6 Best AWS SysOps Administrator Certification Courses & Practice Test in 2024

These are the best online courses and practice test to prepare for AWS SysOps Administration certification exam

10 min readNov 4, 2020


6 Best AWS SysOps Administrator Certification Courses & Practice Test

Hello guys, I have been talking about AWS certifications for quite some time now and in the past shared how to prepare for AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Developer Associate, and AWS Solution architect exam, and today I am going to talking about AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam.

This is probably the hardest associate-level AWS certification and I strongly suggest you appear on this exam after getting AWS Developer and AWS solution Architect exam.

Though this is not a pre-requisite and if you are working as a DevOps engineer, you can directly go for this certification to further boost your credentials, but doing this will improve your chances to pass this certification on the very first attempt and save both your time and money. It will also help you to score high which can further boost your Resume.

The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. This certification exam assesses your AWS operational skills I mean how well you understand not just Core AWS services, but how to administer it and troubleshoot issues, which makes this certification incredibly valuable for both candidates and companies.

Here are the complete Exam details-

How to crack AWS SysOps Certification Exam

There is a huge demand for certified AWS professionals and even though you will find many AWS solution architect, there are not that many AWS SysOps Administrator associates that are required for jobs like Cloud Engineer, Site Reliability Engineers, Cloud support, and Datacenter engineers.

AWS online training courses play an important role in preparing for AWS certifications and AWS Certified SysOps Administrator is no exception, you need a good quality online training course that covers all the topics required for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator certification exam so that you can prepare well and hard.

There are many online courses to pass AWS Certified Sysops Administrator — Associate exam on Udemy, Pluralsight, Whizlabs, and other online portal but the key is choosing the right course as AWS is constantly evolving and their platform keeps changing.

In this case, you need a course that keeps itself up-to-date with new changes in AWS space and that’s where these courses excel. They are created by some of the brightest and passionate instructors on cloud space and they have a dedicated team to keep the course up-to-date by adding new lectures and updating existing content.

6 AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA C02 Exam Courses in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the best courses to pass the AWS SysOps certification exam. As I have said, these courses not only cover the exam topic well but also they are the most up-to-date courses out there.

1. Ultimate AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2024

Stephane Maarek AWS courses don’t need any introduction, they are the best courses to prepare for AWS certification and this one is also no different.

In this ultimate guide to AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate, Stephane has shared all his knowledge which helped me to pass this difficult exam with an incredible score of 980/1000, yes, just one wrong question.

While there is no guarantee that you will also score that high but learning from someone who has gone through that route and achieved success makes a lot of difference and that’s why I am highly recommending this course to any system admin or DevOps engineer who is preparing for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator exam.

This course covers all the new topics on the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator SOA-C02 exam and it’s packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a SysOps. You will not just learn how to prepare for the AWS exam but also how to prepare for the real world.

Here is the link to join this course Ultimate AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2024

best Udemy course for AWS SysOps Certification Exam

The course also contains 400+ slides which are also available as downloadable PDFs. There are also many hands-on lectures in every section and quizzes at the end of the section.

There’s also an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice exam at the end of the course which you can take it after completing the course to assess your preparation.

The course is also recently updated to cover the latest changes in AWS GUI. Overall a fantastic course to prepare for AWS SysOps certification. You can also take inspiration from Stephane and try to beat his record of 980/1000 to make it perfect 1000/1000.

2. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2024 [SOA-C03]

Apart from Stephane Maarek, Neal Davis is another instructor on Udemy who I trust for AWS certification and cloud computing courses.

Having attended his AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 [2024] course I can say that you will instantly connect with Neal. He has immense experience in IT and cloud and he is also AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Developer, and Systems Administrator himself.

If you are preparing for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Exam then you know that topics like monitoring, high scalability, ops work, security, networking, and data management are very important from both work and certification point of view and this course covers all of them using relevant AWS services like CloudWatch and its different metrics.

This course covers almost every aspect of the sysops administration with clarity and required depth. The only thing which could have better to include a few practice exams at the end of the course and add more quizzes after each section, which they already have in their Developer and SA associate courses.

Here is the link to join this course AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2024 [SOA-C03]

best Udemy course for AWS SysOps Certification Exam SOA-C02

The course is Created by Neal Davis and it trusted by more than 95,754 students. It also has on average 4.7 ratings from close to 53,000 rating participants which makes it one of the most popular AWS courses for the Certified SysOps Admin exam. Big thanks Neal and his Team for creating this awesome course.

3. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified 2024–4 Certifications!

This is one of the most comprehensive AWS certification course on Udemy and as the title suggests the training material cover all four AWS certification namely

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam
AWS Certified Developer Associate exam
AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam
— AWS Certified SysOps Admin exam

If you intend to give all four certifications sometime in the future, you should join this course to save your cost and effort. This course is fully updated for the latest AWS exams and is regularly updated at least every month to keep it up-to-date with the latest change.

The course is very hands-on and comprehensive with more than 37 hours of on-demand content with real-life labs with professionally produced detailed lab notes of 1,000s of pages!. It also contains NodeJS and JavaScript code for developer labs like Lambda, Cognito, X-Ray, SQS, SNS, and much more.

Here is the link to join this course Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified 2024 –4 Certifications!

best AWS SysOps Practitioner Practice Test

The course also comes with practice tests/quizzes for each main section and 600+ questions in pdf format! which means you don’t need to buy an additional practice test.

It also contains 4 full-length certification practice exams (240 questions) which is enough to check your speed and accuracy. Though I still suggest going through the Whizlabs test for better preparation.

This course is trusted by more than 90,000 students and it has on average 4.5 ratings from close to 14,843 rating participants which speaks a lot about its quality. No matter, which AWS certification you are preparing for this course will help you that

4. Whizlabs’ AWS SysOps Certification Practice Tests

This is not an online course but a practice test to prepare for the AWS SysOps Certification exam. Since the practice test is an integral part of AWS certification preparation I have included it here. This practice test is good to check your speed and accuracy before the real exam.

Since you need need to score 76% to pass the exam, I only suggest you go for a real exam if you consistently score 80% in these mock exams. And, when it comes to practice test or exam simulator, Whizlab has the best of them. I have used the Whizlabs practice test to pass many certifications in the past and this AWS SysOps Certification Practice test is no different.

This course contains 12 Full-Length Mock Exams with 700+ high-quality and unique questions to check your knowledge and exam preparedness. Each test contains 60–65 Practice to mimic the real exam.

The best thing is that they provide exhaustive Explanation for every question so that you know why one option is correct and other options are not correct.

Here is the link to join this course Whizlabs’ AWS SysOps Certification Practice Tests

best AWS SysOps Exam Simulator

They also provide intelligent reports to assess your strengths & weaknesses. You can find your strong and weak topics before the real exam so that you can work on them.

You can also check the official exam guide to check the breakup of questions from different topics. Whizlabs tests are also accessible from mobile and they also keep their question test up-to-date to match with updated exam syllabus.

If you want to pass this tough AWS certification in the first attempt I strongly suggest you solve as many practice questions as possible.

5. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams

This is another online AWS SysOps Admin Practice test which you can buy on Udemy. While Whizlab’s practice tests are awesome and cover almost every topic from the exam guide, you can also use this online practice test for more practice.

You would need this if you are determined to pass this difficult exam on the very first attempt.

Created by Jon Bonso and Tutorials Dojo, this practice test contains 325 NEW AWS SysOps Questions in 5 Practice Tests with Explanations, Reference Links, Score Tracking. This practice test is trusted by more than 3000 certification aspirants and it has on average 4.4 ratings from close to 400 participants.

You can also combine this test with Whizlab’s AWS practice test to prepare better but if you can’t do both, solve at least these 325 questions to get a hang of what kind of questions you will get in the exam. Solving these practice problems will train your mind to solve real questions in a limited time.

Here is the link to get this practice course AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams

best Practice test for AWS SysOps Exam

6. AWS SysOps Administrator Associate 2024 (FREE Course)

This is a free course, created by Andrew Brown of ExamPro and hosted on FreeCodecamp’s Youtube channel. This is a 14-hour comprehensive course to prepare for the AWS SysOps exam.

This course covers DevOps topics relating to configuration, automation, patching, and monitoring cloud services and virtual servers. By the end of this full course taught by an expert trainer, you will be ready to take the AWS SysOps Administrator Associate — and pass!

AWS SysOps Administrator Associate (SO1-C02) is intended for individuals who are pursuing a career in DevOps and this course will surely help you. The best thing is that this course is completely free.

That’s all about the best online training courses to prepare for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam. As I have said, this is one of the toughest associate-level AWS certifications and I strongly suggest you pass the AWS Developer Associate and AWS Solution Architect exams before attempting this one.

This exam requires in-depth knowledge of a lot of AWS services like IAM, EC2, DynamoDB, S3, Lambda, etc to score well in the exam.

Other AWS Certification Resources you may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate online training courses then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions, feedback, or doubt then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are new to AWS and Cloud Computing and looking for some free courses to learn AWS then you can also check out this Amazon Web Services (AWS) — Zero to Hero (FREE) course on Udemy. It’s a nice course to start with and you can get it free. All you need is a Udemy account to access this course.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com