Top Java Development Tools To Use In 2023

8 Top Java Development Tools To Help You Stay Ahead of the Curve in 2023

Emma Cuthbert
13 min readOct 5, 2022


While businesses are moving to digital platforms to create online presence, many are still confused about how to get started? If you are also one of those searching for the best languages to get started with software development then JAVA Development Tools are here to help you.

This blog will help you learn about the top Java development tools that you can use in 2023.

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and has become increasingly popular over the past few years. There’s no sign of its popularity slowing down, either, it continues to be popular in all industries, from app development to web development.

With Java constantly growing in popularity, so do the number of software tools available to build Java applications faster and more efficiently. But which ones are worth your time? In this article, we take a look at eight Java development tools that you’ll definitely want to consider in 2023, when you’re working on your next big project.

But before you get into the details of this blog to discover top 8 java tools to be used in application development, it is worth understanding these key highlights of the blog:

  • What is Java and Why Is It So Popular?
  • What You Can Build With Java Tools?
  • Why Do Companies Trust and Prefer Using Java Programming?
  • Top 8 Java Tools That You Can Use in 2023
  • Conclusion: Where to Go Next?

Let’s get into the details of each point…

What is Java and Why Is It So Popular?

Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are many different versions of the language available, with the most recent being Java 11. The technology has been widely adopted by businesses and organizations. But what makes it so popular?

How Java Continues To be One of the Popular Enterprise Coding Languages?

As the software development industry is growing, a number of development languages come and go. But Java has maintained its position in one of the most popular languages. Before you hire app developers to start building your application, you need to understand why Java and its tools are still trending in 2023.

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The biggest highlight of Java is it was created to be an all-purpose language that could run on any type of computer or device. It can work on everything from smartphones to supercomputers and anything in between because it’s platform independent. It also has automatic memory management which means you don’t have to worry about getting rid of unneeded objects.

Java also handles security more effectively than other languages because it automatically protects against viruses, malware, and hackers. That way users can focus on their own code without having to worry about these threats constantly popping up.

What You Can Build With Java Tools?

Java tools can be used for a variety of purposes, from developing Android apps to building desktop applications.

They are versatile and cross-platform, which means that Java developers can work seamlessly with both Macs and PCs. Therefore, all you need is to hire java web developers to customize your software solution. Java is free and open-source which means the developer community is large and supportive. With Java development tools, a developer can build anything they want.

Apart, here’s what you can build with Java tools:

  • Android Applications

The Android platform has had a massive impact on app development. It’s estimated that there are over 3 million apps in Google Play Store, which have been downloaded more than 100 billion times. This huge user base is possible because developers know they can rely on libraries written with Java.

Developers have been using the Java language for the majority of the time that Android has been around. To program for the Android operating system, you must use the Android Studio — the officially authorized IDE. As Android relies on APIs and supports the use of a large number of Java libraries, you can easily write apps with Java.

  • Web Applications

Java is also well-suited for web application development, as it offers excellent tools and an integrated development environment (IDE). Additionally, developers can create modern web applications using plain Java objects and the Spring framework. Developers can use them to create web apps using plain Java objects or user interfaces (UIs) created with tools like NetBeans, Apache Flex or GWT.

Whether you want to create a new mobile app from scratch or convert an existing application into a mobile format, there are several great options available for developers that make use of Java’s platform independence.

Additionally, you can hire a dedicated development team to create a web application with many popular frameworks written in Java and offer native bindings for Android and iOS devices. For example, Android is based on Java SE 7, which means it’s compatible with existing libraries and frameworks used by enterprise apps created in traditional languages like C++.

  • Desktop Applications

In addition to developing enterprise applications and websites, Java can also be used to write applications for embedded devices and to write desktop applications. The most common use of Java is as a middleware, which provides interfaces that make it easier for programmers to build applications that connect to databases and other parts of an organization’s system.

  • Gaming App Development With Java

Java is the most popular programming language for game development. Java has been used to develop a lot of different types of games, from first person shooters like Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite to arcade style games like Jetpack Joyride and Crossy Road.

Java also supports the integration of other programming languages, making it easy to mix languages while still using one single codebase. You can use Java tools to build games on all platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and mobile devices with Android or iOS operating systems.

  • Java For Big Data

Java has emerged as the leading programming language for enterprises, especially due to the rise of big data. Java is a higher level programming language that is designed to create robust programs and services with low maintenance required. Java For Big Data supplies developers with tools that make it easy to explore large data sets through Hadoop and Spark frameworks, which can be tricky to configure on their own.

  • Java For IoT

Java is a popular programming language and the most popular for IoT. Java For IoT enables developers to build flexible, scalable, secure applications that can run on virtually any device. To leverage this tool for IoT, you can hire a web app developer. It also supports remote updates so you can push security fixes or new features over-the-air (OTA). Another important reason to use Java tools is interoperability with other technologies, like cloud services.

Why Do Companies Trust and Prefer Using Java Programming?

When it comes to developing a software application, its performance is the first priority for the businesses. But why do companies prefer using Java?

Java is used by many major banks, government agencies, and companies across all industries. It is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world and chances are you’ll need to know it at some point if you are hiring a mobile app developer. So here the few most common advantages of the Java development tools that you need to know while developing an app with Java:

  • It’s designed for programmers — The syntax of the language was designed with ease-of-use for programmers in mind from the get-go.
  • Huge library — With over 50000 packages, java provides more than enough functionality to meet any project needs.
  • Portable language — One single program written in java can run on anything from your laptop to a server hosting dozens of websites.
  • Accessible language — If you learn java well enough, there’s no other programming language out there that would be significantly more difficult for you to learn and understand.
  • Robust compiler — Java compiles fast and error free so projects can go straight into production without waiting days or weeks for compilation errors like other languages do.
  • Great support — Most operating systems come preloaded with java and it comes bundled with popular tools like Eclipse, Netbeans, and IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Threads built-in — Java has built-in support for threading which simplifies parallel programming when compared to languages without this feature.
  • Open source — Oracle doesn’t own the rights to java so anyone can make changes to the code base which leads to quicker updates between releases.
  • Easy deployment — Unlike languages where you have to set up servers beforehand, deploying java applications is simple as running a command line tool once per machine that requires access.
  • Android development — Android uses a modified version of java known as Dalvik that runs on phones and tablets instead of computers.
  • Data analysis tools — Several data analysis libraries are written in java like Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop.
  • Bigger community — When building something new, you’re not just restricted to your local community anymore because you can find developers from around the world online who know what they’re doing.

These are the few major advantages of Java that help it maintain its position. However, for many businesses the question is what is the best choice of Java development tools that you need to learn.

Top 8 Java Tools That You Can Use in 2023

If you are wondering which is the best choice of Java development tools then you can consider the survey report of Stack Overflow’s 2021. Java’s flexibility makes it popular for building multiple apps as it offers the top 8 open-source tools that help you make a high-performing app.

1. SonarQube

SonarQube is an automatic code review tool that scans code and assists programmers in writing safer and cleaner code. It integrates CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps Server, and many more.

SonarQube comes with many features that make the quality of your code better and the safety of it stronger. Such as an editor that helps make sure that you are not leaving any important mistakes behind, and a way of telling if your project is stable enough for production, the community version of SonarQube is completely free, but with some of the more advanced features and the more professional looking analysis tools you can upgrade to a commercial license.

Tool features of SonarQube

  • SonarQube is an open-source platform that provides code quality metrics, issue tracking and continuous analysis capabilities.
  • It supports various programming languages and uses a variety of testing frameworks to analyze code.
  • SonarQube can automatically detect many problems with the code including duplicated code, unused variables and methods, overused methods and more.
  • In addition, it gives you the ability to create your own rules for detecting specific problems.
  • It’s available as a hosted service so you don’t need to worry about installing or maintaining it on your own server.

2. Jenkins CI

Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration server. It automates the process of checking out code from a repository and running it through a battery of tests. Jenkins is used by many software companies to check their code on every commit.

This tool also has plug-ins that allow you to integrate with various other tools, including Sonar, which can help find problems early on so they can be fixed quickly.

Tool Features of Jenkins CI

  • Jenkins CI is a continuous integration and delivery tool that allows developers to build, test, package and deploy code.
  • The tool was originally created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi but now it has become a fully mature product supported by CloudBees.
  • Jenkins is written primarily in Java and the installation process starts by installing Oracle JDK.
  • Jenkins CI has a wide variety of features that make it one of the most popular tools used by development teams today.
  • One of the major features is its ability to report progress through web pages or email notifications which makes it easier for team members to keep track of their tasks.
  • Jenkins also monitors events like who pushed what change, when it happened, what branch it was committed on and more.

3. NetBeans

NetBeans is one of the most popular Java Development tools that runs on nearly every platform, including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and MacOS. In addition to Eclipse, it supports other programming languages like C, C++, JavaScript, etc.

The following are the key features of NetBeans:

  • For Java Swing desktop applications, it is a framework.
  • It can be used to save and load any type of data.
  • Wizard Framework supports step-by-step dialogues.
  • Integrated development tools that are open source. Powerful debugging features. Excellent IDE for developing web apps with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript
  • JavaScript debugger allows developers to debug client side code running in the browser or Node.js server side scripts remotely

4. Android Studio

It is possible to build desktop and web apps with NetBeans, but coding Android apps requires Android Studio. Based on IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio comes with Android-specific refactoring tools, Lint tools, and more.

The majority of mobile apps you use on a daily basis still use Java, even though Google has replaced Java with Kotlin as its preferred programming language for Android apps.

With Android Studio, you can compile your app, and if your app complies with Google’s developer policies, it can be published directly on the Google Play Store.

Key Features of Android Studio

  • Android Studio is an IDE for writing Android apps.
  • It provides a fully integrated development environment that allows you to write code, test the app, debug it and build Android apps all from one screen.
  • Instant Run — This is a quick way of getting instant feedback on your code changes and not having to wait for the gradle sync or a full rebuild. It can be switched off if preferred.
  • VCS Integration — Version control system integration is available for Git and Subversion repositories as well as being able to see the history of modifications to your files and ability to revert any changes if required.

5. Maven

Maven is a project management tool for Java projects and it also stores all your project’s builds, reports, and documentation in one central place. Django requires convention over configuration which means that it’s opinionated and that you need to follow its standard approach of building projects with clear guidelines.

There is another alternative to Maven called Ant. Ant is less opinionated than Maven, which makes it easier to configure. Also you can hire a web app developer to build Maven applications that run faster. As a result, developers must write all commands by themselves. Unless your project has an unusual build structure, Maven is the easier option.

Key Features to Maven

  • Faster speed leads to better performance.
  • Introduces the concept of parallel-builds.
  • The software’s error reporting improves, making it fully compatible with software from the past.
  • Specifying the parent version is unnecessary in sub-modules because it will be assumed by default.
  • Can be extracted from repositories.
  • Deliberately fast.
  • If a dependency is not found, it is downloaded automatically.
  • Every dependency and piece of build code is bundled in a Maven Specification with your own personal code.
  • Relatively simple structure.
  • You can automatically obtain Javadoc of all JARs and can execute the unit test.
  • Maintain and modularize the code.

6. IntelliJ IDEA

It is a framework built by JetBrains and it can be downloaded as an Apache2 license, or a proprietary license for business people and software developers. Jasypt is designed for code refactoring. It was written in the Java programming language and is available as an open source environment.

Key Features of IntelliJ IDEA

  • A version control system is supported.
  • Additionally, it supports other build tools such as Maven, Ant, Gradle, etc.
  • This is a simple way to perform unit testing.
  • There is a de-compiler built into it.
  • Supports Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Glassfish, and other application servers.
  • JavaScript, SQL, Scala, Groovy and other languages are supported.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are provided for editing, using Windows tools, etc.
  • As a result, it helps optimize code by finding duplications.

7. Jenkins

JavaServer Page (JSP) is used in programming and is an open source framework that was written in the Java programming language. Apache Tomcat is one of its example servlets, which can be found as a kind of Java server-based automation system. The software enables developers to find and fix coding errors and automate the process.

Key Features to Jenkins

  • A simple, user-friendly, extensible open source application.
  • It is simple to use because plugins are introduced.
  • Installation and upgrades are easy.
  • Tool that is open source and free.
  • Additionally, it supports build pipelines.
  • Easily integrates with all major tools.
  • Plug-ins of all kinds.
  • It’s easy to learn, understand, and use since it’s open source.
  • APIs are integrated into the system.

8. Gradle

Gradle is a dependency management and build automation tool that builds on the concepts of Ant and Maven. It builds in a special language that’s easy to use rather than opting for a form of text known as XML. Smaller configuration files and less clutter is often the result of minification.

A Java plugin is required to compile Java with Gradle. Most of Gradle’s functionality comes from its plugins. Its learning curve is higher if you aren’t familiar with Groovy or Kotlin, but it’s particularly useful for complex databases since it’s faster and offers advanced debugging features.

Key Features of Gradle

  • Able to adapt and respond quickly.
  • As it has support for various languages such as Java, Groovy, and Scala.
  • Allows you to use DSL, which is based on Groovy language.
  • Deep and vast API for managing tasks, projects, and dependency artifacts, etc.
  • Entirely free.
  • Automated support for dependencies and builds.
  • Migration is easy because of the way dependencies and builds work.
  • Quick and fast-paced.
  • Elegant to use and read.
  • Installs easily, has good documentation and is safe from breakage.


Java is a programming language used to develop desktop, web, and mobile applications. It has been around for over two decades and has been one of the most popular languages for application development. So if you are planning to create an application with Java tools but are unsure which tool fits your project’s needs, then you can hire an app developer to assist you.

It’s not going anywhere anytime soon as many developers are still using it to build their solutions. It will continue to grow in popularity as the demand for software continues to increase. The Java language can be compiled or interpreted, with the latter being faster than the former.

So if you have a project idea in mind and looking for an expert app development team that can help you choose the best choice of Java tool, then you can contact us or drop a query below.



Emma Cuthbert

Sr. Business Analyst — | Senior Tech Writer | Sr. IT Consultant. 11+ Years of Exp.