Hands-on Consul With Spring boot

Sofiene Ben Khemis
Published in
8 min readJan 23, 2023


Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash

Consul is a tool developed by HashiCorp, company behind Terraform, for service discovery and configuration management. It is designed to be a distributed, highly available system that can store and retrieve data across a network of servers.

Consul is often used in distributed environments where there may be multiple instances of a service running, and the system needs a way to determine which instance to route traffic to. it can be used to store the IP addresses and other metadata for each instance of a service, and clients can use this information to determine the best instance to connect to.

In addition to service discovery, it also provides a key-value store that can be used to store configuration data and other information that needs to be shared across a network. This data can be accessed by clients using a simple API.

In this article, we will see how to use consul with SpringBoot applications and how consul is useful for microservices 🔥.

First, we need to have docker installed so we can easily use consul inside a container. I’m going to assume…



Sofiene Ben Khemis

Software Engineer & AWS Community Builder I’m not perfect. still running after my dreams. going to the moon 🌑