6 Best Places to Learn Linux Online in 2024

My favorite places and online platforms to learn Linux concepts and commands lines for FREE

9 min readOct 22, 2021


6 Best Places to Learn Linux

Hello guys, if you want to learn Linux online and looking for free resources to learn Linux commands and concepts then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared Linux and shell scripting courses, Linux books, and tutorials and in this article, you will find the best places to learn Linux online.

Linux is one of the most useful skills for Programmers and Developers and there are a lot of useful resources on the internet to learn Linux and master Linux command lines or bash shells. In this article, I will share websites where you can learn Linux for FREE and some in cases by using free trials.

I have tried to include a variety of websites like Udemy and Coursera for online courses, CodeCademy and Educative for online interactive learning, and Pluralsight as a membership-based website.

You can use these websites to learn Linux from scratch or to improve your Linux skills if you already using Linux but don’t know Linux concepts and commands in-depth.

If you are thinking that learning Linux is worth your time or not then let me tell you that Linux is one of the core technologies and it will probably live much longer than any new and shiny programming language, library, or framework.

Linux has already survived more than 50 years and I don’t see anyone challenging Linux’s place in the coming years.

Most of the commercial software and applications run on Linux. Even on Cloud, Linux is the most popular operating system and that’s why learning Linux commands and concepts make a difference in your career.

6 Best Websites and Online Platforms to learn Linux commands for FREE

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of the best websites to learn Linux online for FREE. As I said, the list includes sites like Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, Educative, CodeCademy, etc to provide a complete learning experience like online courses and interactive exercises.

1. Udemy

Udemy is my go-to place to learn anything, including Linux. It has got the biggest collection of Linux tutorials, and courses, both free and paid to learn Linux. It’s like a better version of YouTube to learn Linux in a more structured way.

While there are many free and paid Linux resources, not all of them are worthy of your time and course hopping will only make your learning slower.

To help with that, here is the list of best free Linux courses you can check out on Udemy to start learning Linux.

These are a couple of awesome free Linux courses you can join to learn Linux commands, shell scripting, and Linux concepts for Free.

Btw, if you need a comprehensive course then Linux Mastery: Master the Linux Command Line in 11.5 Hours course by Ziyad Yehia on Udemy is another awesome course to join in. It’s not free but for $10 it is almost free considering the importance of Linux and the skill you will learn.

best places to learn Linux commands for Free

2. Coursera [Free Linux Courses from Universities and Companies]

There is no dearth of useful online resources and Coursera is one of them. Coursera brings online courses and programs offered by top universities, companies, and other teaching organizations together. Most of the courses on Coursera are free and there are a couple of ones you can use to learn Linux.

Here are some awesome free courses you can join on Coursera:

These courses are offered by reputed organizations and universities like RedHat itself, Linux Foundation, and the University of Colorado.

As I have said, you can join Coursera courses for FREE for learning but you need to pay if you need a certificate or when you join a specialization or professional degree.

best free Coursers to learn Linux commands on Coursera

They also have a membership called Coursera Plus which allows you to take as many courses, certificates, and specialization as you want to learn from more than the top 7000+ Coursera courses.

3. Educative [Text based, Practice Online, Free Trial]

This is another great place to learn Learn Linux online. This text-based, , an interactive website lets you type Linux commands in a browser and learn from interactive feedback.

If you are working on a Windows machine and don’t know how to install Linux on a virtual box, which is obviously not that easy then you will love this site because you don’t need to install anything to practice Linux commands. You can do that on the browser.

Educative is similar to CodeCademy with bite-sized theory coupled with simple exercises to learn new things. It offers text-based courses with quizzes, assessments, and diagrams for a more engaging learning experience.

Unfortunately, they don’t have any complete free courses to learn Linux commands or bash scripting but they do have a course like Bash for Programmers which you can watch for free by using their 7-day-free-trial.

best platform to learn Linux command interactively

If you are interested in interactive learning then I highly recommend you to try this platform. Their Grokking courses like Grokking the System Design Interview and Grokking the Machine Learning interviews are really useful for passing coding interviews.

They also have a lot of free resources to learn programming skills like Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, etc and Educative subscription is also very affordable and with just $14.9 you can get access to all of their high-quality courses.

4. Learn Linux @ Codecademy

You might know that Codecademy has an online, interactive course to learn about Linux commands, where you are tasked with a simple task to learn Linux commands. This is also a free course, which means you can join without paying any money, you just need to create a CodeCademy account to join this course.

While Learn the Command-Line is not a very comprehensive course, but it does provide a nice introduction to essential Linux commands which every programmer should know like ls, mkdir, cd, ps, less, cat, more, and others.

Another worth noting thing is that it provides an interactive terminal which means you don’t need to set up anything, which is really an important thing for many beginners who are working in a Windows environment.

I highly recommend this website if you have prior experience with Linux and want to learn Linux commands from scratch

best website to learn Linux command for FREE

They also have a Codecademy PRO plan which gives access to all of their interactive courses for just $15.9 per month on the annual plan. If you like interactive learning then you can take this subscription to learn in-demand tech skills. They are also offering a 40% discount now, using code GETHIRED, so it's a great time to join Codecademy.

5. Webminal

This is another good website to learn Linux online. This provides the free GNU/Linux Online Terminal and Programming IDE where you can type Linux commands and see outputs.

Using webminal, you can practice Linux commands, write bash scripts, create and access MySQL tables, Learn Python, C, Ruby, Java, Rust programming and perform basic root user tasks with a virtual platform.

With the help of the ‘Webminal Play’ feature, you can watch screencasts (instead of reading docs) and practice too.

As per their website, more than 142000 users from 128 different countries practiced more than 10.94 Million commands To be precise its 10940282 commands were executed!!!

Overall a unique free online learning platform where you can learn about Linux, practice, play with Linux and interact with other Linux users.

best place to learn Linux online

6. Pluralsight [Free Trial]

This is another online portal or website which you can use to learn any skills including Linux. Unlike Udemy, a marketplace where you can find free and paid online courses, Pluralsight is a subscription-based website.

You need a Pluralsight membership to watch their courses which is not free but they do offer a 10-day-free-trial which you can use to watch any Linux course for FREE. Pluralsight has more than 7000+ online courses to learn any technology and programming skills which makes

It is very useful for programmers who constantly need to learn a new programming language, libraries, and frameworks.

If you have a Pluralsight membership and want to learn Linux, I highly recommend you to watch Getting Started with the Linux Command Line online course.

best sites to learn Linux online

This is a great course to learn Linux online. If you don’t have Pluralsight membership, use their 10-day-free trial to watch this course for FREE.

That’s all about some of the best websites to learn Linux online. I have tried to include different kinds of resources like online courses and sites where you can practice Linux commands but this list is by no means complete and if you come across other good websites to learn Linux commands please share.

To summarize this, I suggest you to to join a good course on Udemy to learn theory and examples and then practice Linux commands on CodeCademy.

If you are working on Windows, you can also use Docker, CygWin, or even Git command-line tools and clients like Git bash to practice some Linux commands from your Windows machine.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like this list of best websites to learn Linux online then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you don’t mind spending a few bucks for learning a valuable and in-demand skill like Linux which is going to serve you for a long time then I highly recommend you to check out this list of best Linux courses for beginners on Medium which contains the best Linux courses for programmers, developers, and DevOps Engineers.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com