Top 10 Free Online Courses to learn DevOps for Beginners and Experienced Developers in 2024

A collection of the best free resources to learn Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Maven, Ansible, and other essential DevOps Courses to become a DevOps engineer in 2024.

12 min readFeb 14, 2021


Best Free Online Courses to learn DevOps for Beginners and Experienced Developers
image_credit — Pluralsight

Hello guys, If you want to become a DevOps Engineer in 2024 or just want to learn the DevOps process and tools to improve your development and delivery process and looking for free Devops online courses to kickstart your journey then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared the DevOps training courses and best DevOps books, and today, I will share free online courses to learn about DevOps. These free online courses are created by experts and trusted by thousands of developers.

They have been chosen from popular online learning platforms like Udemy, Pluralsight, and Coursera and they offer practice and hands-on training.

DevOps is said to be the next level technology that this world requires. DevOps is a set of practices that fuses Software Development and IT Operations. The aim here to shorten the process of software development, and without compromising the quality of the product. With the use of DevOps, companies are deploying codes 30 times faster than before.

Few DevOps aspects are taken from agile technology In this ever-changing industry, it’s of utmost importance to keep acquiring new skill sets. It’s also a very vast subject and there are a lot of tools and technologies you need to learn as I have shown you on this DevOps RoadMap

Now the question arises of what courses you should opt for that can give you the best learning experience and learn essential DevOps tools, processes, and principles. We have taken the review of professionals and thousands of students who picked different courses to learn this technology and picked the best course available for you.

All these courses are a little different from others so make sure that you read the descriptions properly to understand which will be beneficial to opt for the cause.

Btw, if you can spend a few bucks on learning a valuable skill for your career like DevOps, then I also highly recommend Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master course to learn Jenkins, CI/CD, for DevOps.

10 Best Free DevOps Online Courses for Experienced Developers in 2024

The following list contains all the free DevOps courses that can provide you with the best learning process. These courses have been created by experts and many developers, programmers, and support people have joined these courses to learn DevOps online.

1. DevOps Crash Course : Learn Jenkins Docker Kubernetes GIT

This is one of the best free online courses to start with DevOps and learn essential DevOps concepts and tools, to start this course there are no prerequisites, you just need to be willing to learn it.

This course is designed for beginners, the course starts with the introduction of the course and takes you through all the delicate details that can give the beginners a start that they need.

Here are the things you will learn in this course

  • Basic DevOps Terminology
  • How to deploy Kubernetes cluster
  • Working of DevOps
  • Tools and functions
  • How to use Kops to spin up Kubernetes cluster.
  • Use of DevOps with Cloud.
  • Jenkins MasterClass and Build Pipeline

This course focuses on providing detailed learning so that newcomers can build the confidence of regular learning and applying things on their way.

Here is the link to join this free DevOps courseDevOps Crash Course : Learn Jenkins Docker Kubernetes GIT

best free DevOps Course for Beginners

2. DevOps — The Introduction Course [Free Udemy Course]

This is one of the best free courses to learn DevOps on Udemy and is specially designed to provide the new learner with guidance and insight that can help them make the journey.

Aside from teaching you all the technicality and functionality of DevOps, you’re going to get knowledge about how to set up a working environment to work on the tech.

You just need to know the basic system administration to get on this course, since you’re here we hope you already know that much. This course is created by Mumshad Mannambeth, author of the best Docker course on Udemy and one of the top-rated instructors.

Course Content:

  • Basics of DevOps
  • Introduction to YAML
  • Detailed overview of the technology in DevOps

This course is a must for beginners to get insight into new technology and the scope in the outside world. The courses work on giving you a great structural and functional knowledge of DevOps. This course treats all the people alike and is proven beneficial for every learner that opts for the course.

Here is the link to join this free online courseDevOps — The Introduction Course

best free online course to learn DevOps

Udemy has ranked this free online Devops course as one of the best courses on its website to learn DevOps, Azure, and Docker, and it's a great course to start your DevOps journey and become a DevOps Engineer in 2024.

3. Continuous Delivery and DevOps [Coursera]

This is another free course to learn about DevOps and CI/CID from Coursera, another popular online learning website. This course is designed for advanced developers.

To start this course you must know how to use Git and have experience with programming(maybe scripting in a shell), and some experience in Linux could help in learning.

This course is going to cover all the aspects that can make you an expert with the use of your existing understanding. This is a self-paced course that is going to be helpful but you’ll be taking a lot of quizzes to test yourself.

Content of Course:

  • Introduction to DevOps
  • System architecture and functioning
  • How to review and deliver automation tests acres the dev stack
  • How to set up a CI/CID pipeline.

Like many Coursera courses, this is also a free-to-audit course which means you can join it for FREE to learn but you need to pay for certification, quizzes, and assessment. This course is delivered by Alex Cowan and is offered by the University of Virginia.

Here is the link to join this free DevOps Course Continuous Delivery and DevOps

best Coursera course to learn DevOps

And, if you find Coursera courses and specialization useful then you should also join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth your money as you get unlimited certificates

4. AWS DevOps CI/CD — CodePipeline, Elastic Beanstalk, and Mocha

This is another free Devops course on Udemy to learn DevOps on AWS Cloud Platform. This is designed by professionals to provide you with the perspective of what DevOps really is and how you can implement it in the AWS cloud environment.

Created by Backspace, In this free Udemy course, you will build a bulletproof Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. You will also learn how to integrate, build, and test processes in your CI/CD pipeline using Mocha and AWS CodeBuild.

Here are the key things you will learn in this course —

  • Introduction to DevOps
  • How to create CI/CD pipeline in AWS
  • How to deploy NodeJS application using AWS CodePipeLine
  • Docker Hub, Azure, and VSTS
  • Publish a Docker Image to Azure

Here is the link to join this courseAWS DevOps CI/CD — CodePipeline

best free online course to learn DevOps on AWS

This course builds on the knowledge from their previous free “Amazon Web Services (AWS) — Zero to Hero” course and If you are new to AWS then you can also check that course before joining this one, both of these courses are free and you just need an Udemy account to join these courses.

5. MASTER Git and Github for DevOps CI/CD [Free]

This is a free crash course on Git and Github for DevOps engineers but it’s also useful for Developers, Tester, and Sysadmin. Git is one of the essential skill to work with code for DevOps and Github is where most of the code is stored

This is the crash course is fully packed with useful hands-on covering the key concepts at the same time without wasting the crucial time of developers like you.

In this free course, you will start from scratch and learn essential concepts like:

  • What is Version Control System
  • What are git repositories and the difference between local and remote repositories?
  • What is branching and different types of branching
  • Different states of files in git
  • What is Merge and how to deal with conflicts

This free course also has lots of handy-useful labs to make you an expert on Git and Github.

Here is the link to join this free git courseMASTER Git and Github for DevOps CI/CD

best Git course for DevOps Engineers

6. DevOps Series — Server Automation using Ansible

This is one of the best free courses to learn Ansible for Sever Automation in Udemy. Server Automation is an important part of DevOps and a good knowledge of DevOps tools like Ansible and Chef goes a long way in automating your server setup process.

If you have to build your servers from scratch then you know how painful is to create all those directory structures, install the required software and juggle with different teams to have the right permissions and version in the first place and then maintain it for a longer period.

Here are things you will learn in this 5.5 hours long free course —

  1. Setup simulated environment using Vagrant
  2. Understand the relevance of DevOps tools
  3. how to set up Ansible and understand Ansible vocabulary.
  4. How to perform common tasks on multiple servers in parallel
  5. Develop Ansible playbook for reusability

Overall a great free course to learn important concepts of Ansible for automating the tasks on multiple servers using Ansible.

Here is the link to join this free Ansible course DevOps Series — Server Automation using Ansible

best free Ansible Course for DevOps Engineers

7. DevOps Crash Course: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL

If you are in rush to set up your own CI/CD pipeline in your project and looking for a quick crash course then this free Udemy course is perfect for you.

These are the key skills you will learn in this free DevOps course —

  1. Basics of the Jenkins architecture.
  2. Concept of the Job DSL Plugin on Jenkins and its features.
  3. Utilize Jenkins DSLs to achieve efficiency in your day-to-day automation and development projects.
  4. Implement CICD Pipelines With Jenkins DSL.

Jenkins is the ultimate platform for implementing the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery principles and one of the most essential tools for DevOps Engineer. You can use Jenkins as an automation hub to run and monitor the continuous integration and delivery phases of your project with ease!

Here is the link to join this free courseDevOps Crash Course: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL

best free CI/CD Course for DevOps Engineers

8. Docker Essentials [Free Udemy Course]

Docker is another essential tool for DevOps engineers and this free Udemy course is the best to learn the essential concept of Docker for both DevOps and development purposes.

This free DevOps and Docker course takes you on a wonderful journey of learning Containers using key components of the Docker Ecosystem. All you need is a very basic knowledge of Linux fundamentals like files and processes along with a bit of the Linux command line.

Here are the things you will learn in this free course:

  1. Basics of containers and Docker.
  2. How to use Docker on Development and/or Production Environment with help of in-depth labs.
  3. How to use Docker CLI efficiently
  4. How to create custom Docker images using Dockerfiles
  5. How to manage your own Docker hub repository along with images
  6. How to work with Docker Networks and Storage provisions
  7. How to create and Run Multi-container applications using Docker Compose
  8. How to manage Docker Swarm Clusters

This is too good for any free course. By the end of this course, you will be able to understand and appreciate Containers and Docker like a thorough enthusiast and work with them like a pro!

Here is the link to join this free Docker courseDocker Essentials [Free Udemy Course]

best free Docker Course for DevOps Engineers

9. Kubernetes: Getting Started [Free Udemy course]

This is another tool that I highly recommend for every DevOps Engineer to learn in 2024. Kubernetes allows you to scale your deployment by automating container deployment.

Here are the main things you will learn in this course :

  1. Kubernetes basics.
  2. Why do you need a Container Orchestration Engine and see why Kubernetes is an excellent option?
  3. How to build and administer production-grade Kubernetes clusters on the go, on-cloud, and as well as locally on your laptop
  4. in-depth understanding of what are Pods, how do they connect and communicate
  5. how to write Pod manifest file and deploy it on Kubernetes

Overall a great free course to learn Kubernetes at a very high level which is what you need when you are starting with your DevOps journey.

Here is the link to join this free Kubernetes courseKubernetes: Getting Started

best free Kubernetes Course for DevOps Engineers

10. Implementing DevOps in the Real World [Pluralsight]

This course is known not only for the great teaching that it provides in DevOps but also for the insight into the business impacts of the technology. This course is going to prove beneficial for the learner who is looking to learn DevOps to expand their business. It also introduces you to all the different technologies that go along with DevOps.

Other technologies that they introduce in the courses are not talked about in detail but their description can help you understand what you can use for your ambition for better results.

Here are key skills you will learn in this course:

  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Enterprise DevOps
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Useful Technologies
  • A typical week in the DevOps world

The best part of this course is that when you will finish this course you will have a direction and insight into how you can use the technology in the best way possible. Thanks to Richard Seroter for creating this awesome DevOps course.

Here is the link to join this courseImplementing DevOps in the Real World

best Pluralsight course to learn DevOps Engineers

Btw, you would need a Pluralsight membership to watch this course, which is not free and it cost around $29 per month or $199 per year (30% Discount now).

If you can, you should get Pluralsight membership to boost your learning as it provides access to more than 7000+ online courses with a single membership. Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-FREE-PASS to watch this course for FREE.

That’s all about the best free DevOps courses programmers and developers can join to become DevOps Engineer in 2024. DevOps is proven to be an amazing technology that can decrease coding time. Companies are using it to deploy new software and people are loving it.

As I said, DevOps is one of the most important technologies that can help you create powerful applications in a short period of time. It’s time that you learn it too from the best courses that are mentioned above. Forget not to check each and every one of them for insight and better understanding.

Other Useful Resources for DevOps Engineers and Developers

P. S. — If you don’t mind spending a few bucks on learning a valuable skill like DevOps then you can also check out this CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Delivery, DevOps for Beginners course on Udemy. It’s not free but it’s the highest-rated course to learn DevOps on Udemy.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and