How long does it take to Learn Python in 2024?

Wondering how long does it take to learn Python and become a Python developer? Here is your step by step guide to become Python master in 100 days with resources

10 min readNov 25, 2022


How long does it take to learn Python Programming language? (with Resources)

Hello guys, if you are wondering how long does it take to learn Python and become a Python developer , or wondering where to start learning Python then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared Python Developer RoadMap and in this article, I will tell you how to learn Python and how long does it take to become a job ready Python developer. Depending on your goal and experience level, it can take a week to a few months to learn and master the Python programming language.

For example, if you come from a Java background and want to learn Python as your second programming language, it can take a day or two to set up Python in your development environment and write hello world.

You can even start writing simple Python programs in minutes if you use interactive coding platforms like Educative, CodeCademy, and freeCodeCamp.

At the same time, if you are coming from zero programming experience, it will take slightly longer as you need to learn programming basics like what is variable, what is a program, classes, objects, loops, functions, etc.

But you don’t need to worry; in this article, I will give you detailed information about how long it generally takes to learn python, as well as, will share the best resources like best Python courses, books, and projects to learn Python quickly.

Python is recognized among developers and companies because of its ease of learning and will be an excellent choice to start a computer programming journey since you can develop fantastic programs and products with this language. This article will show you how long it will take to learn python? What can you do with this language?

And the best courses to learn python like 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2024 on Udemy by Angela Yu. If you are starting with python, this is the best and quickest way to learn python but if you want to become a truly Python master, you would need more than one course, in case see the list below for recommendations.

How long does it take to learn the Python from Scratch in 2024?

Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn if you are confused about which language you create. It is general-purpose to use in web applications, machine learning, data science, etc.

Since python is easy to learn, It will generally take a few months to learn, depending on the time you spend learning this language, probably between three to six months but mastering it will take more and even years.

For example, if you have to learn everything in this Python developer RoadMap then even years are less but thankfully you don’t need to learn everything on this roadmap to become a Python developer, just learning Python and essential software development tools like Git and skills like debugging is enough to get a job as Python programmer in 2024.

Python programmer roadmap

How to Learn Python in 2024?

From my own experience, which includes 20 years in programming, learning, and teaching different programming language, the best way to learn Python or any programming language is to learn by doing. This means you should start coding and coding every day.

Obviously, this is easier said than done because as soon as you start coding, you will struggle to write even the first line of code, and you will get overwhelmed with error messages which make no sense, even if you missed a semicolon. That’s why you also need guidance to learn Python programming.

While the best form of guidance comes from face-to-face interaction in 2024, you can do many things; for example, you can join an online Python Bootcamp course like 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2024 on Udemy and then follow the instructor to code your way and learn Python.

best course to learn Python programming from scratch

Once you gain confidence, you can read books on Python programming to learn Python more in-depth as books generally cover the subject in much more depth than any online course, but at the same time, they are not the easiest to start.

So, you should first start with an online course and then jump into a book later. If you need a recommendation, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python is one of my favorite Python books to read, particularly if you like to learn by doing method.

At the same time, you can also build a full-fledged project; maybe it could be something related to automating, building a web app, or creating a machine learning model, depending upon your goal, which we will see in the next section.

They even have a course on Udemy with same title Automate the boring stuff with Python which you can join along with this book.

best python course for automation

How to become a Python Developer in 2024?

It also depends on your goal; if you want to learn python for making a simple desktop app, for example, then you don’t need as much time as someone who is developing a machine learning model or who wants to get a job as a data scientist.

Let’s see some factors that you need to know if you’re going to estimate the time you need to spend learning this language:

2.1. Previous experience: If you have learned some programming languages such as C/C++ or Java, for example, and know the machine logic, you won’t find it hard to learn this language since it is easy compared to other languages.

2.2. Your goal: If you want to create a simple program, let’s say for automating tasks, then you don’t need to spend that much time on learning compared to a machine learning model, which you need to be almost professional in python.

2.3. The time: If you specify 2 hours a day learning this language, then it may take more than four months to be intermediate level compared, and the time will be less if you spend more hours.

What can you do with Python in 2024?

As I’ve mentioned earlier, Python can do almost anything you want because it is open-source, and the community always contributes to this fabulous language. So I will say some of the famous industries in that python play an essential role in them:

3.1. Data visualization: you can make beautiful graphs and charts using python libraries such as matplotlib, plotly, dash, and more.

3.2. Machine learning: you can make predictions based on previous data like house pricing or classifying images using libraries such as scikit-learn, NumPy, and scipy.

3.3. Web development: you can use python language to develop the back-end of the web applications using Django and Flask frameworks.

3.4. Data science: python plays a significant role in data science industry since it is used for data visualization, processing data, making predictions, collecting data, and much more.

5. Best Python Books and Courses to become Python master in 2024

Now, you’ve understood the capability of the python language that it can be used in every industry, and it’s easy to learn. You probably want to start learning this language and are confused about finding quality courses. Well, here are some of the best courses to start this journey:

4.1. Python for Everybody

This is a python specialization developed by Michigan University and will help you learn this language as a beginner until you intermediate. You will start learning the technology fundamentals and internet history before learning the basics of python, such as data types, variables, for & while loops, storing multiple values. Then you will learn to access the web using python, interact with databases, and more.

By the way, When it comes to joining this course, you have two options, you can either join this course alone which costs around $39 per month for specialization, you can also join Coursera Plus for $59 per month, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

best Coursera course to learn Python in 2023

They are also offering $100 off now, but only with this special link which is only valid for Black Friday.

4.2. 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2024

This is Another great course to help you learn python at a beginner to intermediate level. In this 29 hours of video content, you will learn the basics of this language, such as data types, loops, comparison operators, methods & functions, and error handling.

Later, you will start at an intermediate level by understanding classes & object-oriented programming and developing some simple python programs.

best course to learn Python programming from scratch

4.3. Python Crash Course

If you have some money to invest in yourself, or maybe you are not a big fan of learning from videos, then I recommend reading this book, starting as a beginner with the “Hello World” program till you will master the object-oriented programming, classes, inheritance, and building programs, data visualizations, 2D games, and more.\

best book to learn python quickly


That’s all about how long does it will take to learn Python in 2024? With some experience with other programming languages like Java or Ruby it’s not hard to learn Python. I started programming in Python just a few weeks ago and it’s not hard at all.

There are a lot of similarities to Python and Haskell when it comes to indentation. So some experience with those kind of language definitely helps.

For others, It can take up to a few weeks to a few months to learn Python if you are starting from scratch as you need to learn Python and the basics of Programming and Coding. But, it will take even longer like a few month to an year if you want to become a Professional Python programmer because you not only need to learn Python programming but also tools, IDEs, and other related technologies.

Similarly, depending upon your goal to use Python for web development or Python for Data Science and Machine learning, you need to learn corresponding libraries like Django or Pandas, which can take a few days to learn and a few weeks to master.

Considering all of these, if you can spend 3 to 4 hours every day, you can learn Python in a week and will be in great shape to learn advanced Python concepts after a month of Practice.

Python is a good skill if you put it in your resume, but being only a python developer won’t make you stand in the competition because you need to understand also how to use its packages to make things like machine learning models or data visualization.

Other Python Articles and tutorials you may like:

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like my experience and assessment of how much time it take to learn Python and become a Python master in 100 days, and my suggestions and recommended Python learning resources, please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are new to Python Programming and want to learn Python from scratch and look for the best free courses to start with, don’t worry. There are a lot of free Python courses on Udemy, and many of them you can find in the above article. If you are in a hurry, I suggest starting with the Introduction To Python Programming course; it’s completely free to join on Udemy.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and