Top 12 Free JavaScript Courses and Tutorials for Beginners to Learn Online in 2024 — Best of Lot

My favorite Free online courses to learn JavaScript and ES6 from Harvard, Udemy, Coursera, Pluralsight, edX, and Educative

14 min readMay 9, 2020


Top 12 Free JavaScript Courses and Tutorials for Beginners to Learn Online
image_credit — Educative

Hello All, If you want to learn JavaScript by yourself and looking for some free resources like books, sites, and tutorials then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared best JavaScript courses and best JavaScript books and In this article, I am going to share some of the best free JavaScript online courses you can join to learn JavaScript by yourself, on your own schedule, and at your own place.

A lot of people are learning JavaScript and the number is only increasing with each passing day, and why not? It’s the #1 web development language. It also has tons of useful frameworks and libraries like Angular, React Node.js, and jQuery which makes web development really easy.

If you are looking for a job or starting your own website, learning JavaScript is a good decision. In today’s world, I highly encourage people to learn to code and at least know to build a web application and mobile application on their own, and by learning JavaScript you can hit these two birds in one stone.

Yes, you can also develop a mobile application using JavaScript. If you don’t, React Native is a JavaScript library, which allows you to develop a mobile application for Android and iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad in JavaScript.

Now, the big question is which courses should you choose to learn JavaScript? There are tons of choices available in terms of books, tutorials, paid courses, and free courses.

There are even websites you can use to learn JavaScript interactively. You might want to check out them in my earlier post about 5 websites to learn JavaScript.

I leave that choice to you and I am going to share the5 best free courses to learn JavaScript in this article. These are good and made free by their instructor for educational purposes and perfect to start with.

Btw, If you don’t mind spending a few bucks for learning something as valuable as JavaScript then I also suggest you check The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects! course by Jonas Schmedtmann on Udemy. A hands-on guide to learning JavaScript in 2024. It’s not free but complete worth your money and its also highly affordable and you can buy in just $10 on Udemy sales.

12 Best Free Online Courses to Learn JavaScript in 2024

Here is my list of some of the best courses to learn JavaScript in 2024 and that too for free. Though you can start learning JavaScript the way you want, my suggestion is to start with fundamentals, learn the JavaScript language before learning any framework or library.

1. JavaScript Essentials [Udemy FREE Couse]

This is a basic course to learn the JavaScript programming language. In this course, you will learn all the basics of JavaScript language like primitive types, arrays, functions, operators, objects like a window, DOM, and much more.

You’ll also learn how JavaScript works, some basic APIs, and in the end, you will develop a mini JavaScript project by applying the knowledge you have learned in this free JavaScript course.

The course is ideal for anyone starting with JavaScript from scratch but has some programming experience, but don’t worry, if you are new to programming and just started with JavaScript then also you can take this course as it is perfect for beginners.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Javascript Essentials

best free JavaScript course for beginners

2. Interactivity with JavaScript [Coursera FREE Course]

This is an awesome free course to learn JavaScript on Coursera, one of my favorite online learning portals. This course will introduce you to the basics of the JavaScript language.

This course covers concepts such as variables, looping, functions, and even a little bit about debugging tools. You will not only understand how the Document Object Model (DOM) is used by JavaScript to identify and modify specific parts of your page but also how to interact with DOM.

After the course, you should be able to react to DOM Events and dynamically alter the contents and style of their page. The class will also help you to build a final project — the creation of an interactive HTML5 form that accepts and verifies input.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE —Interactivity with JavaScript

best free  JavaScript course for beginners on Coursera

Apart from this free course, there is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers course by Johns Hopkins University and JavaScript for Beginners Specialization by UCDavis are another two worth looking JavaScript courses on Coursera and you should check them as most of Coursera courses are free to audit.

And, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies like Google, IBM, Amazon, and the best universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus, an annual subscription plan from Coursera.

This single subscription gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth of your money as you get unlimited certificates.

3. Introduction to JavaScript: First Steps [Educative Free Course]

This is an introductory JavaScript course for the complete beginner. It’ll provide the fundamentals of the language. Topics include variables, operators, functions, arrays, objects, and loops. After this course, you should be ready to further your learning through advanced classes or other resources.

This course has been created by Arnav Agarwal, a full-stack engineer. He has extensive experience understanding how people learn to code. This course is text-based, interactive, and completely free, thanks to Educative and The Educative Team

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Introduction to JavaScript: First Steps

Top 12 Free JavaScript Courses and Tutorials for Beginners to Learn Online
free JavaScript courses for beginners

If you don’t know Educative is another online learning platform that is gaining a lot of traction for its text-based, interactive learning courses. Reading is generally faster than watching and If you prefer reading text to watching videos then this is the platform to checkout.

It has some of the best courses to prepare for coding interviews like Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions and Grokking the system design interview. It also has a lot of free resources like this free JavaScript course to learn essential technologies.

You can register for this course for free but if you like to take full advantage of the platform, I suggest you get an Educative Subscription which costs $17(50% discount now) monthly, completely worth it for a programmer and software engineers where continuous learning is required.

4. CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript [edX Free]

This course picks up where CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Flask, Django, and Bootstrap.

The best thing about this course is that it’s from Harvard’s and more than 502,135 already enrolled! into this course which speaks volumes about its credibility and usefulness.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

best edX course to learn JavaScript
the best course to learn JavaScript online for free

5. JavaScript Fundamentals [Pluralsight Free Trial]

This is a great course to start learning JavaScript from scratch. It touches every aspect of JavaScript language in detail and shows you how to get the most from the language of the internet.

In this JavaScript course, the instructor Liam McLennan will teach you about common building blocks of JavaScript programs like syntax, operators, null, undefined, loops, object, equality, functions, control flow, types, etc.

Later you will also learn about the Type system and various JavaScript libraries like Regular expression, Date, JSON, Math, etc. You will also learn about how to test your JavaScript code and debug it using Firebug a JavaScript debugger from Mozilla for Firefox browser.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Javascript for beginners — Quick JavaScript Fundamentals

best Pluralsight course to learn JavaScript

In short, a great course to learn JavaScript from scratch. Btw, it’s not totally free. You need a Pluralsight membership to access this course but not to worry if you don’t have a monthly or annual membership. You can still access this course by signing up for a 10-day FREE Pass.

6. Advanced and Object-Oriented JavaScript and ES6

This is another excellent free course to learn JavaScript, OOP, and ES6 in Udemy for free. It’s also quite popular as over 6200+ students are enrolled in it and got more than 90 4.5 ratings.

In this free JavaScript course, instructor Bharath Thippireddy will teach JavaScript from scratch. You will learn to set up your own coding environment and develop JavaScript programs.

You will also learn about variables, objects, arrays, functions, logic, loops, control statement, DOM, and other essential JavaScript concepts.

It’s an ideal course for anyone who wants to learn JavaScript for web development. Though, you need to have a little bit of experience in HTML and CSS and an understanding of web development.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE —Advanced and Object-Oriented JavaScript and ES6

free Udemy course to learn JavaScript

7. Learning ECMAScript The Next Generation of Javascript

Hello guys, you may know that ES6/ES7 is the new version of JavaScript and it is awesome if you want to become a better developer this is the right course for you.

This is a great free course to learn new JavaScript features by using JSBin or any other online interpreter. In this course you will understand how to use ES6 and ES7 features, what are the tools available but more important how to configure it properly so you can use it in your applications after completing this course.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Learning ECMAScript The Next Generation of Javascript

best free course to learn JavaScript on Udemy

8. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript [Project Course]

This is a hands-on project-based course to learn not just JavaScript but also HTML and CSS, the other two important technology for frontend developers.

This course is good to improve your core development skills by building a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will use new ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, the spread operator, const and let, and template literal string.

You will also learn how to use the Fetch API to load trivia questions from an API, store high scores in Local Storage, how to use Flexbox, Animations, and REM units in CSS, and how to create a progress bar from scratch. Overall a perfect project to learn JavaScript in 2024.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

best free JavaScript project for beginners

9. Leveling up to ES6

If you know JavaScript already but want to learn all the new features of ES6 so that you can write better and more concise JavaScript code then this is the best course to join and you know what, it's completely free.

In this free ES 6 course, you will learn how to use the ES6 features, understand when these particular ES6 features should be used, and learn why these ES6 features help you write cleaner and more concise code

Overall a great free JavaScript course to Level up your javascript knowledge with the latest features provided in ES6.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Leveling up to ES6

best free course to learn ES6

10. JavaScript Basics: Start Coding in 5 Minutes

This is a massive free course to learn JavaScript completely. The course has more than 56 hours of content and covers everything a JavaScript developer needs to know.

You will find more material in this free JavaScript course on Udemy than any other paid course. I am really thankful to the instructor Zach Freedman for creating such an awesome course and making it free.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — JavaScript Basics: Start Coding in 5 Minutes

best free course to learn coding with Javascript

11. JavaScript Introduction by edX Team

This is another beginner-level JavaScript course you take online. This is created by w3c and I highly recommend this course to beginners.

You will learn how to work with JavaScript from ground zero and everything is clear and well explained, all the topics were covered in detail, you can not expect more of a beginner JavaScript course

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — JavaScript Introduction

free edX course to learn JavaScript

12. Learn to Program in JavaScript: Beginner to Pro

This is another awesome free JavaScript course for web developers who want to learn JavaScript in depth.

In this course, you will not only understand how JavaScript works but also learn advanced concepts such as closures, prototypes, and learn to write your frameworks.

The most important thing, it will teach you how to write solid, good JavaScript code by avoiding common pitfalls and mistakes other JavaScript coders make.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE —Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro

free online course to learn JavaScript

You will also learn about debugging JavaScript code and finding problems easier. It also shows you the code of popular JavaScript frameworks which will help you to understand them better.

Overall, a quality JavaScript course, which is tried and tested by more than 75000 students. It has also got 4000 ratings at an average of 4.4 which is more than impressive.

13. Introduction to JavaScript @ Codecademy

This is another of the best free resource to learn JavaScript online. In fact this is the one resource which I used while learning JavaScript first time. I really like the way I can type code in web browser and see the output without doing any setup.

This free JavaScript tutorials is idea for beginners because its interactive and no additional setup required as with other free tutorials where you need to download and setup tools.

Even though currently, CodeCademy offers Java, Git, UNIX command line, and several other courses, it made its name by an interactive JavaScript course to learn online at your own pace.

You can gauge the popularity of this course by looking at the number of students enrolled, currently, 5M+, which is a very high number for any online FREE course.

You can sign up for this free JavaScript tutorial here.

best free Codecademy course to learn Javascript online

In short, CodeCademy is one of the best websites to learn JavaScript online, and you should take advantage of this.

Btw, if you like the CodeCademy platform then you can also join CodeCademy PRO, a premium subscription for programmers. It cost around $15.99 per month on a yearly plan and provides access to all the CodeCademy content, courses, quizzes, and projects.

That’s all about some of the free courses to learn JavaScript online. These free courses allow you to learn JavaScript from the comfort of your office and home. You don’t need to go anywhere and You can also learn at your own pace. You don’t need to follow any particular schedule.

Btw, one thing to note is that some of the free JavaScript courses on Udemy may turn into paid courses in the future so do check before you join them. My suggestion is to enroll now, when they are free, even if you don’t have time to learn JavaScript.

Once you joined them, they will remain free for your life and you can start learning whenever you get time or when priority changes. This way you will not regret later missing out on those free courses.

Other Web Development Resource articles you may like to explore

  1. The Complete Web Developer RoadMap
  2. My favorite free JavaScript tutorials for Beginners
  3. 15 Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS courses for Web Developers
  4. 10 JavaScript Frameworks Web Developers Can Learn
  5. Top 5 Courses to learn Web Development
  6. My favorite free Courses to learn HTML and CSS
  7. 5 Free Docker Courses for Frontend Developers
  8. 7 Free Courses to learn SQL and Database for Beginners
  9. The Complete React.js Developer RoadMap
  10. 10 Books and Courses to learn Angular in 2021

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these web development courses then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

Closing Notes

Thanks for reading this article so far. You might be thinking that there is so much stuff to learn, so many courses to join, but you don’t need to worry.

There is a good chance that you may already know most of the stuff, and there are also a lot of useful free resources, books, and websites which you can use, I have also linked them here and there along with the best resources, which are certainly not free, but worth of money.

I am a particular fan of Udemy, edX, Educative, and Coursera courses as they are very affordable and provide a lot of value in a very small amount, but you are free to choose the course you want.

At the end of the day, you should have enough knowledge and experience about the things mentioned here.

Good luck with your JavaScript journey! It’s certainly not going to be easy, but by following this roadmap and guide, you are one step closer to becoming the Web Developer, you always wanted to be

If you like this article then please consider following me on medium (javinpaul). if you’d like to be notified of every new post and don’t forget to follow javarevisited on Twitter!

P. S. — If you are also looking for some free resources to start with your web development career then you can also check this list of free Web Development courses for Programmers.

P.P.S. — If you don’t mind spending a few bucks for learning something as valuable as JavaScript then I also suggest you check The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects! course by Jonas Schmedtmann on Udemy. A hands-on guide to learning JavaScript in 2024. It’s not free but complete worth your money and is also highly affordable and you can buy in just $10 on Udemy sales.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and