The First Job Hopper Times Newsletter!!

Christina Szeman
Job Hopper Times
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1 min readSep 19, 2022


Featuring: “The Job Search — Then and Now” by Donna Jennings.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Very First Issue of The Job Hopper Times

When I created this new publication, I was hoping to get a lot of stories from writers. Boy, I was wrong.

However, now this publication has gotten its very first article. This one is from Donna Jenning’s and it’s called Job Search — Then And Now. I get what she’s saying. Because between 1990s and now it has changed. Here is the link to that story for you to enjoy:

I do encourage all of you out there to submit your own employment (Or unemployment) stories to this publication. How you do that is through reading the submission guidelines here:

Like my other publication newsletter, this one is going to be slow at first. I am hoping to get more and writers into this one as we go along. I am sure that there are plenty of great employment or unemployment stories waiting to be written.



Christina Szeman
Job Hopper Times

Christina is a writer, podcaster, and copywriter. She has been writing for over 15 years. She just started two new publications on Medium.