8 Big (O)Notation Every Developer should Know

These are essential Big(O) notation every software engineer and developer should know



image_credit — DesignGuru.io

Hello folks, if you are preparing for coding interviews then one thing you must learn is Big(O) notation. In the computer science and software development world, efficiency is key.

Whether you’re optimizing code, designing algorithms, or architecting systems, understanding the performance characteristics of your algorithms and solutions is crucial.

This is where Big O notation comes into play.

Big O notation provides a standardized way to describe the time and space complexity of algorithms, enabling developers to analyze and compare different approaches quantitatively.

In almost all coding interviews when you present your solution, interviewer will ask you about time and space complexity of your algorithm. They also ask about how you can improve time and space and that’s where time vs space trade off comes into picture.

In the past, I have shared several system design interview questions like API Gateway vs load balancer, Forward Proxy vs Reverse Proxy as well common System Design problems for coding interviews.




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