10 Greenfield Technologies to learn in 2024 (includes blockchain, web3, solidity etc)

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9 min readSep 10, 2023

Technological advancements have ruled the world for centuries, with new innovative concepts taking the limelight in different eras. For example, telephones ruled for quite some time in the field of communication. Then came the internet, and subsequently, many applications developed over the internet.

What is the relevance of Greenfield Technology in the course of the evolution of technology? The term “Greenfield” represents a concept used for developing systems in completely new environments alongside calling for development from scratch.

Which Greenfield technologies have gained significant attention in recent times? You can find the answer in examples such as blockchain technology, IoT, smart contracts and many other revolutionary technological advancements. Let us find out the top ten Greenfield technologies you should learn in 2024 with the following post.

10 Best Emerging Technologies to Learn in 2024

The introduction of new technologies can encourage new revolutionary paradigms for user experience and the development of businesses. Tech professionals need to identify the technologies which would deliver plausible value improvements in their career development.

At the same time, businesses would seek professionals fluent in new technologies for navigating new approaches to digital transformation.

The growth of web3 technology is one of the prominent examples which validate the need for learning about innovative technologies. Here are some of the most notable Greenfield technologies you must learn in 2024.

1. Blockchain

Blockchain is a promising technology that has proved its worth beyond cryptocurrency applications. According to Gartner, blockchain would generate a business value of almost $176 billion by 2025 and around $3.1 trillion by 2030.

The average annual salary of blockchain developers is almost $140,000, which creates further interest in learning the technology. You can start learning about blockchain technology from the perspective of cryptocurrencies.

If you want to learn Blockchain in 2024, you can either join Coursera’s Blockchain Specialization or Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional by 101 Blockchains Academy, both are great certifications for Blockchain developers.

And, if you need more resources, you can also check out this list of best Blockchain certifications, free Blockchain courses, books, and best places to learn Blockchain in 2024.

2. Ethereum

The second most important Greenfield technology you should learn in 2024 is Ethereum. It is a blockchain network that offers the foundations for developing smart contracts, another crucial technology for fuelling the growth of the blockchain ecosystem.

The use of the Ethereum blockchain for creating DeFi protocols and NFTs is one of the prominent reasons to learn about Ethereum. It is the first blockchain network that introduced the ability to program smart contracts.

As a result, it has played a vital role in the expansion of the blockchain ecosystem. You can choose the Ethereum and Solidity Guide on Udemy and Ethereum Development Fundamentals courses on 101 Blockchains for specializing in Ethereum.

If you need more resources you can also check out this list of best Ethereum courses online.

3. Smart Contracts

The discussion about Ethereum draws attention toward the core element underlying web3 technology, i.e., smart contracts. Smart contracts provide decentralized control over executing transactions on blockchain networks and revise the precedents for asset ownership.

What do you need to develop smart contracts? You would need programming languages like Solidity programming and development environments such as Truffle. The importance of smart contracts in web3 is a prominent reason for learning about them and their use cases.

Learning resources such as Solidity Fundamentals and Smart Contracts Development training courses on 101 Blockchains could help you develop comprehensive skills for using smart contracts.

4. Metaverse

The developments in metaverse technology have also garnered significant levels of attention in recent times. Metaverse offers the promise of a shared and persistent virtual world with immersive 3D experiences.

The metaverse would allow users to interact with friends in real time and enjoy gaming experiences or entertainment content alongside working in virtual workspaces.

Many popular brands have recognized the potential of the metaverse as a web3 technology, and you must have noticed the same with the transition of Facebook to Meta. Facebook plans on creating around 10,000 jobs over the course of the next few years through the metaverse.

If you want to learn more, the Certified Metaverse Professional (CMP) Certification on 101 Blockchains could offer in-depth training on basic concepts and technologies underlying metaverse projects.

If you need more choices, then you can also checkout this list of best Metaverse online courses to start with.

5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

The innovative benefits of financial services with DeFi have encouraged interest in learning about DeFi. Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, has registered promising growth at the beginning of 2024, with the TVL increasing by 20%.

Lending and borrowing protocols, decentralized exchanges and many other innovative financial applications have become an integral part of DeFi. The advantages of DeFi for improving accessibility of financial services would encourage more users to adopt DeFi solutions.

You can familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of DeFi through the Introduction to DeFi Course on 101 Blockchains. Subsequently, you can improve your skills in DeFi technology through DeFi Intermediate Level Course and DeFi Security Fundamentals training course.

6. Internet of Things

The innovative developments in the domain of the Internet of Things or IoT have been revolutionary. At the same time, the possibilities for combining IoT and blockchain have created new possibilities for digital transformation.

The Internet of Things could offer the power of data, while blockchain could help in securing IoT infrastructures. Candidates aspiring for careers in IoT could use the IoT Fundamentals Course on 101 Blockchains.

On top of it, you can also learn about the synergy between blockchain and IoT through Getting Started with Blockchain and IoT. You can also find promising learning resources in the Internet of Things Intermediate Level course.

If you need more choices, you can also checkout this list of best online courses to learn IOT in 2024.

7. Hyperledger

The discussion about developing blockchain for businesses would be incomplete without referring to Hyperledger, a permissioned blockchain development platform. It helps in creating blockchain solutions restricted within the limits of an organization or private blockchains.

Candidates aspiring for the roles of blockchain developers must learn about this platform.

The Getting Started with Hyperledger Fabric, and Hyperledger Fabric Development Course are effective training resources for learning about private blockchain development.

If you need more options, you can also check out this list of best Hyperledger online courses for beginners in 2024. It includes Hyperledger courses for beginners from Udemy, Coursera, and 101 Blockchains academy.

8. Non-Fungible Tokens

Another crucial entry among Greenfield technologies you should learn in 2024 points at NFTs. The NFT Fundamentals course on 101 Blockchains could help you learn about the basic concepts underlying the functions of NFTs.

At the same time, you could learn about creating and trading NFTs alongside a detailed understanding of how they work. You can become a Non-Fungible Token Professional with in-depth knowledge regarding the mechanics of NFTs.

If you need more NFT courses, you can also checkout this list of best NFT courses as well as best places to learn NFT in 2024.

9. Decentralized Identity

The list of Greenfield technologies also points to decentralized identity. You must learn about DI ecosystem and the technologies required for activating decentralized identity.

The Decentralized Identity Fundamentals training course on 101 Blockchains offers detailed knowledge of underlying components in DI.

In addition, you can also prepare for web3 technology with a fluent understanding of verified credentials, decentralized identifiers, agents and information storage.

10. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The final addition among the popular Greenfield technologies for 2024 includes AI and machine learning in the list. Both technologies have had a transformative impact on different sectors.

Intelligent devices capable of understanding the semantics of human interaction can create a revolution in the use of technology.

On top of it, favorable career prospects for AI and ML engineers also encourage professionals to pursue training courses.

If you want to learn about AI there is no better resource then AI for Every One by Andrew Ng on Coursera, just go for it.

If you need more choices, you can also checkout this list of best AI courses for beginners in 2024.

Bottom Line

The detailed outline of every Greenfield technology in this list showcases their capability for changing how we view and use technology. In the long term, professionals with skills in new and innovative technologies are likely to have a competitive edge.

Therefore, you need to seek credible and comprehensive training resources that could prepare you for future technologies. While learning from scratch can be a difficult task, the prospects of lucrative career rewards should encourage professionals.

Find the best training resources to prepare for a career in the future of technology.

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P. S. — If you are serious about learning Blockchain technologies and looking for the best Blockchain certification to start with then this Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional from 101 Blockchains Academy is the best resource to start with. Many of my students and readers have taken this course and feedback has been awesome.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com