10 Things You Can Learn in ByteByteGo System Design course

What makes ByteByteGo a great resource for System Design Interview

6 min readMar 5, 2024


credit — ByteByteGo

Hello guys, I am big fan of ByteByteGo and Alex Xu. Ever since I discovered his first book on System design, the System Design Interview — An insider’s guide, I have become a big fan of him because the knowledge he share and the way he share.

He is one of the first few people who put real emphasis on diagrams and start creating diagrams which can explain complex System design and programming topics in simple way.

For example, let’s look at this diagram which explains how HTTPS work, you can just take a quick look at the diagram and you know about TCP handshake, certificate checking, key exchange, public and private key, and data transmission. While many people know that HTTP is built on top of TCP, this image made it clear for those who didn’t know.

You don’t need to learn a whole article because the information is condensed in just a single image and that’s what really made me his fan.

credit — ByteByteGo

and all his book is filled of such diagrams like shown below, which is taken from his second book “System Design Interview — An Insider’s Guide: Volume 2”

Since reading his first book, where I also like the interview chats, I have read all 3 of his book, like System Design Interview — An Insider’s Guide: Volume 1 and 2 as well as Machine Learning System Design Interview

But what I liked most is his online platform ByteByteGo, which is also the digital version of both of System Design interview book.

If you are also wondering to joint his platform but not sure then let me give you what you can learn on ByteByteGo.

Here are 10 things you can learn from ByteByteGo’s System Design course:

Understanding of system design principles

The course provides a solid understanding of system design principles, including scalability, availability, fault tolerance, and security. You will learn how to make architectural decisions that take these principles into account.

2.Breaking down complex systems

The course teaches you how to break down complex systems into smaller, manageable components. This skill is essential for designing large-scale systems that are maintainable and scalable.

3.Designing for performance

You will learn how to design systems that can handle high traffic and perform well under heavy load. This includes understanding how to optimize database queries, cache data, and use content delivery networks (CDNs).

Here is a beginner’s guide of CDN from ByteByteGo

4. Designing for fault tolerance

The course also covers how to design systems that can handle failures and continue to operate smoothly. This includes understanding how to use redundancy, load balancing, and other fault-tolerant techniques. For example, you will know how two services run in two different data center and how you can implement active-active or active-passive model if you are running singleton app in two different kubernetes clusters.

I have worked in both active-active and active-passive model, while active-active seems better because your service in both data center are in use and you know for sure that if one data center goes away you can still be operational using other data center.

In case of active-passive model there is a slight element of risk because the passive instance is not running and there may be surprises when you bring that instance up. In theory it doesn’t look like because you have been updating both the instances but in practice I have seen funny things where second instance doesn’t work because of various things like OS version, a missing environment variable, or a missing file.

So, if you can, prefer active-active over active-passive but if you have no choice like your app is singleton like an application which runs a batch job then you have to use active-passive model. In that case try to use container and kubernetes for deployment as it will minimize the risk as you only need to deploy one file rather than multiple.

5. Designing for security

ByteByteGo online course also covers security aspect of System Design. For example, you will learn how to design systems that are secure and protect user data. This includes understanding how to use encryption, authentication, and authorization to secure your system.

6. Designing for scalability

The course also focus on how to design systems that can scale to handle increasing amounts of traffic and data. This includes understanding how to partition data, use distributed systems, and design for horizontal scalability.

Here is a nice diagram on scaling your app from ByteByteGo

7. Communication and collaboration skills

System design requires working with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and stakeholders. The course teaches you how to communicate your ideas effectively and work collaboratively with others.

8. Thinking critically and creatively

System design requires thinking critically and creatively to solve complex problems. The course challenges you to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

9. Hands-on experience

The course includes hands-on exercises and projects that allow you to apply what you’ve learned in a real-world setting. This practical experience is essential for reinforcing your learning and building confidence in your abilities.

10. Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies

The field of system design is constantly evolving, with new technologies and best practices emerging all the time.

The course keeps you up-to-date with the latest trends and developments, ensuring that you have the most relevant and current skills.Overall, ByteByteGo’s System Design course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn system design or improve their skills.

By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of system design principles and the ability to design large-scale systems that are scalable, available, fault-tolerant, and secure.

In short, instead of buying both System design books you can just join ByteByteGo and start preparing for your System design interviews. Alex will soon also add content from Volume 3 on ByteByteGo as well updates.

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The recent news is that Alex have also acquired highscalibility.com, one of my favorite website to learn how real things works.

All the best for your system design interview !!




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com