Let’s Build a Login System in Android

We are going to build an android application that authenticates its users through a RESTful service using Java and Retrofit tool.

Nil Madhab


android UI for Java springboot Login backend

User Authentication

Whenever we plan to build a virtual platform for our users, the basic requirement is to maintain the data of the users and ensuring them a secure place to provide their data for us to process. The same corresponds to an android application too.

This article was originally published at Simplecoding.dev

In this tutorial, we are going to build an android application that authenticates its users through a RESTful service using Java and Retrofit tool. The RESTful service accessed here is built using Spring boot and its tutorial can be found here.

And also, we need to host our Spring Backend to the cloud, to access that as a RESTful service. The tutorial for the same can be found here.



Nil Madhab

Developer @Booking.com | ex: Samsung, OYO | IIT Kharagpur | Entrepreneur, founder of simplecoding.dev | JOIN Medium, https://nilmadhab.medium.com/membership