Is the JavaScript Hard Parts Course on Frontend Masters Worth It? Review

Review of Frontend Master’s JavaScript Hard Parts course

6 min readApr 16, 2024


image_credit — Frontend Masters

Hello guys, if you are looking for a deep dive course to learn JavaScript in depth then have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best JavaScript courses, books, and websites and today, I am going to share an awesome online course called “JavaScript Hard Parts v2” from Frontend Masters, one of my favorite place to learn web development and JavaScript.

This course aims to teach you advanced JavaScript topics like callbacks and higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, and object-oriented JavaScript!

Frontend Masters has long been known for its high-quality, in-depth courses on various web development topics, and “JavaScript: The Hard Parts” by Will Sentance of Codesmith is no exception.

In this review, we’ll dive into the content, structure, and overall value of this course to help you determine if it’s worth your time and investment.

By the way, I have an exciting news to share with you, Frontend Masters is offering $100 off their yearly membership during their Knowledge Quest Sale.

This is your chance to access over 200+ premium courses, guided learning paths, and new platform features, all at a fraction of the cost.

Whether you want to master JavaScript, React, or DevOps, now’s the time to join and level up your skills. Don’t miss out — the sale ends on 18th September!

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Now, coming back to the topic, We will review the course on Instructor expertise and content structure, and find out whether its worth of your time and money or not.

Instructor Expertise

The instructor of this course, Will Sentance is co-founder and CEO at Codesmith — a software engineering and machine learning company based in Los Angeles, New York, and Oxford.

He is the creator of Icecomm, the most famous developer platform for P2P video and data communication. Before Codesmith, Will was CEO at Ownly and a Software Engineer at Gem.

When it comes to teaching Will has got a an interesting and engaging way to to teach complex concepts. He has got a great voice and you will not fall a sleep while watching his classes.

He also have in-depth knowledge of JavaScript internals and how it works under the hood, which even shows in the preview lesson which you an watch for free.

Course Overview

“JavaScript: The Hard Parts” is designed to take you under the hood of some of the most critical aspects of JavaScript. The course promises to provide a deep understanding of advanced JavaScript concepts like callbacks, higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, and object-oriented JavaScript.

It’s aimed at developers with a basic to intermediate knowledge of JavaScript who want to elevate their understanding to the next level.

Content and Structure

The course is divided into several learning paths and topics, each focusing on fundamental JavaScript principles:

  1. JavaScript Principles: Covers the basics of JavaScript execution, functions, and the call stack.
  2. Functions & Callbacks: Explores generalized functions, higher-order functions, callbacks, and arrow functions.
  3. Closure: Dives into the concept of closure, how it works, and its practical applications.
  4. Asynchronous JavaScript: Discusses single-threaded execution, asynchronicity in JavaScript, web APIs, promises, and async/await.
  5. Classes & Prototypes: Covers object-oriented programming concepts, including factory functions, prototype chains, the this keyword, and the new keyword.

Each topic is further broken down into detailed lectures, with Will Sentance providing clear explanations, diagrams, and real-world examples to reinforce key concepts.

It’s also very details as you can see from this table of content:


Asynchronous JavaScript:


Classes and Prototypes

You can see that each of the advanced JavaScript topics like callbacks and higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, Promises and object-oriented JavaScript is covered in detail.


Apart form Frontend Masters impeccable video and audio quality and well structure content, here are few more highlights of this course which makes it worth of your investment.

  1. In-Depth Coverage: The course delves deeply into complex JavaScript concepts, providing a thorough understanding of each topic.
  2. Clear Explanations: Will Sentance’s teaching style is clear, engaging, and easy to follow, making even challenging concepts more accessible.
  3. Real-World Examples: Real-world examples and practical applications help reinforce theoretical knowledge and make it easier to understand how these concepts apply in actual development scenarios.
  4. Interactive Exercises: Pair programming exercises and coding challenges encourage hands-on learning and application of the concepts covered in each section.

Here is the link to join this course — “JavaScript: The Hard Parts”


Nothing is perfect, and there is always room for improvements, here are few things which may cause concern before you join the course.

  1. Advanced Material: While the course is valuable for intermediate developers looking to deepen their understanding of JavaScript, some beginners may find the content challenging to grasp without a solid foundation in the language.
  2. Intensive Time Commitment: With over six hours of content, the course requires a significant time investment to complete fully.


In short, Yes, “JavaScript: The Hard Parts” on Frontend Masters is a comprehensive and valuable resource for developers looking to master advanced JavaScript concepts like callbacks and higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, Promises and object-oriented JavaScript .

It’s 100% worth it because of its in-depth coverage, clear explanations, and practical examples, the course offers a solid foundation for understanding the inner workings of JavaScript.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort to tackle the challenging material, this course can undoubtedly help you level up your JavaScript skills and become a more versatile and problem-solving developer.

However, beginners may want to ensure they have a solid understanding of JavaScript basics before diving into this course.

In summary, if you’re serious about advancing your JavaScript knowledge and are ready to tackle the hard parts, this course is undoubtedly worth considering.

All the best with JavaScript learning journey.

If you want to do just one thing, go and join this course on Frontend Masters

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P. S. — If you are keen to level up your frontend skills then joining frontend master can be a great first step as they have awesome courses to learn valuable frontend skills 👉 Join today and save $100 on your yearly membership!




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