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Royhan Fawwaz
Published in
2 min read20 hours ago


Many people wish they could go back to the past to change the mistakes they made. They regret the choices they made. Regret always haunts them. Worse, sometimes they take out all their regrets on their closest people.

The past is our memory. We were faced with many choices in our past. At that time, we chose what we believed was right. However, time has shown that the choices we made were wrong. So, is it necessary to regret our choices?

The choices we made back then were the result of our knowledge, understanding, and analysis at that time. Now, being able to judge them as wrong is a sign that we have grown and leveled up. It means we are no longer ignorant. We should be grateful for realizing this now. It means we can correct it again. Start now! Instead of lamenting the past and blaming ourselves.

If we want to go back to the past to correct our mistakes, we will only find ourselves alone, with no one else, no friends, no family. Everyone else doesn’t want to go back to the past. They are already busy with the wealth they have in the present. They have already succeeded. They don’t want to go back to their tiring days, their struggles, their wounds. Because now they are successful after overcoming many obstacles.

Realizing our mistakes means we still have the opportunity to fix them. Only fools keep blaming themselves without making any improvements. We just need to improve ourselves right now. Not waiting for the right time, not waiting for the right moment, and not shifting the burden onto others.

