Go to Jobseeker Journeys
Jobseeker Journeys
This is the Medium blog for Albert’s List, a job search marketplace on Facebook connecting recruiters, job seekers, career service providers, and people with the power of referral. These are the stories around the daily experience of job hunting.
Note from the editor

This is the Medium blog for Albert’s List, a job search marketplace on Facebook connecting recruiters, job seekers, career service providers, and people with the power of referral. These are the stories around the daily experience of job hunting.

Go to the profile of Albert Qian
Albert Qian
Technology Marketer, Silicon Valley Native, and Occasional Asian-American Social Commentator. Connect with me at linkedin.com/in/albertqian
Go to the profile of Salina Mendoza
Salina Mendoza
Product Leader and Abstract Geometric Artist. Prev built @wegreenlight, @dreamitalive, @gen_110/@repowertalent brands. Dell Scholar. Obsessed with basketball.
Go to the profile of Dominick Finetti
Dominick Finetti
Marketing Intern [LPU] | Social Media Intern [Adaptive] | Publicity / Public Relations Assistant [SoA] | DJ / Host [KCSC]
Go to the profile of Amy McCloskey Tobin
Amy McCloskey Tobin
Writer. Editor. Content Strategist. Realtor. I heart @RedSox and heavy doses of Sarcasm. www.amymtobin.com
Go to the profile of Amy McCloskey Tobin
Go to the profile of Joe Cardillo
Joe Cardillo
Opinions my own until the bear/dolphin takeover of 2022. I dig data, design, marketing, culture, journalism, rocanrol.
Go to the profile of Aditi Ramesh
Aditi Ramesh
wired & dangerous