Nikki Haley Is Delusional

If Nikki Haley is betting that she’ll check Donald Trump in New Hampshire, she’s completely nuts. Going full MAGA would in the state will be a total disaster for her by easily crushing her credibility.

Nothing Is Safe For Us With Donald Trump

The fact that Donald Trump will be about to return back into The White House in 2025 is truly a cause for alarm just by the fact that The Democrats have no one strong enough to fend that off. This, as like we have seen all these years, is all due to the party…

Why We Need To Keep An Eye On Kyrsten Sinema

It really shouldn’t surprise anyone that Kyrsten Sinema has a much bigger political ambition than she’s letting on. While the media isn’t saying so, if you look carefully at her moves so far, it’s giving off the impression that she’s seeking higher…

Why Millennials should ignore The Democrats’ scare tactics regarding the Republicans.

Over the next several weeks, there is going to be a big push by the DNC to scare Millennials into submission. If you’re a Millennial like I am, heed this advice: IGNORE IT! These are…

Watching the NRA attack America’s youth

There’s nothing more aggravating than watching the NRA attacking America’s youth for standing up for ending the cycle of mass shootings. This is insane that the NRA is championing more mass shootings in schools. The youth are our future, and they shouldn’t be…

New Troubles For Democrats If They Nominate Hillary

One can watch the ongoing circular firing squad taking place amongst the Democrats and safely draw the conclusion that their scheme to nominate Hillary Clinton is falling apart. Three new developments just took place regarding Hillary’s…

Hillary crossing the line with Bernie

Hillary Clinton really crossed the line when it came to juxtaposing Bernie Sanders’ record on guns to the tragedy in Sandy Hook. That’s the biggest hail mary in the world of political campaigns and it makes her look rather foolish. The fact is that Bernie is not…

I find it odd that the Republicans are continuing to double down on their failed platform of racism and bigotry while trying to paint Donald Trump (correctly) as being an outlier. While it’s true that the Donald is the only outlier in the sense that he’s campaigning as a populist on overt racism & bigotry, he’s not the main cause of all the volatile…

Based on what I’ve read on, it’s fairly obvious why Donald Trump’s top polling numbers are starting to dwindle, and Ted Cruz’s are starting to climb. It’s that the RNC thinks they’ve found a strategy that will stick in denying Trump the nomination. Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but call this a hunch, it’ll possibly and…

Allowing the Republicans to claim back The White House is a dangerous proposal as their presidential candidates are basically saying they’re not going to bother governing. It’s almost a complete repeat of the sheer incompetence of the George W. Bush Administration.

Even though Hillary Clinton is leading in the delegate count at the moment, she’s pretty much hit a plateau at this point in terms of voting groups. Her base is not going to expand much as Bernie Sanders is cutting into it.

His base continues to expand, and while he’s not the odds-on favorite to win in Ohio & both Michigan and Florida, he’s been closing the gap in those states.