10 Tools Blockchain Developers Should Learn in 2024

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8 min readJan 7, 2024
10 Tools Blockchain Developers Should Learn
credit — 101blockchains.com

Blockchain technology has rapidly evolved, becoming a cornerstone in various industries. As we step into 2024, the demand for skilled blockchain developers continues to surge, leading to the emergence of innovative tools designed to streamline and enhance the development process.

Whether you’re a seasoned blockchain professional or a newcomer to the field, staying abreast of the latest tools is essential for staying competitive and building robust decentralized applications (DApps).

In the past, I have shared best Blockchain certifications, courses, websites, and books and today we’ll explore ten cutting-edge tools that blockchain developers should consider mastering in 2024.

From smart contract platforms to security tools, these resources play a pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain development. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to expand, embracing these tools empowers developers to create secure, scalable, and feature-rich decentralized solutions.

Let’s delve into the toolkit that awaits blockchain developers on the horizon of 2024. By the way, if you are new to Blockchain world, I suggest you to first go through a comprehensive program like Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional by 101 Blockchains (CEBP) which will not just teach you blockchain basics but also tools, practices, and blockchain case studies. 101 Blockchains is a nice place to learn anything and everything related to Blockchain.

10 Blockchain Tools You Should Learn in 2024

Blockchain developers qualify as the most in-demand professionals in the blockchain talent landscape right now. Employers want competent blockchain developers capable of using the top 10 blockchain tools trending in the market.

However, it is difficult to single out a few tools from the massive assortment of resources and platforms used in blockchain development. As a blockchain developer, you need to learn about the following tools in 2024 to strengthen your professional portfolio.

1. Solidity

Solidity is the first addition among most used blockchain tools for creating dApps and smart contracts. The open-source, contract-oriented, high-level programming language features inspiration from popular programming languages such as Python, C++ and JavaScript.

Solidity has been tailored for EVM, which can execute the code logic programmed in the language. Developers could create self-executing smart contract logic, which can be triggered upon compliance with pre-defined conditions.

Solidity also provides support for different complex user-defined data types, libraries and contract inheritance. As a matter of fact, experts have pointed out that Solidity is the programming language for future of web3. You can rely on the Solidity Fundamentals course on 101 Blockchains for developing skills and knowledge in the crucial smart contract programming tool.

2. Ethereum

Ethereum is an inevitable addition to any outline of blockchain developer tools for 2024, as it is the top platform for running smart contracts. Blockchain developers working on dApp and smart contract-based projects are likely to use Ethereum.

Ethereum utilizes EVM, a decentralized virtual machine, for executing smart contracts.

As the first blockchain to introduce smart contract programmability, Ethereum is an obvious pick among blockchain tools you should learn in 2024.

Developers can use Ethereum for writing smart contracts in different programming languages and creating and deploying dApps for diverse use cases.

The Complete Ethereum Technology course on 101 Blockchains is an effective training instrument for learning how Ethereum works. The course also helps in learning more about the process of creating tokens and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum.

3. Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is another important tool used in blockchain development, particularly for permissioned blockchain use cases. It has been tailored for creating blockchain networks and apps dedicated to specific networks.

The modular architecture of Hyperledger Fabric serves as one of the prominent features for blockchain developers. It is one of the best blockchain tools with support for pluggable components, which can provide better ease of customization.

Hyperledger Fabric can also help in extending the capabilities of dApps and blockchain networks for enterprises, depending on scalability requirements. The flexible consensus model of Hyperledger Fabric also stands out as a prominent highlight in the tool.

Developers could choose their desired consensus algorithm and achieve desired improvements in blockchain use cases. Learn more about the tool with the Getting Started with Hyperledger Fabric course on 101 Blockchains now.

4. Truffle

Truffle is also another popular entry among blockchain analysis tools for compilation and deployment of smart contracts. It offers a comprehensive blockchain development environment for compilation, testing and deployment of smart contracts and dApp development.

Truffle can support automated contract testing through tools such as Mocha and Chai. In addition, Truffle also features libraries and in-built procedures for easier smart contract development and deployment.

The significance of Truffle as one of the most used blockchain tools in smart contract development emphasizes the necessity of learning Truffle.

You can choose the Smart Contracts Development training course on 101 Blockchains to hone your skills in using Truffle framework. The course helps you familiarize yourself with best practices for installation and use of Truffle framework alongside workflow and commands for Truffle development.

5. Solc

The list of important blockchain tools for developers in 2024 would also point towards Solc or the Solidity Compiler. Solc works as a command-line compiler for programs written in Solidity programming language.

The tool helps in conversion of Solidity programming logic into machine-readable language for Ethereum Virtual Machine.

You can find two distinct categories of Solidity Compiler, such as Solc and Solcjs. The Solc compiler has been developed on the foundations of C++, while Solcjs has been based on Node.js library.

6. Metamask

Metamask is also an important mention among top 10 blockchain tools every blockchain developer must learn in 2024. It is a software wallet for storing, sending and receiving cryptocurrency and other tokens. Developers and blockchain users could access the Metamask wallet as a web extension.

Metamask plays a vital role in blockchain development by serving as the bridge between blockchain networks and dApps. On top of it, Metamask can also support connections with popular crypto exchanges for selling and purchasing cryptocurrencies.

7. Ganache

Ganache is a popular tool in blockchain development with unique functionalities. It serves as a blockchain simulator; you can deploy it to your local system. As one of the reliable blockchain developer tools, Ganache provides a GUI that can create the same environments as blockchain networks.

Interestingly, Ganache can offer blockchain development environments without setting up actual remote networks or real test networks. Therefore, Ganache provides effective results as one of the trusted blockchain analysis tools with the facility of vacant Ethereum addresses. Developers can use Ganache for testing and deploying dApps or smart contracts.

8. Geth

Geth also qualifies as an entrant among the most used blockchain tools for its role as an Ethereum node implementation. Developers can access the Geth node implementation in three different interfaces. The support for blockchain development with Geth on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems validates their popularity.

9. Remix

The collection of popular Ethereum IDEs or Integrated Development Environments is incomplete without Remix. It serves as an integral tool for execution and deployment of Solidity smart contracts. Remix IDE features compilers that support different versions of Solidity. In addition, Remix also offers a blockchain simulation for testing, running and deploying smart contracts.

10. Web3.js

The outline of best blockchain tools you should learn in 2024 will also include web3.js. It serves a collection of libraries that developers can use for remote or local interaction with Ethereum nodes.

Developers can use web3.js library to access an API for easier interaction with a blockchain platform. Web3.js is a crucial requirement for empowering the future of web3 development.

The possibilities for a career in blockchain have been encouraging many professionals to learn blockchain technology. One of the most common job roles in the blockchain talent market points to the blockchain developer. However, you must focus on expertise in blockchain developer tools before pursuing any jobs in blockchain development.

The conceptual understanding of blockchain can help you leverage the technology to achieve desired benefits in different use cases.

On the other hand, you would need blockchain tools to create practical solutions that can offer additional value to users. What are the top blockchain development tools you must learn about in 2024? The following post offers you a detailed overview of top tools required for blockchain developers.

That’s all about 10 Tools Every Blockchain Developer Should Learn in 2024. The different popular blockchain development tools are essential weapons in the arsenal of a blockchain developer. You need to learn about the top 10 blockchain tools and develop the skills required to employ them in blockchain development.

Aspiring blockchain developers must have a clear idea regarding which tool can serve the best outcomes in different stages of blockchain development.

At the same time, it is important to choose trusted and comprehensive learning resources for building your blockchain development expertise. Learn more about blockchain development tools in detail now.

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I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com