The 2024 Data Analyst RoadMap

The complete roadmap to become a Data Analyst in 2024 with links to resources, online courses, tools, and tutorials.

7 min readSep 27, 2022


Hello guys, if you are want to become a Data Analyst but not sure which skills you need and how to acquire those skills then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared Java Developer RoadMap, Python Developer RoadMap, Web Developer RoadMap, iOS Developer RoadMap, and DevOps Engineer RoadMap, and in this article, I will share Data Analyst RoadMap which will help you to become a Data Analyst in 2024.

All companies have data about their customers to improve their service and get valuable insight and a much better understanding of the customer’s behavior. This can be done by hiring data analysts in your company to leverage the benefits of this hug customers’ data.

The 2024 Data Analyst RoadMap

In order to become a Data Analyst you need to learn programming first, having knowledge of Computer Science, particularly Database and SQL also helps. This article will try to help you understand the roadmap of being a data analyst and show you the resources you need to become a data analyst.

Here is the 2024 Data Analyst RoadMap, you can follow these to learn all the essential Data Analyst skills and become a successful Data Analyst in 2024.

I have tried hard to keep this Roadmap as simple as possible and only included the essential skills, tools, and frameworks only but if you have any other tool or skill which should be in this Data Analyst RoadMap then feel free to suggest on comments.

The Data Analyst RoadMap

Now, let’s drill down important things from this Data Analyst Roadmap and see useful resources to learn them:

1. Learn Python Language

It would be best if you started your journey in data analysis by learning python language since most of the data analysts’ jobs require you to have the skills in writing python codes.

Also, most of the data analysis & visualization packages support python language. Another good side of taking a course in Python is that it is easy to learn, and it has a massive community to find the solution for any problem you may face during your career.

Since Python has a vast community, there is no doubt that the internet is full of python courses in YouTube videos, blog posts, paid courses, and more. Still, I will recommend this python specialization from Coursera, which you can take to be an intermediate user of Python in just two to three months:

1. Python For Everybody Course on Coursera

You won’t regret starting your career taking this course on python language from Michigan university offered through Coursera. You will learn first the basics of Python, such as data structure, variables, loops, and more.

Then you will use Python to access the web and interact with the database with this language and more.

Mastering this language as a data analyst means you’ve completed a long journey to become a data analyst, but there are many things you should learn to be just an entry-level in this field.

Here is the link to join this coursePython For Everybody

By the way, If you are planning to join multiple Coursera courses or specializations, then consider taking a Coursera Plus subscription which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

It costs around $59/ per month but is worth it because you get access to more than 7000+ courses and projects, and you can also get unlimited certificates.

2. Learn Data Processing & Visualization

You can say that if you don’t know data visualization or are not good enough in this field, you are not a data analyst because your job involves analyzing data and getting insight from this data.

You can’t achieve that anyway, but data visualization takes the raw data and converts it into plots to better understand your data.

There are a lot of data visualization & processing libraries that you need to learn to become a data analyst, and every tool has its advantage over the other one, so it will be better to know as much as you can. Here are a few of them:

2.1. Numpy

You need to start your journey with this library designed to work with arrays and perform mathematical calculations. It is fast and widely used among data analysts. If you need resources, you can checkout these best Numpy courses to start with.

2.2. Pandas

If you want to import the data or change something in it, you probably need to use pandas that are designed to analyze & clean the data. If you need resources, you can checkout these best Pandas courses to start with.

2.3. Matplotlib

You can say that matplotlib is the famous and most used data visualization library among data analysts since it is open-source, offers endless plots to create, and has a huge community to support you if you didn’t find the solution for your visualization problem. If you need resources, you can checkout these best Matplotlib courses to start with.

2.4. Seaborn

Another great data visualization library famous for customizing its plots and offering endless kinds of plots, and it is straightforward to learn. If you need resources, you can checkout these best Seaborn courses to start with.

2.5. Tableau

You can use this software to visualize your data without the need to learn any programming language. Just import your data, start visualization, and customize your plots. If you need resources, you can checkout these best Tableau courses to start with.

3. Learn Statistics

You can also say that if you don’t have statistics skills in your belt, you are missing a big chance to be hired by the employee. You can’t underestimate the power of learning statistics since you deal with extensive data.

You need to extract more profound insights into your data, make decisions based on this data, and make predictions.

3.1. Introduction to Statistics

This is a great course offered by Stanford University through the Coursera platform for learning the basics of statistics as a beginner. You will understand how to perform exploratory data analysis understand the principles of sampling, probability, sampling distributions, regressions, and more.

Here is the link to join this course Introduction to Statistics


That’s all in this 2024 Data Analyst RoadMap. Thanks for reading! This was the most uncomplicated roadmap for data analysts to start. You can also learn many other languages used for this field, such as R language and many python packages for data visualization such as Plotly & Folium.

Other useful Data Analysis and Visualization resources

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like this Data Analyst Developer RoadMap then please share with your friends on Twitter and Facebook.

All the best with your Data Analysis journey.

If you have any suggestion to make this 2024 Data Analysis RoadMap better, feel free to drop your note on comments.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and