10 System Design Algorithms, Protocols, and Distributed Data Structure to solve large-scales Problems

10 essential System design algorithms and distributed data structure to solve large-scales distributed system problems



10 System Design Algorithms, Protocols, and Distributed Data Structure to solve large-scales System problems

Hello folks, if you are preparing for System Design Interview then one thing you should focus on is learning different System Design Algorithm and what problem they solve in Distributed System and Microservices. In the past, I have shared 7 System Design Problems and 10 Essential System Design concepts and in this article, I am going to tell you 10 System Design algorithm which every developer should learn.

Without any further ado, here are the 10 System Design algorithm and distributed Data Structure you can use to solve large-scale distributed system problems:

  1. Consistent Hashing
  2. MapReduce
  3. Distributed Hash Tables (DHT)
  4. Bloom Filters
  5. Two-phase commit (2PC)
  6. Paxos
  7. Raft
  8. Gossip protocol
  9. Chord:
  10. CAP theorem




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