
Circumstances Pt. 2

This is a continuation of my post on Circumstances from a few days ago.

In my last post I talked about the opportunity we have to choose joy in all circumstances. Today I want to talk about another opportunity we have. The opportunity to change our circumstances.

A Kingdom Parable

Yesterday I went to the first Foundations of Freedom class at Gateway. It’s a familiar class for me, I’ve been a hand-full of times and read the story in Bob Hamp’s book a hand-full more.

The thing I love about that story is that I get something new from it every time.

Eating My Way Away From God

I read an interesting post on Facebook today by Don Miller. He was talking about the 3 sins that tempt him most. I admire his vulnerability to open up like that to Facebook, but more so to open up like that to himself. It was a short simple post, but it really got me thinking. I…