Why Laravel And VueJS Make A Perfect Combination For Full-Stack Development?

Emma Jhonson
Published in
9 min readJul 15, 2022

Why Laravel And VueJS Make A Perfect Combination For Full-Stack Development?

Laravel and VueJS are powerful and convenient frameworks for creating full-stack applications. Both are increasingly popular among startups, small businesses, and big enterprises because of their flexibility and efficiency.

There are many ways you can create full-stack applications with these two frameworks, but let’s look at some of the significant benefits that make this combination so helpful and widely used. So without more delay, here we go:

We will look at these topics in this blog:

  • What is Laravel?
  • A brief history of Laravel
  • What is VueJS?
  • A brief history of VueJS
  • Reason Why Laravel + VueJS Is A Great Combination For Full Stack Development
  • Wrapping Up

So let’s get started!

What Is Laravel?

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework. It’s well suited for creating dynamic websites, with many features that support developers as they work to craft a great user experience in their apps.

One feature it includes is Eloquent ORM, which simplifies database access for PHP developers by providing model objects that are automatically tied to underlying database tables. Laravel has so much more under its hood; it’s highly extensible and can be a solid foundation for any web application you plan to build.

  • Worldwide in 2022, over 37745 corporations have utilized Laravel as a Programming Framework tool.

Key Features Of Laravel

- MVC Support: Laravel supports MVC patterns, providing an excellent foundation for large application development.

- Eloquent ORM: As mentioned earlier, Laravel’s ORM makes database access much more straightforward for developers.

- Blade Templating: Blade is a powerful templating engine that allows you to write concise and expressive code.

- Artisan CLI: Laravel has a built-in command-line interface (CLI) called Artisan, which provides many helpful commands for managing your application.

- Route Model Binding: This feature helps you bind your routes to models, making retrieving data from the database easier.

Laravel has other prominent features like unit testing support, localization, and more.

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A Brief History Of Laravel

Taylor Otwell released the first stable release of Laravel in June 2011. He built it using CodeIgniter with support from Jeffrey Way’s excellent documentation on Laracasts, which has since grown into a massive resource library for learning PHP, especially when paired with Laravel.

In November 2014, news broke that Taylor would be open-sourcing his work and creating The Laravel Foundation to help sustain it as an open-source project. He also changed its license from MIT to BSD–allowing users more freedom to modify it (and profit off their modifications) if they choose.

Moreover, Taylor announced plans to create a commercial version called Laravel Enterprise for larger companies looking for additional features not included in Laravel proper.

What Is VueJS?

VueJS is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable, meaning you can easily start using it in your existing projects without a massive rewrite.

Vue is based on a virtual DOM implementation, making it incredibly fast with a minimal resource footprint. Vue seamlessly integrates with other libraries or frameworks such as React, Angular, or even jQuery. It’s also easy to learn and simple to use!

VueJS Key Features

- Virtual DOM: VueJS uses a virtual DOM to make rendering and re-rendering your app faster.

- Incremental adoption: You can start using VueJS in your existing projects without rewriting the code.

- Integration with other libraries or frameworks: VueJS plays well with others, making it easy to integrate into your existing development workflow.

- Two-way binding: VueJS offers two-way binding, making it easier to keep your data synchronized between the front-end and back-end.

VueJS also offers many other features, such as server-side rendering, component caching, animations & transitions, and more. To efficiently use VueJS features and functionalities, hire VueJS developers working in one of the best VueJS development companies.

A Brief History Of VueJS

Back in 2013, the development team at Google wanted to create a JavaScript framework that would improve on what they felt were Angular’s shortcomings‌. The goal was to create something lightweight and simple than Angular while maintaining all of its functionality.

They ended up building a new framework called Vue, which quickly grew in popularity as it was released as an open-source project on GitHub under an MIT license with complete documentation.

Since its initial release, Vue has continued to evolve, creating an extensive library of add-ons or components that you can easily integrate into your website or application from well-known providers such as Bitovi & Auth0. You can find these packages on their official package manager — Nuxtjs.

Reason Why Laravel + VueJS Is A Great Combination For Full Stack Development

You can make the Full Stack Development process much easier by using Laravel and VueJS Combination. You can also find problems while developing full-stack apps; in that case, you hire full-stack developers. They will help you form full-stack software from scratch.

Let’s ‌look at some ‌reasons ‌Laravel and VueJS work so well together as a pair for full-stack development:

1. Reactive Event-Driven Apps

In a reactive application, events are pushed to components when they occur, rather than waiting for a poll or request from a user interface. It allows you to create more responsive applications that don’t require constant data polling by your app’s components.

VueJS is an excellent framework for building reactive applications with its single-file component approach, which makes it easy to organize your code into small reusable pieces of functionality to use throughout your application.

Laravel is built around event-driven programming, making it easy to create a modular code that response efficiently when events occur in your application. Both frameworks make building reactive applications easier than ever before!

2. Single Page Application

A single page application (SPA) is an application that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates that page as needed without requiring a full refresh of your browser window.

SPAs are more user-friendly than traditional websites since they allow users to interact with your app more like they would a native mobile app. Still, they also require server-side code to handle all of those dynamic requests to work properly.

Using both Laravel and VueJS together makes it easy to build powerful SPAs that load quickly and run efficiently on any device! Both frameworks use JavaScript as their primary language, making it easy to learn if you’re already familiar with one or both of them.

With Laravel and VueJS working together, your app can be up and running quickly — and looks great. !

3. Application Security

Laravel is built with application security in mind, which means it has several built-in features that make your app more secure. These include CSRF protection, password hashing, input validation, and more!

Security is a top priority for many businesses, so it’s great to know that you can build an app on Laravel without worrying about these things from day one! With its focus on security right out of the box, Laravel makes building a secure application easier.

VueJS has built-in features that help make your app more secure by default — including its template compiler (with automatic HTML escaping) and strict mode by default.

These features work together to ensure your application is as secure as possible without worrying about it! While both frameworks do a great job of making security easier, no doubt using them together makes it easier than alone.

4. Flexible Database Access

Both Laravel and VueJS allow you to access databases easily from within your code, which means you can build web applications quickly without much-specialized knowledge about how databases work or how to connect them to your code.

Whether you want simple CRUD functionality or need complex queries, both frameworks give you easy access right out of the box. With its support for relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as NoSQL options like MongoDB, CouchDB, Redis, etc., Laravel gives you everything you need to get started; with database, programming in no time at all!

It also comes with built-in support for migrations to keep track of changes in your database schema‌. This makes it easy to maintain a clean, organized database without needing to write a lot of code from scratch!

5. Serverless Deployment

A serverless deployment is a new approach to deploying applications that removes many of the headaches involved with deploying your app to a server. With serverless deployment, you can deploy your application without worrying about setting up or maintaining servers to host it — you simply upload your code and let a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS) take care of everything else!

This makes it easy to deploy apps quickly since you don’t need an on-site server administrator or DevOps team to get started. It also helps you save money by eliminating unnecessary costs associated with running servers all day long just so your app can be online!

While both frameworks make it easy to deploy applications, using them together allows you to take advantage of their strengths when deploying your application. With Laravel’s built-in support for AWS Lambda functions and its ability to work with other services like Heroku and Digital Ocean out of the box, deploying a new application is easier than ever!

The framework gives you everything you need out of the box so that getting started is quick and painless — and then lets you focus on building great applications instead of ‌configuring servers.

6. Database Migration

You often need to work with databases to store data while building a web application. One of your critical tasks as a developer is ensuring that your database schema always stays up to date.

This can be a complex process since it requires keeping track of changes manually and updating your database accordingly — if you make any mistakes, they can cause many problems down the road!

To help prevent these issues from happening, many developers choose to use database migration tools like Flyway or Sequel Pro. These tools allow you to write scripts that will automatically update your database whenever necessary, so there’s no chance of making an error when updating it later.

With Laravel’s and VueJS ’s support for migrations, you can use these tools to help keep your database schema up to date at all times. This makes it easy to add new features or change existing ones without worrying about making mistakes!

Wrapping Up

So, if you have thought about working with a single framework throughout your project, ‌use the Laravel and Vuejs combination. They complement each other to provide a rich feature set, and all of it can be implemented in an easy-to-use fashion.

The advantages of these two technologies make it much easier to design full-stack software that offers an intuitive experience for users without having to worry about any compatibility issues between different frameworks or tools.

To make efficient and full use of both Laravel and VueJS in full-stack development, you can hire dedicated development teams from India’s best full-stack app development company. It will help you develop high-quality end-to-end solutions at an affordable cost.



Emma Jhonson

I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at www.ValueCoders.com