Automate Your Temu Store Management with Python

Zeeshan Ahmad
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Automate Your Temu Store Management with Python
Design By Zee


In the bustling world of e-commerce, efficiency is the name of the game. Manually managing sales data, uploading products, and entering sales into accounting systems can quickly become overwhelming. Enter the Temu Automation Suite — a robust desktop command-line application designed to automate and streamline various management tasks for Temu online store owners.

With Temu Automation Suite, you can automate tedious tasks, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business. This blog post will walk you through the features, setup, and usage of this powerful tool.

Key Features

  • Sales Data Scraper: Automatically fetches sales information from your Temu store and updates a designated Google Sheets document.
  • Bulk Product Uploader: Simplifies the process of uploading product details from a spreadsheet directly into your Temu store.
  • Automated Sale Entries: Converts new sale notifications from emails into entries in your accounting software.
  • Customizable Automation Scripts: Offers flexibility to create and modify scripts for unique automation needs.

To-Do Features:

  • Real-time Sales Notifications
  • Enhanced Analytics Dashboard
  • Multi-store Management

How It Works: A Closer Look

The Temu Automation Suite leverages Python to interact with APIs and automate tasks.

Here’s a quick look at the code that powers this tool:

# Authenticate with Temu
from auth.auth_temu import get_temu_session
temu_session = get_temu_session()

# Authenticate with Google
from auth.auth_google import get_google_credentials
google_credentials = get_google_credentials()

# Synchronize tasks between Temu and Google
from tasks.sync_tasks import synchronize_tasks
synchronize_tasks(temu_session, google_credentials)

With Temu and Google authenticated, the synchronization process begins, updating sales data across both platforms.

Setup and Installation Instructions

Getting started with the Temu Automation Suite is straightforward. Follow these steps to set up and install the application:

1. Clone the Repository

git clone

2. Install Required Packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Set Up Google Sheets API Access

Make sure to set up your credentials.json for Google Sheets API access.

Usage Examples

from scraper.scraper import TemuScraper

scraper = TemuScraper(api_url="your_api_url", credentials_path="path_to_credentials")
data = scraper.fetch_sales_data()
scraper.update_google_sheet(data, "Sales Sheet")

Troubleshooting Tips

  • API Authentication Issues: Ensure your credentials.json file is correctly configured and has the necessary permissions.
  • Google Sheets Update Errors: Check if the sheet name and structure align with what’s expected by the script.

Scalability and Performance Considerations

Whether you’re handling tasks across a single board or dozens of lists, Temu Automation Suite is designed to scale and handle heavy loads. Efficient task fetching and API requests ensure synchronization remains fast and reliable.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Temu Automation Suite eliminates the headache of managing tasks across platforms. It’s the ultimate tool for those looking to automate task tracking and ensure consistency in their workflow. Visit the GitHub repository to learn more or contribute to the project!

Call to Action

Excited about what this tool can do for your productivity? Star or fork the GitHub repository to contribute, and if you found this article helpful, share it with your network to help others discover this essential automation tool!

Further Reading (Internal Linking)

For discussion, queries, and freelance work. Do reach me.👇👇👇


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Thank you for reading until the end. Before you go:



Zeeshan Ahmad

AI/ML/DL enthusiast | Python/Web Automation expert | Passionate Problem Solver