Go to Job Hopper Times
Job Hopper Times
Looking for a job? Or have a job? Then Job Hopper Times is the publication for you!
Note from the editor

Looking for a job? Or have a job? Then Job Hopper Times is the publication for you!

Go to the profile of Christina Szeman
Christina Szeman
Christina is a writer, podcaster, and copywriter. She has been writing for over 15 years. She just started two new publications on Medium.
Go to the profile of Donna M. Jennings
Donna M. Jennings
My over 25 year career has been as a Programmer/Analyst, and I love to write. I try to combine the two when I can. “You can make anything by writing”—C.S. Lewis
Go to the profile of Isobel Tynan
Isobel Tynan
I talk about social capital and how to build networks | Effective Consulting and Trusted Advisor Relationships | Corporate Trainer, Coach, University Lecturer |
Go to the profile of Starlet Reid
Starlet Reid
Mom, Young Adult Author, Former Middle School Teacher. Age Enthusiast. I write about all the things I just mentioned and more https://starletreid.com/ .
Go to the profile of Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Freelance marketer and writer of various things for clients.
Go to the profile of Graham D. Cooke
Graham D. Cooke
Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”medium.com/@graham.cooke.cts/about"
Go to the profile of Rae Lynn Sommers
Rae Lynn Sommers
Living, working, writing, dreaming, walking, down-dogging and trying to figure shit out in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Go to the profile of Laurence
I love sharing my knowledge and ideas about digital marketing, productivity, and making money online. I'm open to work, email me at business@marklaurence.net
Go to the profile of Debra Davis
Debra Davis
I have been writing for a very long time, ever since I was in the 4th grade, when poetry was introduced to me.