7 Best and Free Dart Programming Courses for Beginners to Learn in 2024

These are the best paid and free online courses to learn the Dart Programming language in 2024 to use Flutter for Android and iOS app development.

10 min readNov 20, 2020


Best Dart Programming Course for beginners
Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer’s Guide

Hello guys, If you want to learn Dart in 2024 and looking for the best Dart Programming online courses, then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Flutter courses for beginners and in this article, I am going to share some of the best online courses to learn the Dart Programming language in 2024 from Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, Educative, and other online platforms.

If you have been following tech development then you know may know that Dart is another programming language created by Google. Along with Golang, Angular, and Flutter, Dart is also incorporated best practices from existing platforms and tries to minimize the friction.

Dart was originally launched in 2011 but it really picked up lately.

The last few years have seen a phenomenal rise in Dart programming language, mainly because of Flutter, a popular framework from Google for developing cross-platform native mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms.

Dart is also one of the most loved programming languages on the StackOverFlow survey and is designed for Developer productivity. It is somewhere between Java and JavaScript.

If you don’t know, Dart is a simple, clean, object-oriented language that has more structure than JavaScript, the programming language it is heavily based on. It supports strong typing and can be compiled into JavaScript and can run where JavaScript can run means virtually anywhere like web, mobile, and server.

Developed by Danish Software Engineer Lars Bak, who also leads the Development of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine at Google, Dart is an excellent programming language for developers that are interested in having a structure in code so that they can easily do refactoring and build large web applications.

7 Best + FREE Courses to Learn Dart Programming in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of top 7 online courses to learn Data Programming language. Most of the courses will teach you both Flutter and Dart as you need to learn Dart to use the Flutter framework for creating cross-platform native apps.

Though I have paid particular attention to choosing courses that are more Dart-focused than Flutter, the first and the last class by Bryan Cairns is quite crucial in that regard. The list includes both best paid and free online courses to learn Dart programming and app development.

1. Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer’s Guide

This is another great course to learn Dart and Flutter on Udemy. This course is created by one of my favorite Udemy instructors, Stephen Grider and it will teach you everything you need to know about Dart and Flutter, the powerful framework for creating cross-platform native mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms.

The course is focused on how to build high-quality apps using Flutter but only after making a strong foundation of Dart. You will not only learn Dart basics, but most of the Flutter framework features like navigation, offline data storage, RxDart, Widget rending, and much more.

It’s a great course as it goes through the inner workings of how to build a Flutter application, and perfect if you want to learn Dart and Flutter together.

Here is the link to join this best Dart courseDart and Flutter: The Complete Developer’s Guide

best Dart course for beginners

2. Flutter & Dart — The Complete Guide [2024 Edition]

This is the other best course to learn Dart and Flutter in 2024. Created by one of the best instructors in Udemy, Maximilian Schwarzmüller, this course not only teaches you Dart but also provides a Complete Guide to the Flutter SDK and Flutter Framework for building native iOS and Android apps.

This course will teach you both Flutter and Dart from scratch, NO prior knowledge is required! And you certainly don’t need an Android or iOS development experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language and build for both.

With Flutter, you’ll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.

In this course, you’ll learn Flutter not only in theory, but we’ll build a complete, realistic app throughout this course. This app will feature all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations, and more!

Overall, one of the best courses to learn Dart and Flutter in 2024.

Here is the link to join this Dart & Flutter course Flutter & Dart — The Complete Guide [2024 Edition]

best online course to learn Flutter and Dart

3. Learn Dart: First Step to Flutter

If you don’t know, Educative is a relatively new learning platform that teaches using text, images, and interactive tutorials. They are based upon the idea that text is a faster way to learn than videos, and interactive learning is better than watching video tutorials.

They indeed have a point because I learned most when I do and what could be better than writing code just after you learn a new concept without worrying about setup issues. The educative platform allows that where you can write code in a browser and execute them immediately.

This course will help you learn the fundamentals of Dart, and get you started on your journey to learning Flutter. Start learning today, and the best part is this is a free course, which means you don’t need to pay a single dime to learn Dart.

Here is the link to join this Dart online course Learn Dart: First Step to Flutter

best interactive course to learn Dart and Flutter

And, if you find the Educative platform and their interactive courses useful (particularly their Grokking Interview courses ) then you can also get an Educative Subscription that provides access to not just this course but their 130+ courses at just $19 per month (50% discount). It’s very cost-effective and great for getting some hands-on learning experience.

4. Dart: The Complete Developer’s Guide [ZTM Academy]

This is another comprehensive course to learn Dart from scratch online in 2024. This course is created by Andrei Negaoie and his team, this course provides a step-by-step guide to learning Dart.

Here are things covered in this course:

  • Dart Basics like Dart Type System, Control Flow
  • Collections
  • Null Safety
  • Functions: Basics and Advanced
  • Classes: Basics and Advanced
  • Mixins and Extensions
  • Error Handling & Exceptions
  • Asynchronous Programming

Apart from that you will do multiple projects along the way like Build a Command Line App, Simple eCommerce, as well as build a Weather App in Dart. If you’re new to Dart and programming in general, this is a great place to start.

Here is the link to join this courseDart: The Complete Developer’s Guide

best Dart programming course on Udemy

Btw, you would need a ZTM membership to watch this course which costs around $29 per month but also provides access to many super engaging and useful courses like his Python course and JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio course. You can also use my code FRIENDS10 to get a 10% discount on any subscription you choose.

5.. Dart — Beginners Course [Udemy Course]

This is one of the rare courses about Dart Programming language, which is completely focused on Dart and not on Flutter. This course is aimed at the absolute beginner who has no programming experience.

As I have said, Dart is an expressive and powerful object-oriented programming language that has a very friendly learning curve. You can easily pick Dart if you have worked in Java or JavaScript, but because of its simplicity, it is also a great starting language.

Dart helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences across all screens, with a client-optimized language, rich and robust frameworks, flexible tooling, and Google’s support. It’s packed with 2 hours of content and teaches you basic things like installing an IDE, array, function, variables, control structure, and error handling.

Talking about social proof, this course is trusted by more than 13K developers, and it has, on average, 4.4 ratings from 755 participants. If you want to learn Dart from Scratch, then this is an excellent course to join on Udemy.

Here is the link to join this Dart course Dart — Beginners Course

best Udemy course to learn Dart

6. Learn Dart in 2 hours — FreeCodeCamp [FREE]

Learn the Dart programming language in this full tutorial for beginners. Dart is a strictly typed programming language that is used in the Flutter framework to develop cross-platform mobile apps.

Since Dart supports both AOT (Ahead of time) and JIT (Just In Time) compilation, it delivers extremely fast development cycles and fast execution and startup times. It is a compiled programming language and can also transpile the code into JavaScript.

And, here is the full Dart course you can watch now to learn Dart in the next 2 hours.

7. Dart — Intermediate Course

This is the second part of the Bryan Cairns course on Dart Programming language. In the first part, you learned Dart basics while in this part, you will learn about intermediate concepts like Classes, Packages, Scope, and the File System on Dart.

This course picks up where the Beginner course left off. In this course, you will learn classes, scope, packages, and how to work with the file system. We will also explore generic programming. All of the code presented in this class is freely available on GitHub.

I strongly recommend both the Dart — Beginner course and this one as the best resources to learn Dart in 2024. Cairns is an excellent teacher and has good knowledge of both the Dart Programming language as well as tools and eco-system, which is essential for teaching Dart to anyone.

Here is the link to join this online course Dart — Intermediate Course

best Dart course on Udemy

That’s all about the best courses to learn the Dart programming language in 2024. As I have said, Flutter is trending, and there is a massive demand for Developers with Flutter knowledge.

Because of that, Dart’s popularity is also grown 5 times last year only, and 2024 is probably the best time to learn Dart. If you are interested in Dart and Flutter, you can choose any of these courses to get started with the Dart Programming language in 2024.

However, the discussion of Dart is incomplete without a word about Flutter, which has a significant role to play in the rise of Dart Programming language and is probably the biggest reason for many developers learning Dart in 2024.

Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework used for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android. Flutter applications are written using the Dart programming language, which has helped make Dart a beloved language by the developer community.

That’s why before you start developing cross-platform native mobile applications using Flutter, you need to learn Dart. It’s also one of the top skills in my list of 10 things every Mobile developer should learn, which also includes Flutter and a couple of other important technologies for App developers.

If you are looking to learn Android App development but looking for some free stuff, then I also suggest you take a look at these free Android courses for Programmers and mobile developers in 2024.

Other Useful Programming Resources you may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best and Free Dart Programming language and Flutter framework in 2024 and these courses, then please share on your favorite platform (Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter). If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. S. — Along with Dart, if you also want to learn Flutter, which you should, I also suggest you check out The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart course by Angela Yu, one of the famous Bootcamp instructors who now teaches online on Udemy.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com