Event to event. Hectic. Fast-paced. Schedule conflicts. Pack it all in. Tired. Running on empty.
Resting. Slowing down. Contemplation.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to have margin in my life for the last few months…
You don’t learn life lessons from the happiest place on earth, you learn them through the tribulations and pains we all go through.
Today, we drove through Sacramento heading to Fresno (yes, it’s hot) and it’s been about a year since we last did traveled to…
Odd way of phrasing it, I know. While it’s helpful to know what Support is, it’s also helpful to know what it is not.
This may feel a little dark — but stay with me because I believe it’s worth it. Whatever you do in life, remember that we follow, obey, seek after…
I believe in a better world. I believe in helping people, whether that’s to maximize their potential (e.g., personal trainer) or as a healing process (e.g., therapy). We live in community and need each other. I…
We simply moved to a different floor. Same building. Same people.
Different outlook on the day.
That’s all it took. I saw the day, the work, the responsibilities in a new light. But sometimes we’re not always so fortunate to…
A friend of mine was chatting with me about fears and struggles in life — how these are a part of us, each and every day. Fear of loss of friendship, family, money, possessions, confidence —we have many fears. Struggles: we don’t see the way through, we don’t have enough, we can’t complete…
The god of efficiency. I’ve worshiped at this altar for years. You, likely, have also. Efficiency is good. It is valid and important, but it’s not the end. We can breed horses to be faster, but why not build a car instead?
Another way of asking that question is, “What drives you?” and “What motivates you?”
I’ve witnessed in my own life — and the lives of many, many others — that when we find what brings us true joy and fulfillment…it’s a splendid union of happiness and purpose. Over…
You can see those people that want to keep their mind sharp, and others that just slowly fade…
When disappointments strike, it’s often true what doesn’t kill you will make you…