Introduction to the Joshua J Morley IoT Publication

Joshua J Morley GAICD
Joshua J Morley IoT
4 min readFeb 2, 2022

‘Welcome reader!

My name is Josh and I’m an Australian national technology director focused on Smart Industry and emerging tech solutions utilizing technologies including the Internet of Things and Digital Twins.

Over the coming 12 months (and beyond!) I will be documenting and sharing experiences, thoughts and instructions to help upskill people interested in the field and nurture curiosity and innovation as I strongly believe:

Innovation is just creativity applied with technology — Joshua J Morley

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My content will be touching on a wide range of topics in any of these (plus more) fields:

  1. Internet of Things
  2. Digital Twins
  3. Cyber Security
  4. Machine Learning (Including Deep Learning, CNN’s GAN’s and other Neural Networks)
  5. Cloud data engineering
  6. Web 3.0 (AI, Blockchain, Crypto, IoT, Metaverse, DAO’s)
  7. Ethical and sustainable technology

I will share the information about these topics by publishing 4 types of content on the “Josh Morley IoT” publication:

1: A 12 part series for building a Digital Twin of your home

2: Articles covering various topics relating to emerging technologies and smart industry

3: Short (Bite-Sized) pieces that provide easy to digest tips (such as easy to follow cyber security advice for non technical people!)

4: Long, in-depth technical deep dives with explanation of a technology, implementation demo’s and suggestions for practicing the skills yourself

The following sections describe the articles and series’ in more details, including specific topics I’ll be covering.

Please follow my profile to be updated when I upload new content!

I am doing this writing in my own time and of my own cost.

So any support you can offer is humbly appreciated! Claps, Comments and follows all tell Medium you’ve enjoyed the content (or that have your own experiences that demonstrate my knowledge to be false!)

Section 1: Digital Twins and the Home of the Future

This series seeks to provide easy to follow steps for ‘do it yourself’ Digital Twin creation, as well as to provide information on various facets of emerging technologies that will become commonplace in the technological future.

The pieces will roughly be broken down to cover off the following topics:

  1. What is a Digital Twin? Digital Twins and the ‘home of the future’
  2. Hardware, Sensors and the Internet of Things
  3. Initial Cloud Infrastructure. Landing and storing data for your Digital Twin
  4. Capturing temperature in different zones of your house.
  5. Detecting soil moisture content for your garden
  6. Transforming data storage to a Digital Twin in the Cloud (Both AWS and Azure)
  7. Automated garden watering and remote watering through your Digital Twin
  8. NFC Automation
  9. House power consumption monitoring with your Digital Twin
  10. Using the Digital Twin to run simulations for air-con analytics
  11. Automation of air-conditioning from Digital Twin simulations
  12. The future of the smart houses (and what the next 12 articles will look like!)

Each entry in the series will include detailed instructions, explanations, images and links to products used (I am hoping to use affiliate links to make some money back from my investment!). These pieces will likely be longer in length, with the idea that reading them will take 10–20 mins but participating and deploying the described methods could take hours!

Section 2: Medium length articles with information, experiences and thoughts.

My second lot of articles will be on a range of topics relating to emerging technology, smart industry and the technology sector in general! The articles will range from non technical to deeply technical, but will be marked as such. These pieces will be medium length and will likely take between 5 and 20 mins to read. Some topics I have already begun writing are:

  1. Ethical considerations of Computer Vision
  2. The productive (and destructive) power of the Internet of Things (IoT)
  3. Web3.0: Security considerations and implications
  4. Managing incidents and removing human faults/vulnerabilities through device management and CI/CD in IoT
  5. The Mirai botnet and how it changed the perception of the Internet of Things

3: Short bite-sized pieces that provide easy to digest tips

In a recent interview for an upcoming whitepaper, I was describing steps a technology layperson may follow to be cyber-safe. I had the realization that articulating a set of reference steps wasn't highly complicated and that we could help our friends, family and colleagues to be protected, or to better understand a confusing technology or concept through these short pieces.

These pieces will be focused on explaining complex concepts in a simple manner, or easy to save and remember steps for things such as protecting yourself against text scams or how does simulation differ from prediction?

4: Long, in-depth technical deep dives

These articles will be instructional and in-depth. They will be complete guides to getting started with a technology and usually include walkthrough style demo’s and replication steps, with the expectation the user follows along and implements as they read. These articles could take hours to complete. Currently I have 2 articles planned for this style.

  1. A technical deep dive into AWS IoT and TwinMaker.
  2. A technical deep dive into Azure IoT and Azure Digital Twins
  3. A technical and foundational deep dive into Computer Vision with Azure Cognitive Services


Overall I believe this blog will be a goldmine of information for technology interested minds and are really excited about sharing some of this information with the world.

I ask again, please do follow me as both a mechanism of receiving new work I put out, but also to support my efforts on this journey.

Thank you and best regards,



Joshua J Morley GAICD
Joshua J Morley IoT

Global Head of Artificial Intelligence, Data & Analytics (ADA), Distinguished Lecturer ADA, IoT, Immersive Technologies & Web3.0. NFP Non Executive Director.