I moved back to http://www.jinweijie.com because:
If you want to keep the old Vue Cli 2 after upgrading to Vue Cli 3, just need to install the following package:
npm install -g @vue/cli-init
Hope it helps.
Vue Cli 3 is officially released so it’s a great time to upgrade because it brings a bunch of new features like plugin system, hiding the complexity of webpack and the very nice UI for the Cli. It make the Vue development experience even more fun.
A generic Entity Framework repository pattern implementation.
Sample for custom pagination using Dapper. Supporting sorting + criteria + pagination.
1. You need to have Chinese font on the printer, use Zebra font downloader application to install.
2. The is a sample code to print Chinese characters:
I searched the web seems no answer for this topic, so i create a style to hide the button:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type mui:ModernButton}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="Command" Value="NavigationCommands.BrowseBack">…
Mantis is a great issue tracking system. But you may encounter some difficulties when you try to run it on Microsoft sql server and with Unicode(like my scenario, Chinese).
By default, it will stop after each module when you studying on Pluralsight. If you want to save the mouse click to automatically view the next module. You can use the following methods.
If you have Boot to VHD VM (which leverage all your hardware) and want to convert it to a VMWare virtual machine, please follow the steps: