should check out this course on Udemy.

In this course, you will learn JavaScript by building real-world apps. Includes 3 real-world projects, 80 programming challenges, and ES6/ES7. The course is created by Andrew Mead, instructor of the famous The Complete Node Developer course and The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp course, both of which are awesome and convinced me to join this course.

Here are the main things you will learn in this course:

  • Learn JavaScript by building three real-world web applications
  • Understand how JavaScript works behind the scenes
  • Learn the cutting-edge features from ES6 and ES7
  • Learn how to deploy your application to the web so you can share them with everyone
  • Learn how to use Promises and Async/Await with asynchronous JavaScript

You will also learn about how to debug and fix your code when things go wrong and get access to a free 80 page PDF guide with lecture notes, code samples, and documentation links

Instructor — Andrew Mead

And, here is the link to join this courseThe Modern JavaScript Bootcamp

Best JavaScript online bootcamp course for beginners

14. Modern JavaScript From The Beginning by Brad Traversy

If you are looking for a modern JavaScript course where you can learn and build projects with pure JavaScript without any frameworks or libraries then this is the right course for you.

This course is created by Brad Traversy of Traversy Media Youtube Channel and instructor of popular BootStrap 5 From Scratch with 5 Projects course.

Here are the main things you will learn in this course:

  • Modular learning sections & 10 real-world projects with pure JavaScript
  • Master the DOM (document object model) WITHOUT jQuery
  • Asynchronous programming with Ajax, Fetch API, Promises & Async / Await
  • OOP including ES5 prototypes & ES2015 classes
  • Learn JavaScript Patterns
  • Regular expressions, error handling, localStorage & more

Instructor — Brad Traversy

And, here is the link to join this courseModern JavaScript From The Beginning

Best online course to learn JavaScript

15. Basic Intro to Coding in JavaScript on Boot.dev

If you are looking for an interactive JavaScript course which can provide you quick feedback and also teaches JavaScript from scratch then this JavaScript course on Boot.dev, a new online learning platform can be worth looking.

This JavaScript online course is taught by Lane Wagner and Allan Liers designed to take you from someone with zero programming knowledge to a solid foundation which you will need to become a successful web developer.

It not only teaches you evergreen concepts such as variables, arrays, loops, functions, but also gives you the tools you’ll need to start building real applications in no time.

Here is the link to join this course Basic Intro to Coding in JavaScript

Basic Intro to Coding in JavaScript on Boot.dev Review

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn JavaScript in 2024. I hope you will find one of the courses suitable to your learning style and make full use of it — they all are good but choose the class-based upon whether you can connect with the instructor or not. All the courses are excellent if you connect with an instructor, then you will make most of them.

Since most of us using JavaScript via Angular, React, or Node, I have also included one course from each of these in the list; if you need more recommendations, you can further check this list of free Angular, React, and Node JS courses.

Other Web Development Resources you may like:

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these JavaScript tutorials and courses, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are new to the JavaScript world and keen to learn this useful skill but looking for more free options like free JavaScript courses then you can also check out this JavaScript Essentials course on Udemy. It’s completely free and you just need a free Udemy account to join this course.




Published in Javarevisited

A humble place to learn Java and Programming better.


Written by javinpaul

I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com

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