No One True Way: My iOS Dev setup

Jen Hamilton
I, Developer
Published in
1 min readFeb 4, 2017

I have a series of upcoming posts on how I set up my preferred development environment as an iOS dev. There really is no One True Way to do this, so feel free to cherry pick any pieces that might make your life a little easier.

This post serves as a “table of contents” for the series. As the posts are published, links will be added here.

  1. Essential (to me) programs and utilities
  2. Clean it, prep it: homebrew, rvm, npm
  3. Sublime Text
  4. Customize your terminal with iTerm, zsh, Prezto, and Powerlevel9k
  5. Git in all its glory: git, gitconfig, gitignore
  6. Xcode
  7. Backup and disaster recovery (BDR)

