iOS Dev Setup: Essential (to me) apps and utilities

Jen Hamilton
I, Developer
Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2017


A short(ish) and sweet list of applications that I use on a regular basis for iOS development and regular life. I’m open to trying new or alternative applications as I come across them, but have found that these are the apps that I continue to rely upon to create an efficient and effective work environment.

This post is part of an ongoing series on setting up an iOS development environment.

  • Alfred — Alfred is a productivity app for MacOS that streamlines app launching, searching, hot keys and text expansion (free, upgradable for Powerpack)
  • AppCleaner — Utility for cleanly and safely removing Mac applications completely. Essential if you don’t want to have to hunt down leftover files in your Library (free)
  • CarbonCopy Cloner — Part of my BDR strategy, CCC can create a regularly scheduled bootable clone of your hard drive. This means that if your computer dies or disappears, you can boot up a hard drive and get right back to work. I consider this absolutely essential for being prepared for emergencies and worst-case scenarios. ($40, 30-day free trial)
  • Charles Proxy — Very useful utility for watching network calls and responses. (free trial, $50 for single user)
  • CheatSheet — A small utility that shows you keyboard shortcuts for most MacOS apps.
  • Dashlane — There are several excellent password managers out there, but my preference is for Dashlane. While they have a free…

