6 Java Classes No One Knows About

That you definitely should

Shu Hasegawa


Photo by Chris Ainsworth on Unsplash

Built-in classes and functions in Java are some of the most basic, handy tools readily available to programmers just a few clicks away. However, many of these useful tools remain hidden and unknown to Java programmers.

From saving time to condensing code, the functions some of these classes could provide are a must-know for programmers.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of six generally uncommon Java classes (and some of their methods) that can prove to be helpful in numerous situations throughout your coding journey.

1. The IntSummaryStatistics Class

IntSummaryStatistics is a class useful for managing and manipulating statistical data. It processesInteger objects and collects significant information regarding the data given such as its sum, average, and etc.

In other words, it is a great way for programmers to work with data and statistics, providing organization and easy access to certain pieces of information.


IntSummaryStatistics is designed to work with streams, though this is not a requirement. You can have it accept values into its array of statistical data using a list and iterator, for example.

