Go to Jewish Socialism
Jewish Socialism
Blog Posts, articles and statements from the Jewish Solidarity Caucus and its members.
Note from the editor

Blog Posts, articles and statements from the Jewish Solidarity Caucus and its members.

Go to the profile of Jewish Solidarity Caucus
Jewish Solidarity Caucus
We are an informal group of Jews organizing with DSA | Get involved, email: jewishsolidaritycaucus@gmail.com | Mailing list: http://bit.ly/2uHDrDs
Go to the profile of Lane S and Ben M
Go to the profile of Emily Lever
Emily Lever
overhyped for cuteness; clear and relatable attitude problem | words @ Jezebel, Bookforum, NYMag, Esquire, the Awl, Africa Is A Country, Popula, etc
Go to the profile of Eli
Street medic. Cool Jew. Will work for socialism.
Go to the profile of DSA-LA Jewish Solidarity Caucus