The ‘Great Crypto Inquisition’

Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis
5 min readFeb 12, 2019

In Cryptocurrency We Trust!

Why should anyone care about cryptocurrency?

That, is the question. For me, it matters because it represents “freedom money” for me and those I care about. The thought of the people having options other than banks has gotten the bankers scared to death. Since the banks own the governments, we see an unreasonable amount of “regulation” being thrown around, in the name of “protecting citizens”, “preventing terrorism”, and “preventing drug money laundering.”

Perhaps the last one has some merit for the IRS, because they want their tax dollars; but it’s less about the drugs and more about the money.

Through this experience of launching a crypto-focused startup; I have seen, first-hand, the lengths that the governments and the banks will go, to oppress disruptive startups that are not controlled by them and their buddies.

If you are not a “born into money and well-connected” sell-out, then you are unlikely to be “chosen” to be hailed as a “genius” for whatever “next great thing” THEY want to push on the populous. Don’t fall for it.

People only remember what the media tells them. Sure, OK, people. Go buy the stocks THEY tell you to buy. Be sure to HOLD them forever. Good luck with that. It’s ironic that those same people will berate cryptocurrency enthusiasts for holding their crypto. It’s all the same. It all operates on the principles of faith. Yes, even crypto is FIAT, by definition. The difference is that I lost my faith in the establishment, and its currencies, a long time ago.

I quickly gained more faith in something I knew little about! This is why I bought my first 33 bitcoin back in 2012. I had no idea if it was real, but I learned its potential rather quickly. Then, I knew what I had to do…

I’m not going to call out any specific banks, because nearly all USA-based banks and payment services have shunned me or cost me significant money, over the years. Most foreign banks have shunned me, only out of fear of United States repercussion. This has been a growing concern for me since I launched Javvy, poised to become the big financial services disruptor. I guess it’s to be expected for the incumbents to put every obstacle in place that they can, but the people of the world need to support Javvy.

Otherwise, the existing, broken banking system is all that people will ever know. Cryptocurrency will lose its purpose and fall away into obscurity as a curiosity of the times. However, with the right team behind the move to make cryptocurrency easy to use and fending off the over-regulation; we can have a much better future that balances the power currently wielded by banks.

Below are just a very few of the reasons why I love crypto. Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t become a victim of failing to see and break your chains!

Had JUST COMPLETED the ridiculous (3-month long!) certification a couple of months before!
Refusing to let them invade your privacy with their over-reaching requests, leads to this… why bother?
What a totally RANDOM coincidence that my PERSONAL crypto account (not linked to the other institutional account) was closed just TWO minutes later!! 🙄 They locked all my funds for 60-DAYS, folks!!
The “Great Crypto Inquisition” has begun. Why bother with these lame excuses for exchanges?
Fighting back and refusing to BOW DOWN leads to this… Harassment, anyone?
Even the other “financial disruptors” go on their witch-hunts… 😒🤨🙄

I have been harassed by the traditional banks often, questioned on CASH withdrawals, international transfers, always had my fraud claims denied (having the banks find in favor of the defrauders!), and asked to come in to the bank with two forms of ID to prove my identity and “answer questions.” This has been an on-going thing for nearly a DECADE. One would think that each bank would only have me do this once, but I’ve had to re-verify myself and provide an unreasonable amount of documentation on numerous occasions, with nearly every bank I’ve used, multiple times per year! However, I did not begin cataloging the harassment until recently. Just know that it’s getting worse, though. The legacy system is broken. WE must fix it.

Illegal goods? Crypto is not, and has not, ever, been illegal in the US, to my knowledge… 🙄
Medium uses Stripe exclusively, so we even get cork-blorked there… 🙄

Some concerned people cautioned me not to go public with the egregious harassment I’ve endured over the DECADES, but being silent only gives the harassers power. This is the time of “me too” movements. Speak up! Join in!

Clap, if you want to truly be FREE! 👏

What am I doing with “Freedom Money?”
Everyone interested in crypto knows that no truly easy way to buy, sell, and manage all major cryptocurrencies within a simple, secure application exists yet. I have had twelve(12) exchange accounts and seven(7) wallets to do what I need in crypto! It seems hard to believe that nobody has come out with a usable solution in almost a decade, but there are agendas and reasons why that is true. Many have claimed to be working on a solution, but dig deeper and see that they are all vaporware or raised money and never delivered. However, Javvy has a solid, qualified team (we put ourselves out there!) that is pioneering the way forward to deliver the first truly easy solution.

Check Javvy out at:

Originally published at on February 12, 2019.



Brandon Elliott
Javvy Crypto Analysis

Javvy is the Exchange + Wallet you've been waiting on! Buy, sell, convert, use & manage all major cryptocurrencies in a single, powerful, intuitive wallet.