How to Learn Java Step by Step: a Comprehensive Guide for Newbies

Alex Vypirailenko
Published in
7 min readFeb 1, 2021
Photo by Maxwell Nelson on Unsplash

Java is a sought-after programming language that is commonly used for building both small and enterprise-level server-side applications. If you are a newcomer with no programming background and you want to begin your journey in software development, Java is a good jumping-off point. It is beginner-friendly and boasts a large and thriving community you can expect support from. Besides, learning this programming language will surely make you an in-demand specialist in the future.

In this post, I will explain how to learn Java step by step and become a proficient developer. So, let’s get started.

1. Choose Online Resources to Start

With the rapid development of Internet technologies, the students are no longer limited to only books or offline education. There are many online courses, video tutorials, podcasts, and coding contests created to help you master the most important Java concepts and features. I’ve picked and chosen a few. So, check them out.

Courses Focused on Practice

It looks like Java coders were not spoiled with a myriad of engaging courses earlier. Even though online courses had good content and enough practical exercises, they could hardly keep the learners engaged. Fortunately, things are changing, and today, there are many interactive courses for every taste and budget. Most come with exciting coding challenges, quizzes, and games that encourage newcomers to keep up practicing programming language.

Some of my favorite courses are listed further.


CodeGym is a gamified Java programming course that contains four quests, ten levels each. You will write lots of code to complete quests one by one. The program is also known for its fair share of theory and practice presented in the form of 1200+ coding tasks. After completing every single task, you can get it verified by a virtual mentor. CodeGym also boasts an active community that allows you to communicate with your peers and ask questions.


Codewars platform allows newcomers to master various programming languages, including Java. The course helps you edge your skills by training with fellow developers on challenges called kata. Upon completing more and more kata, you earn ranks and honor. Besides, you can create your own kata and test the community members for their knowledge.


Like many other learning platforms, Cyber-Dojo has tasks and exercises to pass, but it still has a different goal. The course is created to encourage you to polish up your skills rather than reaching the final level and finishing the game as soon as possible. All tasks you have to complete come thoroughly described and provide an example of how the result should look like.


CodeChef is well known for its coding contests and challenges, at which the participants may even win trophies. Yet, other than competing with fellow developers, the users also have access to forum discussions related to different technical topics, including binary search and algorithms.

Coursera and Udemy Video Courses

The Complete Java Masterclass

The name of this programming course speaks for itself. You will get familiar with Java from its basics to more complex concepts, such as Multithreading, OOP, ArrayList, Generics, etc.

Java Programming for Complete Beginners

This Java programming course is perfect for students with no prior coding expertise. It will explain how to learn Java step by step and introduce you to the most important Java features and concepts needed to apply for your first full-time job.

Java Certification by Duke University

This Coursera specialization is designed for absolute beginners and aims to teach them basic programming concepts. The program includes 5 courses, one is related to programming foundations with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and the rest four are devoted to Java programming.

YouTube Channels Related to Java Programming

The Internet is mostly full of teaching aids, and books, online courses, tutorials are not the only source. YouTube is another useful and, importantly, a free resource that makes it possible for you to learn to code. The list of programming-related YouTube channels seems endless, so I would like to highlight just a few of them:

2. Become a Part of the Community

One of the reasons why Java is recommended to beginners is its ever-growing and thriving community that provides strong support and helps to resolve problems. So, when starting to learn Java, make sure you join the community and actively participate in its life. Communicating with other coders and visiting different tech events will let you get to know helpful fellows.

Or you can start with online forums and come into contact with the developers there or even find a mentor. Having a coach not only allows you to feel more confident about programming, but also encourages you to evolve.

Here’s a shortlist of forums to put on the list:

If for some reason you don’t manage to find a mentor, there are many experienced programmers on GitHub, StackOverflow, SourceForge, and other forums who are ready to help you and give advice. Even though you can quickly grasp the information and figure out how code works, you can still adopt bad practices during self-learning. So, outside help is never redundant and can point to some possible knowledge gaps.

As soon as you feel more confident about your skills and can code without looking back at anyone, it’s high time to give a helping hand to other novice developers. Among other things, this is a good way to refresh your knowledge and score points for your reputation.

3. Are You Proficient With Java Basics? Then Think of Your Own Small Project

As soon as you acquire enough knowledge and learn at least Java syntax, fundamental concepts, OOP, Collections, etc., it’s time to think of building your own small project. Creating something from scratch is a great way to gain more experience.

If you have no idea what project to create, think of it as something that would make your life easier. Even if you decide on making a calculator or other small project that interests you, the development process will still help you get a better idea of new technology.

The other projects you can try out include:

  • Games: Clones of the popular classic video game such as Minesweeper, Snake, 2048, or even Super Mario Bros or Flappy-Bird
  • School, sports, recipe, inventory, and library management system
  • Billing system
  • Currency converter
  • Banking application, and many more

4. Read Someone Else’s Code

Other than writing code on your own, I also recommend that you make it a rule to read code written by other developers. GitHub or StackOverflow have tons of open-source code you can examine or even reverse-engineer. When you less or more understand how the code works, move on, and try to run it independently. It will facilitate the learning process and help you acquire almost everything you’ve wanted to know about programming.

The more you tinker with code, the more solutions to a problem you will find. And, consequently, the more you practice and explore, the better specialist you are becoming.

5. Stick to Old-Fashioned “Pencil Code” Method

Coding by hand is an effective way to learn to program. This method is frequently used for college exams and tech interviews as it shows the student’s or programmer’s proficiency.

Other than that, coding by hand is a so-called stress test that allows revealing the possible knowledge gaps. Since the integrated development environment used to write computer programs adds a lot and facilitates the process, the specialists can easily miss something. This is where “pencil code” allows an understanding of how well the developer has mastered structures and syntax.

So, set aside your time to try out this old-school practice.

6. Use Additional Tools to Get a Smoother Learning Path

Online education is good because, among other things, it gives you free and easy access to a variety of tools and websites designed to help you in every respect. I personally recommend putting the next three tools on the list.

  • LeetCode is a website, where developers practice their coding skills to prepare for the interview, get into FAANG companies, or improve employee compensation.
  • StayFocusd is a focus app in the form of an extension for Google Chrome used to block distractions on a personal computer, remain focused, and hence improve productivity.
  • My Study Life is an electronic version of your paper planner designed to help you manage your study life by scheduling and timetabling, setting notifications about incomplete tasks, etc.

Wrapping Things Up

As you see, Java is way comfortable to start your path to programming even if you have no previous experience. There are many practical, interactive courses, video tutorials, YouTube channels that will explain how to learn Java step by step. Java is also known for its active community, which means you will never be left alone with the problems.

So, if you feel like Java is your language, go ahead and start learning it.

