How to Maximize Your Exposure on Medium

After you click publish

Darryl Brooks
Journal of Journeys
5 min readMay 5, 2020


You want people to read your articles on Medium, right?

I know I do. That’s why I’ve read all the great tips by Shaunta Grimes and Tom Kuegler and follow Better Marketing and Medium Blogging, religiously.

And they’ve all given me expert advice.

How to craft an impressive title (How was this one?).

How to pick the right image, (I really liked this one with ducks in a row).

How to choose and pitch the right publication (I still get that one wrong).

How to format your articles and all the other stuff you need to do before you publish.

What’s next?

But what about after you click that button, or the publication lets you know your article is online?

You sit back and watch that Views column spin out of control, right?

Wrong. Before you work on that next great masterpiece, spend a few minutes pushing this one down the road.

Medium does a superb job of marketing, and if yours is in a publication, the publisher can help as well.

But it’s your work. Take ownership and get as much exposure as possible. The more people that see your…



Darryl Brooks
Journal of Journeys

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons