10 Reasons to use CodiumAI for Writing Unit Tests in 2024

CodiumAI can help you write better test in shorter time and eventually help you to become a better developer

13 min readMay 12, 2023


Hello guys, if you are not living under the rock then you may know that AI tools have been rocking the world. After ChatGPT come into seen last November, people’s perception completely changed about AI and now you have so many AI tools helping you in many of day to day computer task.

One of such task is Unit testing and today, I am going to share you a tool which can help you a lot for writing better test in less time. If you are a professional developer then you may know that Unit testing is an essential part of the software development process that ensures the code behaves as expected.

However, writing unit tests can be time-consuming and tedious, and developers often find themselves struggling to create meaningful tests. Enter CodiumAI, a software development company that simplifies code integrity and empowering developers to code with confidence.

It’s like TestGPT, an AI tool which can help you create meaningful test right from you IDE like VS Code or JetBrains PyCharm etc. While a lot of people fear that AI can take their job, my feeling is that AI makes you more empower, its just like any other tool.

When IDE first comes, it makes the software development easy by providing you an integrated environment where you cannot only code but also run your program and AI tools like CodiumAI takes that to next level by giving you auto-generated test based upon the code you write.

If you don’t know about CodiumAI, I highly recommend you to checkout their website and free plugins available for VSCoe and JetBrains IDE, they support, Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

10 Reasons to use Coding.ai for Writing Tests in 2024

Apart from being an AI tool which is also free and comes with free VSCode extension and/or JetBrains plugin, here are ten reasons why you should consider using CodiumAI for writing unit tests:

1. Generate meaningful tests

One of the most significant benefits of using CodiumAI for writing unit tests is its ability to generate meaningful tests quickly. This feature is particularly useful for developers who are short on time and need to write tests quickly and efficiently.

If you have worked in profesional setup then you may know that BA and PM (Project Manager) never give you enough time to write test and you need to squeeze some time here and their to write tests which is often incomplete and not comprehensive, but not anymore as CodiumAI can generate meaningful tests on fly.

CodiumAI analyzes your code, docstring, and comments, and then suggests tests as you code. This means that you don’t have to spend hours brainstorming and writing test cases, as CodiumAI does it for you. The suggested tests are also non-trivial, so you can be confident that they cover the most important aspects of your code.

However, if you don’t agree with a suggested test, you can always reject it and move on to the next one.

Another great thing about CodiumAI’s test generation feature is that it helps you find edge cases and corner cases that you may not have thought of. This ensures that your code is thoroughly tested and that you can catch potential bugs before they become bigger issues.

In short, CodiumAI’s ability to generate meaningful tests is a game-changer for developers who want to save time and effort while ensuring that their code is thoroughly tested. With CodiumAI, you can code smarter, create more value, and stay confident when you push. This is by far the most important reason I am giving a try to CodiumAI.

2. Helps to write better code

CodiumAI also helps you to write code that works the way you meant it to. This is achieved through CodiumAI’s analysis of your code, docstring, and comments, as well as its interaction with you as you code.

By analyzing your code, CodiumAI can suggest test cases that cover the most important aspects of your code, ensuring that it behaves as intended. This is particularly useful for catching edge cases and corner cases that you may not have thought of, as these can often be missed in manual testing.

CodiumAI also takes into account your docstring and comments, which can provide important context for your code. By analyzing this information, CodiumAI can suggest test cases that are more relevant and meaningful, ensuring that your code is thoroughly tested.

Furthermore, CodiumAI interacts with you as you write code, suggesting tests and asking for your input. This helps to ensure that the suggested tests are relevant and meaningful, and that they align with your goals for the code.

If you don’t agree with a suggested test, you can always reject it and move on to the next one, or even provide feedback to CodiumAI so that it can improve its suggestions in the future. Remember its an AI tool which is constantly learning and getting better as more and more people start using it.

3. Smart Coding Assistance

In addition to writing test cases for your code, CodiumAI can also provide you with insights into how your code works and how it interacts with other parts of your code and can act as smart coding assistant.

By analyzing your code, CodiumAI can identify dependencies, potential conflicts, and other issues that may affect the performance of your code. This can help you to make more informed decisions about how to optimize and improve your code.

Furthermore, CodiumAI can provide you with real-time feedback on how your changes affect the rest of your code. As you make changes, CodiumAI can automatically run the relevant tests and provide you with feedback on the impact of your changes.

This helps you to make sure that your changes don’t break existing functionality, and that they align with your goals for the code.

Overall, by providing full visibility into how your code behaves and how the changes you make affect the rest of your code, CodiumAI helps you to code smart, making more informed decisions and reducing the risk of bugs and errors.

Also by writing more test with the help of AI, you will become a better developer overtime. It’s like pair programming with AI, which has seen much more code then any person in this world.

4. Save time and Create value

Time is very important and one of the reason I use tools like CodiumAI is to save time. CodiumAI can really help developers spend fewer hours writing questionable test cases and more time developing useful features for their users.

Writing effective tests is very important for professional software development, but it can also be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating.

By using CodiumAI to generate test cases, you can spend less time on writing test and focus more on developing useful features. This can also increase your productivity, accelerate development timelines, and ultimately allows you to deliver more value to users.

Furthermore, by reducing the time and effort required to write effective tests, CodiumAI can help developers to improve the quality of their code.

When developers are less burdened with testing, they can put more effort into understanding their codebase, identifying and fixing issues, and optimizing their code for performance. This can help to ensure that the final product meets the needs of users and provides the best possible experience.

In addition, by using CodiumAI to generate meaningful tests, developers can improve the overall quality of their codebase. This can help to reduce technical debt, improve maintainability, and ensure that the codebase is flexible and scalable.

Overall, by reducing the time and effort required to write effective tests, CodiumAI helps developers to create more value for their users by allowing them to focus on developing useful features and delivering high-quality software.

5. Improves Confidence

CodiumAI can also help developers gain confidence in their code by providing meaningful test cases that check their code’s functionality. Yes, meaningful test is the core feature of CodiumAI and all other things are just the side effect of it.

Code coverage quotas, which are often used to measure the effectiveness of test suites, can also provide some level of confidence that code has been tested. However, they don’t necessarily ensure that the tests cover all possible scenarios and edge cases, or that the code behaves as intended.

On the other hand, CodiumAI generates non-trivial tests that are specifically designed to check the functionality of the code, which can help developers to catch bugs and ensure that their code works as intended.

Most of the companies use quality gate like SONAR before they ship their package for QA testing or production deployment. By using CodiumAI to generate tests, developers can feel confident that their code is thoroughly tested and that they have a safety net to catch potential issues.

This can help to reduce the risk of introducing bugs into the codebase and ensure that the final product is stable and reliable.

6. Find Edge cases and Corner Cases

One of the thing I like most about CodiumAI is its ability to suggest test cases that explore scenarios that may be less obvious or less frequently tested. These edge cases can help to identify potential issues that may not be caught by more straightforward test cases.

For example, imagine that you are building a function that calculates the average of a list of numbers. You might start by writing test cases for common scenarios, such as a list of positive numbers or a list that includes a mix of positive and negative numbers. However, there may be less obvious scenarios that could also impact the behavior of the function, such as:

  • A list that contains only one number
  • A list that contains very large or very small numbers
  • A list that contains duplicates or repeating numbers
  • A list that contains strings or other data types that cannot be averaged

By exploring these edge cases, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how your function behaves and identify potential issues that may not have been caught by more straightforward test cases.

CodiumAI can also help to identify these edge cases by analyzing your code and suggesting test cases that explore a range of scenarios. By writing tests for these edge cases, you can gain greater confidence in your code and ensure that it works correctly across a range of scenarios and inputs.

7. Community Support

If a tool doesn’t have a community support, its not worth trying because in Software development one thing is constant and that is you will stuck.

Even though, I have done 20 years of software development, I often stuck due to new tools and environment changes. For example, the other day I stuck while using Helm to deploy our new App to K8 cluster.

Thankfully, I didn’t need to suffer alone as both Helm and K8 has large community support and so is CodiumAI.

CodiumAI’s community of developers who are using the tool to write better unit tests and improve the quality of their code. By joining this community, you can share your experiences, ask questions, and learn from other developers who are using CodiumAI to improve their workflows.

This is another reason I prefer CodiumAI than any other new AI tool which can provide similar functionality.

8. IDE extensions

If a tool doesn’t have IDE integration then its also not that useful. Thankfully CodiumAI provides IDE extensions for both VS Code and JetBrains IDEs. These extensions integrate directly with your IDE and provide suggestions for unit tests as you write your code. Here are some of the key features of the CodiumAI IDE extensions:

  1. Non-trivial test suggestions
    CodiumAI suggests both trivial and non-trivial tests as you write your code. The non-trivial tests help you to identify edge cases and potential bugs that might not be caught by trivial tests.
  2. Docstring and comment analysis
    CodiumAI analyzes your code’s docstrings and comments to generate more accurate and relevant test suggestions.
  3. Test acceptance and commit
    When CodiumAI suggests a test, you can easily accept it and commit it to your codebase with a single click.
  4. Full code visibility
    With CodiumAI, you can see how your code behaves and how changes affect the rest of your codebase. This helps you to make more informed decisions when writing tests.
  5. Integration with your workflow
    CodiumAI integrates seamlessly with your existing development workflow. You can use it alongside your favorite testing frameworks and tools.

By using the CodiumAI IDE extensions on VS code or JetBrains IDE, you can generate more accurate and relevant unit tests as you write your code. This helps you to catch bugs early and ensure that your code is working as intended. The extensions are easy to use and integrate seamlessly with your existing development workflow, making them a powerful tool for any developer looking to improve the quality of their code.

If you have any trouble with installation, you can check their installation guide here.

9. Simplify testing

Simplifying testing is one of the main goals of CodiumAI. With CodiumAI, you don’t have to spend hours writing and running test cases manually. Instead, the tool generates meaningful tests for you automatically as you write your code. Here are some ways that CodiumAI simplifies testing:

  1. Automated test generation
    CodiumAI analyzes your code, docstrings, and comments to generate relevant and accurate test suggestions. This means that you don’t have to spend time writing test cases from scratch.
  2. Trivial and non-trivial tests
    CodiumAI suggests both trivial and non-trivial tests. The trivial tests help to catch basic errors, while the non-trivial tests help to identify edge cases and potential bugs that might not be caught by trivial tests.
  3. Full code visibility
    CodiumAI provides full code visibility, allowing you to see how changes you make to your code affect the rest of your codebase. This helps you to make more informed decisions when writing tests.
  4. Integration with your workflow
    CodiumAI integrates seamlessly with your existing development workflow. You can use it alongside your favorite testing frameworks and tools.

By simplifying testing, CodiumAI helps you to spend less time writing and running test cases, and more time developing useful features for your users. This ultimately leads to a more efficient and effective development process.

Here is a nice video which shows CodiumAI in action, you can watch this to see yourself, how fast CodiumAI generate test:

10. Encourages you to Create More Tests

Writing and running tests can be a tedious and frustrating task, well, sometime I do feel that even after so many years of coding and writing tests, doing TDD etc, but with CodiumAI, it doesn’t have to be anymore.

One of the main goals of CodiumAI is to help developers to stop hating testing. Writing and running test cases can be a tedious and frustrating task, and many developers don’t enjoy doing it. However, testing is an essential part of the software development process, and it’s crucial for ensuring that your code works as expected and doesn’t introduce any bugs.

CodiumAI helps to make testing less frustrating by automating the process and generating meaningful test suggestions for you. By taking care of the tedious and repetitive aspects of testing, CodiumAI allows you to focus on the creative and exciting parts of coding.

In addition, by providing full code visibility and identifying edge cases that might not be caught by manual testing, CodiumAI helps to build confidence in your code. This means that you can push your code with greater confidence, knowing that it has been thoroughly tested.

I think this is another reason why software developer should start using CodiumAI now.

What about Security? Is My Code Secure with an AI tool watching it?

One of the major concern for using any AI tool which transport data back to server is security. It’s valid concern, you don’t want your code to be stolen and Codium.ai does take care of that.

CodiumAI only analyzes the code necessary to give it enough context to generate meaningful tests, and the data is SSL encrypted. And they are also SOC2 certified.

While, I have given you 10 reasons to use Codium.ai, one reasons which I personally didn’t liked that they still don’t support “Java”, one of my favorite and probably world’s most popular language for serious coding.

My only consolation was that they are going to support it soon and then I would be probably going to use Codium.ai more and more.

So far they support Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript in VScode & JetBrains IDEs, so if you use one of these programming language for your daily coding then you will love the Codium.ai extension to increase your productivity not 10X but definitely 5X.


That’s all about 10 reasons to use Codium.ai for writing tests in 2024. CodiumAI is an excellent tool for developers who want to simplify the unit testing process and code with confidence. With its ability to suggest meaningful tests, provide full code visibility, and help you find edge cases, CodiumAI is a must-have for developers who want to spend more time developing great software and less time writing questionable test cases.

Btw, jus like any AI tool, CodiumAI isn’t perfect and you should always double-check the tests it generates. It’s there to help you not to replace you and that will only happen if you keep check on it.

So what are you waiting for? Give Codium.ai a try, it's definitely worth of one try, especially if you care about testing your code better. It’s free, and you can start with their free VSCode extension and/or JetBrains plugin to write meaningful tests in seconds.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com