6 Best Courses and Practice Tests to Crack CompTIA IT Fundamentals (FC0-U61: ITF+) Certification Exam in 2024

My favorite online courses and practice tests to prepare for CompTIA IT Fundamentals (FC0-U61: ITF+) Certification Exam in 2024

8 min readApr 19, 2021


6 Best Courses and Practice Tests to Crack CompTIA IT Fundamentals (FC0-U61: ITF+) Certification Exam for Beginners

Hello guys, if you are preparing for the CompTIA FC0-U61: CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) certification exam in 2024 and looking for the best online resources like online courses to prepare for exams then you have come to the right place.

In the past, I have shared the best online courses to pass CompTIA certifications like CompTIA A+, CompTIA Linux+, CompTIA Pentest+, Cloud+, and Security+ exams and In this article, I am going to share the best courses, practice tests to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification.

This is one of the best certifications for people who want to start their career. You will not only learn key IT skills and computer science concepts but also gain certification to showcase your skills.

I have been writing about CompTIA certifications for the last few months and today I will talk about one of the most popular CompTIA certifications, the CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification exam.

The CompTIA IT Fundamentals is a certification offered by the giant CompTIA company for people who are completely new and considering starting or changing their careers to the information technology (IT) industry and teaching you the very basics of many IT concepts or fields such as Security, Software development, Database fundamentals, and much more.

The CompTIA IT Fundamentals official exam covers your skills and knowledge in the very basic computing such as programming security and so on with 75 multiple-choice questions without any prior knowledge required to pass this exam and cost you around $123 for every time you take it.

For anyone who wants to change his career to IT and learn some basics in this massive industry can keep reading this article for more info and online courses that definitely helps you learn these skills and pass the official exam if you are trying to get certified.

6 Best CompTIA IT Fundamentals Courses and Practice Tests for Beginners in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of the best online courses and practice tests you can take to prepare for the popular CompTIA Fundamentals certification exam.

This is a very good certification exam for junior developers, non technical people who want to start career in IT, and Computer engineers as it helps you to build your tech skills which goes a long way in your programming and tech career.

1. TOTAL: CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+ (FCO-U61)

People who are considering a career in the IT industry or want to pass the official CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam can enroll in this course and benefit from the knowledge that the instructor shares with you in many different aspects of IT.

You will be introduced to the system hardware such as the CPUs, RAM, Motherboard Ports/Connectors, and so on then how storage technology works and the basics of binary and the operating system configuring computers and mobile devices managing files configuring networks as well as troubleshooting and much more.

You will learn in this course:

  • The computer hardware and mobile.
  • Configuring many things.
  • IT troubleshooting.

Here is the link to join this course — TOTAL: CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+

best online course for CompTIA IT Fundamentals

2. The Absolute Beginners Guide to Information Technology

Although this course is not specifically about CompTIA IT Fundamentals and it teaches you many of the IT basics such as networking basics of computing and you can take this course as well to enhance your skills and knowledge before jumping to the real exam.

You will start by learning computer hardware such as storage and RAM, BIOS, and so on. Then moving to the network such as ports protocols VPNs bandwidth MAC addresses and more.
You will learn in this course:

  • The computer hardware.
  • The network concepts.
  • Some security concepts.

You will also get some experience with the programming language such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript what they are and where you use them. Finally, some concepts about security such as malware and phishing.

Here is the link to join this course The Absolute Beginners Guide to Information Technology

best Udemy course for CompTIA IT Fundamentals

3. CompTIA IT Fundamentals (Exam FC0-U61) [236 Questions]

Let us now move to some exam courses that will test your skills and knowledge in the IT industry with some questions that cover the security and software development and database and many more topics.

You will get in this CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam course on 236 questions separated into three parts so it’s like taking the official exam three times in only one course and you will be tested in the security topics as well as troubleshooting software installation and much more.

You will learn in this course:

  • Test your skills and knowledge.
  • The questions cover many topics.
  • Prepare for the official exam.

Here is the link to join this test —CompTIA IT Fundamentals (Exam FC0-U61)

best CompTIA IT Fundamentals Online Course

4. Prepare to pass the CompTIA FC0-U61 IT Fundamentals (ITF+)

Another great exam course for testing your knowledge in the IT industry with no prerequisite required to take this course since CompTIA IT Fundamentals is teaching you some general concepts of IT.

You will learn in this course:

  • Get questions about IT.
  • Preparation for the IT exam.
  • Test your skills.
  • 3 Best real practice exams to pass the IT Fundamentals (ITF+) test. An introduction to basic IT knowledge and skills.

This course as well covers the basics of IT like what you will get inside the official CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam such as security, software development, and infrastructure with 285 questions to test your knowledge and enhance your skills.

Here is the link to join this course —Prepare to pass the CompTIA FC0-U61 IT Fundamentals (ITF+)

best course for CompTIA IT Fundamentals on Udemy

5. CompTIA FC0-U61: CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Certification Exam

This is another awesome resource to prepare for CompTIA FC0-U61: CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Certification Exam. This contains exam dumps contributed by community, which are real questions from previous exams.

Here are things you will get in this course:

- Number of Questions: 146

- Exam Tests: 3

- Last Update: 2024–02–10

More than 15,000 programmers and software engineers have trusted certification questions for their preparation which is a great social proof that its a great resource.

Here is the link to join this practice test CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Certification Exam

best CompTIA IT Fundamentals Dumps

They also have a free test which contains 10 questions for you to try out, if you are curious about test quality. I highly recommend you to checkout those questions.

6. CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+ (FCO-U61) [150 questions]

With three exam parts in one course to mimic the official CompTIA IT Fundamentals and aimed for anyone who is looking to pass the official exam and get certified.

You will get 150 questions in three parts so it is like three exams in one course saving you some money before jumping to the real one and it covers almost everything you will get in the official exam such as security and databases and many more.

You will learn in this course:

  • Prepare yourself for the official exam.
  • Test your skills.
  • Take more than a hundred questions.

Here is the link to join this practice test — CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+ (FCO-U61

best CompTIA IT Fundamentals Practice Questions

That’s all about the best online courses and practice tests to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification in 2024. The information technology (IT) has changed the way we communicate and live as well as how business works compared to how it was years ago and those companies need some professional people to work on their websites and computers to make this happen and here comes the CompTIA IT Fundamentals into play for people who considering start a career in IT.

Other IT Certification Articles you may like:

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best CompTIA IT Fundamentals online training courses and practice tests, both free and paid then please share it with your friends and colleagues. It does make a difference and then you in advance for sharing. I really appreciate that.

P.S. — If you are keen to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification with code (ITF+ FC0-U61) but looking for a free online training course then you can also check out this 16-hour, free online course — CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+ FC0-U61) on Udemy. It’s completely free and more than 20K students have joined this course. All you need is a free Udemy account to enroll in this course.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com