6 Projects You Can Build to Learn React Native in 2024

Project ideas for React Native beginners with links to courses/articles to build those projects like Instagram and Whatsapp clone with React Native

7 min readNov 30, 2021


5 Projects You Can Build to Learn React Native
image_credit — React Native bootcamp — Build an Instagram Clone w/Firebase

Hello guys, Learning React native for the first time can be a little bit hard to use and understand because of its syntax but fortunately with hustling and keep learning more and more you can master React Native at a very fast time especially if you are going to create some real-world projects.

The best way to learn any programming language, Framework, Tool for a library like React native or any other language is through practicing more and more by creating as many projects as you can so you get some experience while you do that and leverage the features of that language.

Earlier, I have shared the best courses to learn React Native and In this article, I will share with you some cool and nice projects for both new and experienced React Native developers that will give you more experience over time.

They will also help you enhance your skills and knowledge by applying what you have learned to real-world projects that you might need in the future.

6 Best React Native Project Ideas for Beginners in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of some of the projects you can do to learn React Native in 2024. I have also included free and paid resources you can follow if you are stuck while doing these projects.

1. Build an Instagram Clone

You need to build an Instagram like app where people can share photos and videos, tag them and also add filters. You can also work on newsfeed but that’s an advanced requirement.

Ideally, you should begin by creating a login and signup screens with the integration with modern firebase firestore. Afte that you can to create other functions that social media has — liking posts, commenting (which I will upload soon), and uploading pictures to our feed.

You can also integrate real-time chat as well as other functions that social media platforms have.

And, if you need help, React Native bootcamp — Build an Instagram Clone w/Firebase Udemy course will teach you how to develop an Instagram clone step by step using Firebase and React Native.

React Native project ideas for beginners

2. Build a Cryptocurrency Tracker App

This project will be like a cryptocurrency tracker app where it displays the current cryptocurrency price like bitcoin and Etherium and more compared to the USD in real-time with their trending like the percent of changes whether the price goes up or down.

The project should be easy and straightforward but if the project was hard for you to implement maybe because of the API or something you can refer to this Free course called building a cryptocurrency tracker app in udemy to help you fix your issues.

How to learn React Native projects

2. Build a Chating App like WhatsApp

This project is like building a chat application similar to any other chat app such as messenger where the other person can send you messages and you replay to him but with a simple user interface and not that complicated like having profile or pictures and so on.

The project is very easy to do since it doesn’t have to create that complicated social media app, but if you do find some trouble doing this, you might see this course called building a chat app on udemy to explain everything you do have to do step by step.

Best project ideas to learn React Native

4. Add a Navigation Menu

You will create a navigation menu in this project like that burger icon and when someone clicks on it displays the pages available inside that app and as well a bottom navigation menu where you can change between pages and these features should be implemented in all the apps.

This project can be easily implemented using the React native language but if someone found it a little bit difficult to do then you can watch this udemy course React Native Navigation for how to implement that in React native.

beginner project ideas to learn React Native

5. Create a Google Login Option

More than 1.5 billion users use Gmail as their default email so you will try in this project to implement the Google login option inside your app by creating any kind of app you like then add this option to it using the React Native and Firebase SDK.

The project is already created on freeCodeCamp as an article called How to Set Up Google Login and shows you step by step how to implement it inside your React Native app so make sure to refer to this tutorial if you couldn’t implement this option.

React Native best way to learn by projects

6. Build a Tinder Clone App using React Native

In this project, you will build a social media app where people can log in and register using the Facebook login option as well as search for the profile of the other and you will implement the Geolocation features for matching people and notification when someone likes your profile.

This project is intended to be for the advanced developers of React Native and for those who find it hard to create this kind of app you can refer to this course in udemy known as How To Build Tinder that shows you exactly how to create this project step by step till the end.

How to Build a Tinder Clone App using React Native

So this is all for this article about the five projects that you can do to learn React Native language and its features but for people who want to deep dive more into other projects you can see this course in udemy called Complete React Native Bootcamp to create 18 android and iOS app like:

1. Dice roller app
2. Currency converter app
3. Employee app
4. Messageboard
5. Building a chat app

Here is the link to join this courseComplete React Native Bootcamp

That’s all about the React Native projects beginners can do to learn React Native in 2024. No matter how much you have learned and watched tutorials about React Native you won’t master this language or any other languages if you didn’t create projects and practice yourself and here in this article, you have seen many projects to start your career as a React Native developer.

Other Programming Resources you may like:

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these React Native project ideas for beginners useful, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — Prior knowledge of JavaScript and React is necessary for React Native learning. If you are looking for some free courses to start your React.js journey, you can also take a look at this list of Free React Courses for Web Developers.

If you have any other cool project ideas to learn React Native, feel free to share them with us. If you are ideas are interesting , I will also include them in this list.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com