The Ultimate Guide to Why Python Should Be Your Programming Language of Choice

chris evans
Published in
5 min readFeb 15, 2023


Do you know experts predicted that there will be a significant rise (almost 50% as of now) in python app development? Python is doing well in the development of cryptocurrency solutions, algorithmic trading systems, and much more. So, today in this blog, we will discuss Python, the most in-demand programming language. Let us start our discussion by understanding Python.

What is Python Programming Language?

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Python is an interpreted high-level programming language. All four features of object-oriented programming language are supported by this programming language. These are Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, classes, and objects. Classes are the defined set of objects whereas, the object is the entities that belong to the class. Python is a programming language used in machine learning and artificial intelligence to create task automation and websites.

Applications of Python:

Python in Machine Learning: In machine learning, we have PyBrain which can be used to automate complex tasks through algorithms such as Linear regression, Decision trees, and Logistic regression. Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes. These machine-learning algorithms can be used with the help of Python programming language.

Data Extraction: Python can be useful to extract useful data from the pool of data. There are some libraries in Python such as TensorFlow, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Keras, SciKit-Learn, and PyTorch that contain various methods to perform various tasks in Python. Data Extraction is one of them.

Web Application: Python can be used in the back end in creating website applications. It can be used to send and receive data from servers, communicate with a database, and process data. Some of the web applications that have used python in their development are Dropbox, Spotify, Quora, Uber, and Amazon.

Assistants: Assistants are there that help people and users to perform day-to-day activities. The three famous assistants are Alexa, Siri, and Google assistance. We can use these assistants when we need to book our online food or when we need to check our daily activities and perform many other activities. This assistance is made using the python programming language only.

Console-based applications: The console-based application can use commands to execute. Python consists of libraries that help to execute a command-line application.

Business Applications: E-commerce software is the best example of a business application. Tryton is the platform given by Python to create business applications.

Detects Online Fraud detection: Python works amazingly when it comes to detecting online fraud. Many industries such as finance and bank industries are using python to detect fraud and then cure it. Machine learning makes python and supervised learning algorithms to detect fraud and unsupervised learning algorithms to discover new types of fraud.

Web and Automation Testing: This programming language is extremely easy to learn and contains libraries that will help in automation and web testing. Python has some testing frameworks such as Pytest, Behave, Robot, PyUnit, etc. that can be used for testing your code in Python.

Cybersecurity: Python programming language has a rich set of libraries. These libraries can provide every cybersecurity solution.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: Python is so effective in automating tasks and visualization of data in data analysis and data science.

Read More: A Quick Guide to Mobile App Backend Development

Why is Python App Development so popular?

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Python is among the most favorite programming languages in the world. In this section, we cover some features of this language that will help you understand why this programming language is so popular among developers.

Easy to Learn: Python is one of the easy-to-learn languages. Several factors make this language a simple language. One of which is its syntax like how we are writing sentences in English.

High-level Language: It is a high-level language. Programmers, even beginners, can easily interpret the logic behind python programs. This feature also enables the user to find the bugs in the programs easily.

Object-oriented Language: Python is an object-oriented programming language that follows all the major features of object-oriented features. Object-oriented features are encapsulation, abstraction, classes, objects, polymorphism, and inheritance.

Open Source and Free: Python is freely available for everyone. If you want to learn the python programming language, then you can download it for free from the official website.

Python Communities: Python has one of the largest communities. Some of the python communities are PySlackers, Real Python, and Full Stack Python. These communities facilitate the growth and development of this language.

Dynamically Typed language: Python is a dynamically typed language that means the data type such as string, float, decimal, or an integer of the variable is going to be during runtime according to the value we are storing in that variable. That means we need to define the data type of any variable beforehand or while writing the code.

Why You Should Learn Python?

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Are you still confused about which programming language you should choose to develop your application? Well!! You may choose Python. Let us see why you should learn or choose this language.

It is best for Data Visualization: Promising fields such as data science and data analytics have a high demand for data visualization. Python programming language can be used to produce data visualizations easily. Python has libraries such as matplotlib, which can be used for data visualizations.

It has several Libraries: Python consists of many libraries, or we can say that python has libraries for all we need. Some of the python libraries are NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, etc. All these libraries are there to serve a different purposes.

It has Several Testing Frameworks: It comes with built-in testing frameworks. One of the best testing frameworks in Python is PyTest. Testers are using this testing framework to perform API (Application Programming Interfaces) and functional testing. Other Python testing frameworks are PyUnit, Behave and Testify, etc.


We hope you find this information relevant to Python programming language. To develop your Python-based application you must get help from a top web app development company.



chris evans

Hi! My name is Chris Evans. Currently working as a Digital Marketing Executive at, I post about Mobile Apps, Web Apps, and more.