Integrate Trello with Google Tasks using Python

Zeeshan Ahmad
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2024
Integrate Trello with Google Tasks
Design By Zee


Managing tasks across different platforms can be overwhelming in today’s fast-paced digital world. Trello and Google Tasks are both powerful tools, but keeping them in sync manually is time-consuming and inefficient. Enter “Integrate Trello with Google Tasks,” a Python-based tool that synchronizes tasks between these two platforms, ensuring seamless task management. This article dives into the features that make this project a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their productivity across Trello and Google Tasks.

Manual task tracking across platforms is tedious and inefficient. This tool automates the synchronization process, ensuring that updates are reflected across platforms without user intervention. Tasks become accessible on both platforms, simplifying workflows and enhancing productivity.

How It Works: A Closer Look

The tool leverages Python to fetch tasks from Trello boards and Google Task lists. It then applies bidirectional synchronization, resolving conflicts and reflecting the latest updates on both platforms.

Here’s a look at the code:

# Authenticate with Trello
from auth.auth_trello import get_trello_oauth_session
trello_session = get_trello_oauth_session()

# Authenticate with Google
from auth.auth_google import get_google_credentials
google_credentials = get_google_credentials()

# Synchronize tasks between Trello and Google
from tasks.sync_tasks import synchronize_tasks
synchronize_tasks(trello_session, google_credentials)

With Trello and Google-authenticated, the synchronization process begins, updating tasks across both platforms.

Key Features

  • OAuth2 Authentication: Securely connects with Trello and Google Tasks to protect user data.
  • Bidirectional Synchronization: Keeps tasks updated across both platforms in real-time.
  • Conflict Handling: Resolves conflicts by applying the latest changes from either platform.
  • Error Management: Robust error handling ensures minimal disruptions to your workflow.

Leveraging Real-Time Synchronization

The core of this integration is its ability to provide seamless task updates across Trello and Google Tasks. As you update your tasks on either platform, the changes are automatically reflected, enabling real-time collaboration and accurate tracking.

Enhancing Engagement with Task Analytics

Adding task analytics and reporting to this project can help users gain deeper insights into their productivity. With Python’s data visualization libraries, you can easily identify trends and optimize your workflow.

Developing the Automation Logic

Python’s flexibility and extensive library ecosystem make it the perfect language for building this integration. By combining the requests library for API interactions and google-auth-oauthlib for authentication, the project simplifies the setup process while maintaining robust functionality.

Sample Python Code

# Example setup code for integrating Trello and Google Tasks
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
import google.auth

# Initialize Trello OAuth2 session
trello_session = OAuth2Session(client_id, token=oauth_token)

# Initialize Google credentials
credentials, project = google.auth.default()

# Synchronization logic here...

Scalability and Performance Considerations

Whether you’re handling tasks across a single board or dozens of lists, the Python tool is designed to scale and handle heavy loads. Efficient task fetching and API requests ensure synchronization remains fast and reliable.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Integrating Trello with Google Tasks using Python eliminates the headache of managing tasks across platforms. It’s the ultimate tool for those looking to automate task tracking and ensure consistency in their workflow. Visit the GitHub repository to learn more or contribute to the project!

Further Reading (Internal Linking)

Call to Action

Excited about what this tool can do for your productivity? Star or fork the GitHub repository to contribute, and if you found this article helpful, share it with your network to help others discover this essential integration!



Zeeshan Ahmad

AI/ML/DL enthusiast | Python/Web Automation expert | Passionate Problem Solver