Spring for GraphQL with Querydsl

Spring team provides a very powerful yet easy-to-create setup, that allows for creating an API that fetches data directly from the database.

Ivan Polovyi
3 min readJun 12, 2022


This tutorial is based on an application responsible for managing information about customers and their purchase transactions. All data resides in the SQL database that has two tables: customers and purchase_transaction.

The application is a Java Spring Boot application with GraphQL and JPA connected to an H2 database. Querydsl will serve as a “link” that connects GraphQL query with JPA because it expresses query predicates by generating a meta-model. And it is done by using annotation processors. To make it easy to test I've created a class that populates the database with random values.

The complete code and dependencies needed to run this project you can find below:

1. A setup with minimal configuration

I’ll show you first how to do a setup with minimal configuration. First, we have to create a JPA repository that returns an entity mapped to a customerstable. This repository has to extend CrudRepository and QuerydslPredicateExecutor and be annotated with @GraphQlRepository.

The next step is to create a GraphQL schema file with queries that will be directly translated to this repository.

That is actually all that we have to do. Here I've mapped 2 queries: the first one will return a list of all customers and the second will fetch the customer from a database with provided in the query id.

2. More advanced setup

Let's say we have a requirement for an API that should fetch data from purchase_transacions table, but this API cant return an exact entity but rather a DTO with the possibility to limit the fields returned by this DTO. In our case, an API won't return a field amount.

To achieve these requirements we can use projections. Projections provide a way to transform query results before returning to a consumer of API. Instead of returning objects fromPurchaseTransactionEntity the projection below will be returned:

As in the previous example, we have to create a repository and describe queries in a schema file, one to return a list of all purchase transactions, and one to fetch a transaction by id:

The DataFetcher builds a Querydsl Predicate from GraphQL request parameters, and uses it to fetch data.

The quote above is from the official Spring documentation, so consider this rule when creating queries.

As these queries won't return entities but projections we have to configure a data fetcher for each API like the below:

Configurations are straightforward and consist of data fetcher creations for each query and then adding it to RuntimeWiringConfigurer .

The project has a folder with a Postman collection, so you can run it yourself. The short demo video shows you how it works:


This tutorial was about a simple yet powerful setup that allows the creation of GraphQL API connected directly to a database with minimal effort. Also, I recommend checking the official documentation. Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to write me on my LinkedIn account.



Ivan Polovyi

I am a Java Developer | OCA Java EE 8 | Spring Professional | AWS CDA | CKA | DCA | Oracle DB CA. I started programming at age 34 and still learning.